Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

Liar. I have made it very clear that I oppose GOV'T IMPOSED RENT CONTROL. Now run along you commie bitch.
If being a "commie" is being anti-business, there is no one in this forum more that way than YOU - and you heve more than proved it in this thread.

If guys with your frame of mind ruled this country, there would be no businesses left here, period - and we are actually headed that way right now with millions of businesses suffering major decline (many closed down), because of the reckless lunacy (out of control skyrocketing housing rents) you support.

Looks like you know nothing about owning/running a business. I've been a business owner since the 1980's. #1 - we are dependent upon there being a substantial amount of disposable income in the community to buy wht we sell. You are in favor of reducing, if not eliminating, that. You are a menace to 112 million renters, 100 million business owners/stockholders, and to America. And you are right in stride with the Democrats, and Joe Biden's unbridled inflation. You are part of that.

And Toddsterpatriot is just as UnAmerican and anti-business gooney as you are.
Liar. I have made it very clear that I oppose GOV'T IMPOSED RENT CONTROL. Now run along you commie bitch.
And by opposing that govt imposed rent control, you are squarely opposing 99.99% of all the businesses in America. You can't escape from that fact, & your silly name calling doesn't change a thing. 😐
Now YOU "run along" and think about that (hard).
For all those who, ideology trauamatized, have difficulty putting things in perspective, allow me to provide this brief tutorial about ideology in the USA.

The US is a combination of capitalism and socialism. It is far more capitalism than socialism, but where the little bits of socialism are inserted, they work well to keep the capitalism part from running amuk, and destroying the whole capitalist system entirely, which is exactly what is happening now.

As the owner of 2 businesses, I am experiencing this firsthand, in addition to seeing millions of US businesses having their sales reduced severely, and many gone out of business entirely (ex. Sam Ash Music closed down after 100 years of successful operation).

Ideology talk may sound cool at first, but it doesnt always fly in the real world of actually being in business, and being dependent on disposable income among the potential customers, and when something happens to interfere with that foundation, specialized remedy is required.

I disagree with about 99% of what Joe Biden has done in his disastrous 3.5 years of his stolen presidency. But his proposal to insert a 5% cap on housing rent increases is the first good thing I've seen him do, and I'm not going to disparage it just because I'm a Republican, and Trump supporter.
For all those who, ideology trauamatized, have difficulty putting things in perspective, allow me to provide this brief tutorial about ideology in the USA.

The US is a combination of capitalism and socialism. It is far more capitalism than socialism, but where the little bits of socialism are inserted, they work well to keep the capitalism part from running amuk, and destroying the whole capitalist system entirely, which is exactly what is happening now.

As the owner of 2 businesses, I am experiencing this firsthand, in addition to seeing millions of US businesses having their sales reduced severely, and many gone out of business entirely (ex. Sam Ash Music closed down after 100 years of successful operation).

Ideology talk may sound cool at first, but it doesnt always fly in the real world of actually being in business, and being dependent on disposable income among the potential customers, and when something happens to interfere with that foundation, specialized remedy is required.

I disagree with about 99% of what Joe Biden has done in his disastrous 3.5 years of his stolen presidency. But his proposal to insert a 5% cap on housing rent increases is the first good thing I've seen him do, and I'm not going to disparage it just because I'm a Republican, and Trump supporter.
And when Socialism finally drives all the capitalists out of the country, who will pick up the tab? I have lived a long life, and seen what happens when Socialism gets its roots into a country, and it never ends well for the citizens.

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