Laura Loomer Cheers Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s Death in Racist Rant

Tell me Struth what do you think of the words of racist Laura?
She gave her opinion, big deal. Why is she supposed to pretend she respected that woman, just because she died? She could have waited a day, but I really could care less what people say. I see people all the time say horrible things about prominent Republicans when they die. It's not like it's unheard of.

BTW, what did she say that was racist?

Is it true that Sheila Jackson Lee spent her last few hours on earth trash talking Trump?
She gave her opinion, big deal. Why is she supposed to pretend she respected that woman, just because she died? She could have waited a day, but I really could care less what people say. I see people all the time say horrible things about prominent Republicans when they die. It's not like it's unheard of.

BTW, what did she say that was racist?

Is it true that Sheila Jackson Lee spent her last few hours on earth trash talking Trump?
What is Lisa Looper accomplished in her life other than being just another white stupid bitch
Laura Loomer, a white nationalist and Donald Trump’s one-time favored pick for a campaign role, sparked outrage on social media by metaphorically dancing on a Black Congresswoman’s grave.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), a progressive voice in Congress who fought for civil and women’s rights, died Friday evening at 74, shortly after she announced she was battling pancreatic cancer.

“Even on her death bed, this ghetto bitch couldn’t keep President Trump’s name out of her disgusting mouth,” the conservative TV host wrote in a series of posts on X. Loomer initially reposted one of Jackson’s last posts; a July 20 comment criticizing the former president.

“Sheila Jackson Lee will be remembered as a destructive force in America and one of the most low IQ members of Congress in the history of our nation.”
“These are the words of a rabid racist who represents everything that is rancid and rotten about the far right,” Torres wrote on X. “There is a special place in hell for Laura Loomer.”

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) piled onto the debate, writing simply, “I don’t think ‘heaven bound’ people tweet things like this.”

Loomer doubled down on her remarks Saturday afternoon, adding curtly: “I meant every word I said,” and “everything I said about Sheila Jackson Lee is true.”

Let's see how many right wingers, conservatives, republicans, etc. agree with this stupid, racist tramp.

Is this what politics has really come to in this country?
She was wrong to call Jackson Lee a "ghetto bitch."

Your point?
Well, apparently THIS is what occupied her mind during her last hours. Sad to be so consumed with hate

I have no idea what Donald Trump was talking about last night. For more than an hour, he rambled and lied. He is unfit for the Presidency! Now, my friends, is the time to focus on beating him and his Project 2025 monstrosity. Enough is enough!

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