The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

The same party that wants the popular vote to decide which party nominee wins the White House, doesn’t want to use the popular vote to determine who their party’s nominee is

Let that sink In
Already addressed, and destroyed.

Try again.

Oh, you already fled from these facts. But they don't change just because you ran. Its EXACTLY the same process when any candidate drops out and endorses another candidate. Be it 50 delegates, 500, or 2500.

Ignore and play-pretend if you like. But the process remains the same. And happens in every convention, every primary.
The point is simply to highlight your parties hypocrisy.

In reality the whole "democracy" thingy is a mirage to begin with.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Kamala is coming for Trump.

The prosecutor vs the sex abuser/convicted felon:

"I prosecuted sex predators. Trump is one."

"I shut down for-profit scam colleges. He ran one."

" I held big banks accountable. He's owned by them."

" I'm not just prepared to take on Trump, I'm prepared to beat him." -

Kamala Harris
The same party that wants the popular vote to decide which party nominee wins the White House, doesn’t want to use the popular vote to determine who their party’s nominee is

Let that sink In
The voices of the Democratic Party have been heard thru 250+ million dollars in donations. And money is political speech.
The same party that wants the popular vote to decide which party nominee wins the White House, doesn’t want to use the popular vote to determine who their party’s nominee is

Let that sink In

Same ilk that called for an end of voting before the votes had been counted...

... called for the termination of the constitution and all voting rules with Trump just appointed President..

... the same ilk who threatened secretaries of state to 'find' more votes...

... who forged fraudulent certificates of ascertainment...

...who tried to disenfranchise MILLIONS of American voters by having their votes thrown out....

....who tried to overturn a lawful election....

...who attacked the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power...

Want to play-pretend that they give a fiddler's fuck about voting now?

Republicans are now all about "direct democracy?"

"Nation's election system?"
wtf is that?

Help is on the way!

The DNC will go by their own rules come the convention. State delegates will not be arguing GOP/MAGA talking points.


To show how moronic and dumb MAGA opinions here are -- one lesson:

Through party primary elections across the US, people send delegates to go to a party convention to select a nominee?


You people are too funny

move on

this is a losing argument

View attachment 984075

Uhm. First you people say America is not a democracy. Then you claim Biden was a threat to America and democracy. Now you claim...

VP Harris has been installed? Really? She's still merely the VP and she is a leading candidate to receive her party's nomination.
The same party that wants the popular vote to decide which party nominee wins the White House, doesn’t want to use the popular vote to determine who their party’s nominee is

Let that sink In

But To show how moronic and dumb MAGA opinions here are -- one lesson:

Through party primary elections across the US, people send delegates to go to a party convention to select a nominee?


You people are too funny

move on

this is a losing argument
Again, candidates dropping out and endorsing another candidates happens EVERY primary. It happened in the GOP primary last week.

Were Haley's primary voters 'disenfranchised'? Laughing...if so, why didn't y'all start shitting your little panties when this happened?

Try again, sweetie. Think hard.
And again, you are a loser, backing a loser.

No matter what, she will lose, and you will remain a loser.
The voices of the Democratic Party have been heard thru 250+ million dollars in donations. And money is political speech.
Well we know none of that came from you or any of the idiots that post here but the one percent that runs your party
A horse is an animal
a mouse is an animal

therefore, a horse and a mouse must be the same.

Its the exact same process for a candidate dropping out and endorsing another that we've seen in every primary, every convention. Including the GOP's just last week with Haley releasing her delegates to vote for Trump.

If its 'disenfranchisement' this week, it woulda been 'disenfranchisement' last week.

It wasn't then either.

But To show how moronic and dumb MAGA opinions here are -- one lesson:

Through party primary elections across the US, people send delegates to go to a party convention to select a nominee?


You people are too funny

move on

this is a losing argument
I know you won’t let it sink in
Same ilk that called for an end of voting before the votes had been counted...

... called for the termination of the constitution and all voting rules with Trump just appointed President..

... the same ilk who threatened secretaries of state to 'find' more votes...

... who forged fraudulent certificates of ascertainment...

...who tried to disenfranchise MILLIONS of American voters by having their votes thrown out....

....who tried to overturn a lawful election....

...who attacked the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power...

Want to play-pretend that they give a fiddler's fuck about voting now?
If making things up makes you feel better about yourself then go ahead

What I posted was reality
I know you won’t let it sink in

I support the electoral college system. I also support the amendment that opened the way for the popular election of the upper chamber.

I support the US Constitution as a pretty good document, flaws and all.

I think our system of government is doing just fine. I think the process of governing, which the major parties and the US House and US Senate control, is in trouble.

Money and power corrupts, but only people vote. When we abrogate our duty to be involved in the process of elections and governing we cede authority to money and an Oligarchy.

The system is fine, the process has been corrupted.

I support the electoral college system. I also support the amendment that opened the way for the popular election of the upper chamber.

I support the US Constitution as a pretty good document, flaws and all.

I think our system of government is doing just fine. I think the process of governing, which the major parties and the US House and US Senate control, is in trouble.

Money and power corrupts, but only people vote. When we abrogate our duty to be involved in the process of elections and governing we cede authority to money and an Oligarchy.

The system is fine, the process has been corrupted.
Yep, so you agreee the dnc needs to have a primary again
Yep, so you agreee the dnc needs to have a primary again

How does your mind arrive at such imbecilities? It's about the Convention stupid.


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