Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

You are a fool, and don't even know it.

You see what my display name is ? Well, that is what government's #1 function is. To PROTECT the people, And as a few posters have agreed with me here, the people need protection from rent gouging landlords more than anything right now.

Have you read through this thread, or are you just jumping in here cold now ? Do you know what has been said in this thread ?
Sam Ash Music ? Walgreens ?

Maybe a rent cap wouldn't sound so fascist to you if you were one of the thousands of Sam Ash employees who worked there for 20 years, and just lost their job. Ditto with Walgreens. Ditto with people forced out of their homes, and having to find a new place to live.

There's a lot more going on here, than you seem to be taking any notice of.
YAWN. Neither Sam Ash nor Walgreens are out of business. They have closed some stores, it happens with the advent of online buying. How do you explain the reemergence of Toys R Us. In addition to Walmart, you also have Sam's Club. BTW, what do you have to say about the owners of those storefronts that are being vacated by those closing stores. Are they not landlords?
Rent control is subsidized rent. The landlord is subsidizing you at his expense. You keep speaking like you speak for the business community. Linkie to where they made you their spokesperson? You are a democrat, and a whiny NYer, no one whines better. YOU are part of the problem in FL.
No rent control is NOT subsidized rent. Subsidized rent is where the government pays part of the rent. Rent control is where the amount of rent increases are limited to a certain %. Those are 2 different things.

You remind me of the Democrats who make up new definitions of things every day. I'm beginning to suspect you are a Democrat and a landlord, both. YUK!!!!
YAWN. Neither Sam Ash nor Walgreens are out of business. They have closed some stores, it happens with the advent of online buying. How do you explain the reemergence of Toys R Us. In addition to Walmart, you also have Sam's Club. BTW, what do you have to say about the owners of those storefronts that are being vacated by those closing stores. Are they not landlords?
Sam Ash has closed ALL their stores nationwide. Stop making things up.

So what about those landlords? Looks like they add on the victim list of all those being victimized by the rent gougers. 😐
No rent control is NOT subsidized rent. Subsidized rent is where the government pays part of the rent. Rent control is where the amount of rent increases are limited to a certain %. Those are 2 different things.

You remind me of the Democrats who make up new definitions of things every day. I'm beginning to suspect you are a Democrat and a landlord, both. YUK!!!!
the government has no money other than what they extort from the people,,

and no where does the constitution ngive them the power to take from one person and give to another,,

so whether it comes directly from the government or under the orders of the government it is still subsidized,,
Sam Ash has closed ALL their stores nationwide. Stop making things up.
They haven't closed all of them yet. They are closing them with a heavy heart after 100 years. Tell me whiner, why is it that their flagship store in NYC is closing--they have rent control in NYC. Did the gouging landlords in Tampa make NYers broke too? SMH. You are full of excrement.
An initial 18 stores were closed in March, including its flagship New York store.
Sam Ash has closed ALL their stores nationwide. Stop making things up.

So what about those landlords? Looks like they add on the victim list of all those being victimized by the rent gougers. 😐
If what you say was true, they cut their own throats. I would be willing to wager that there will be another business in those locations within six months. Care to take the bet?
so youre an idiot too,,

their job is to protect our rights not our personal business,,

and how does this protect the property owner thats having to cover expenses beyond what the rent will pay for??

what you want is a free or easy ride off of other people efforts
Their job is to protect s in whatefer way we need to bw protected, and right now rent gouging landlords is who mist everybody needs t be protected from. 112 Million renters. 32.2 businesses. An millions of stockholders in those businesses.

HA HA HA. Oh man,.this is getting to be too funny now. Do you know how idiotic you look, coming in here and claiming that the "property owner" needs to jack rents up $1,000/mo, "to cover expenses"
Quite amazing how many people are running around, swallowing that. DUPES.

What the property owners (Rent Gougers) want is a free or easy ride off of other people efforts. The efforts & hours they put in working for the money that these rent gouging THIEVES are now STEALING from them.
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They haven't closed all of them yet. They are closing them with a heavy heart after 100 years. Tell me whiner, why is it that their flagship store in NYC is closing--they have rent control in NYC. Did the gouging landlords in Tampa make NYers broke too? SMH. You are full of excrement.
An initial 18 stores were closed in March, including its flagship New York store.
I dont think they have had rent control in NYC for quite some number of years now. Most New York apartments are not controlled. Make yourself useful around here. Look it up.
Their job is to protect s in whatefer way we need to bw protected, and right now rent gouging landlords is who mist everybody needs t be protected from. 112 Million renters. 32.2 businesses. An millions of stockholders in those businesses.

HA HA HA. Oh man,.this is getting to be too funny now. Do you know how idiotic you look, coming in here and claiming that the "property owner" needs to jack rents up $1,000/mo, "to cover expenses"
Quite amazing how many people are running around, swallowing that. DUPES.

What the property owners (Rent Gougers) want s a free or easy ride off of other people efforts. The efforts & hours they put in working for the money that these rent gouging THIEVES are now STEALING from them.
of course you can show where thats in their job description in the constitution,,

and dont say common welfare,,
cause if it hurts one group of people and benefits another thats not the common welfare,,
thats cronyism,,
I dont think they have had rent control in NYC for quite some number of years now. mal\ke yourself useful around here. Look it up.
You've posted BS in this thread with pictures of the wonderful rent controlled neighborhoods in NYC that are still in business after more than 75 years. Or did you forget your post #182 on this thread. Were you lying then or are you lying now. Either way, you have no credibility. So do your own research, you need the practice.
Sure, it's a great idea, with absolutely no downside, but why just rent?

How about a five percent yearly cap on raising priced on any good or service?

Why, Biden could regulate Biden's inflation out of existance!
If what you say was true, they cut their own throats. I would be willing to wager that there will be another business in those locations within six months. Care to take the bet?
Anybody can open up business here or there. That doesnt mean they're going to still be around even 6 months later.
The rent skyrockets were primarily between 2021 and 2023.

$1,743 is almost 3 times what a typical rent ($600/mo) was in 2020, and that's what I was paying then.

So let's see 1,743 minus 600 = 1,143 out of the pocket, And the increase of my Social Security & VA pension during that time ? $84.

This is like going out in the street and being mugged for $1000 once every month, indefinitely. The muggers would be envious. Who needs them, when we've got landlords ? :doubt:
I hope that the other Trump supporters can see this. How Vietnam veterans, senior citizens and all sorts of people are being affected by these rent increases. Now that is 100% true and I can talk about this, for example based on my living experience in Las Vegas in 2022. Before 2020 , for example you can get a one bedroom apt for $750/month in a relatively safe neighborhood now that same thing is going for over $1700. This is astonishing. And it is a sign of greed And criminal real estate enterprises

If people are going to try and sit here and explain to the working class Americans that they have to fork over $1000 more per month in a relatively short period of time…. what else are they gonna say. ..That you should just live as a slave?

By the way in Buffalo New York, they have a small one bedroom 800- 1000 ft.² apartments going for $2500. I mean, what the hell? That is highway robbery indeed. That kind of thing should be no more than $1000. It’s a goddamn disgrace is what it is. Those are the numbers that shd get somebody a house. Well not in America 2024. Out country is not what it used to be.

Again $2500 a month. My goodness that’s $30,000 a year. Wiping people out.

And I get it some of the Trump supporters in this thread are retired. They already own a home. They don’t have to worry about these things. This is a serious concern for the country and in going forward and we need to respect American history and what our ancestors built and bring back the middle class.
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This is a national crisis. Only 40% of American renters can afford the place they are living in. It’s across the whole country.

You’re seeing 30 to 40% rent increases from 2019 to 2022. And that’s just an average… there are certain places that people want to really live in that have increased even more than that.
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More renters — notably seniors — are also living on fixed incomes such as retirement and Social Security that don’t give them flexibility to respond to swings in the rental market. According to RentCafe, a media organization that shares data stories based on information from public government databases, the population of renters over 60 grew by 43 percent from 2007 to 2017 nationwide. It also projects that by 2035, nearly a third of renter households will be made up of seniors — making them the second-largest demographic of renters.

2023 housing bills included SB426, which would have prevented landlords from raising rent within a tenant’s first year living in a unit and limit rent increases to 5 percent after the first year. The bill died in committee.

Folks, I understand that some conservatives don’t like the idea of addressing this issue through for example considering a cap on rent increases. But rest assured this has nothing to do with communism at all. We’re talking about quality of life and living expenses. This is everything. This is the most important topic in the country. Otherwise the entire purpose of the American dream is pointless. The price of owning a home is higher than it’s ever been in history so if people want to say “well just buy a home” It’s a lot harder to do that now than it was four years ago.
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You've posted BS in this thread with pictures of the wonderful rent controlled neighborhoods in NYC that are still in business after more than 75 years. Or did you forget your post #182 on this thread. Were you lying then or are you lying now. Either way, you have no credibility. So do your own research, you need the practice.
Wow, Maybe you do and a shrink. Yes, I posted pictures of the wonderful rent controlled neighborhoods in NYC that are still in business after more than 75 years. SO ??? :yourpointsmile:

I have never been lying, what makes you think I might have been ? :rolleyes:

DUDE, I haven't contradicted myself in any way. There you go making things up again, Like a good Democrat. HA HA.

Maybe you need this explained, is that it ? In Post $ 408, I said >> "Most New York apartments are not controlled",,,,,,SO ???

Do you know what the word "MOST" means ? It means MORE THAN HALF. That could be 51%. And do you know what the population of New York City is ? It is 8.8 Million. So if 51 % of them were not rent controlled, that leaves 4.3 million that ARE rent controlled.

The pictures i posted are probably about .0000001% of the 4.3 Million. My credibility is fine, sucker. Yours ? Not so sure. 😐
More renters — notably seniors — are also living on fixed incomes such as retirement and Social Security that don’t give them flexibility to respond to swings in the rental market. According to RentCafe, a media organization that shares data stories based on information from public government databases, the population of renters over 60 grew by 43 percent from 2007 to 2017 nationwide. It also projects that by 2035, nearly a third of renter households will be made up of seniors — making them the second-largest demographic of renters.
View attachment 979613
2023 housing bills included SB426, which would have prevented landlords from raising rent within a tenant’s first year living in a unit and limit rent increases to 5 percent after the first year. The bill died in committee.
View attachment 979614

Folks, I understand that some conservatives don’t like the idea of addressing this issue through for example considering a cap on red increases. But rest assured this is nothing to do with communism at all. We’re talking about quality of life and living expenses. This is everything. This is the most important topic in the country. Otherwise the entire purpose of the American dream is pointless. The price of owning a home is higher than it’s ever been in history so if people want to say well, just buy a home. It’s a lot harder to do that now than it was four years ago.
Be thankful your not in an assisted living facility. $4K a month for a 1BR with optional meals is the low end. I am not talking about a nursing facility, they are a great deal more.
This is a national crisis. Only 40% of American renters can afford the place or living in. It’s across the whole country.

You’re seeing 30 to 40% rent increases from 2019 to 2022. And that’s just an average… there are certain places that people want to really live in that have increased even more than that.
MUCH more than that. In Tampa, 100-200% rent increases are the rule, not the exception.

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