Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dead at 74

God is sick and tired of murder! Thou shalt not murder

Colossians3: 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.

God says in the Holy Bible the things He is sick and tired of. You should read it some times. God is sick and tired of the use of profane words. You are NOT allowed to take up for God while at the same time cussing others out with corrupt communication using profane words. You cannot bless God and cuss others out. Obey God.

James 3:8
But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

As far a judging goes EVERYONE will be get judged on this earth; deal with it. God tells us to judge a righteous judgment. We are to judge everything and everyone based on God's righteous Word-The Holy Bible.
why dont you go to the religious section and keep this shit over dont know what god is sick and tired of......
why dont you go to the religious section and keep this shit over dont know what god is sick and tired of......
you can cuss until you turn black and blue in the face, but the Word of God stands firm! Sin is what God is sick and tired of and you better recognized that!

Your profanity is nothing but weakness and stupidity. Next time, try a different adolescent cuss word-shock us!
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She was a mega commie and thought the moon is made up of mostly gas. She was dumber than Hank Johnson, you know the guy that was worried about Guam tipping over.


I just know that she has Barbara Jordan's old seat. BJ was a pretty sharp woman who wanted to cut legal immigration, increase enforcement against illegal immigrants, and end the practice of letting relatives jump ahead in the immigration lines decades before it became the right's rallying cry. She would be tarred and feathered in today's DNC.
I'm not comparing anger. I'm saying people who don't understand Christianity think it means you never get angry. (!?!)
You are not suppose to let yourself get angry, unless it is Righteous Anger, which Christ showed with flipping the tables on the thieving Money Changers outside the Temple.... Not many humans are capable of righteous anger....we tend to have some other ulterior human motives as well tied in to what we claim as actions against God that upsets us..... is what I have read in several sermons about how Christians mistake Christ's righteous anger with the money changers as an excuse for their own upheaval or anger, that is not pure righteous anger, not anger solely for the purpose of God.

We are commanded by the Bible, to be SLOW TO ANGER. Yes, it is very hard for us humans to be that way! But none the less, it is what is commanded of us!

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." - James 1:19 (NIV)

Colossians 3:13

13 Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you.
I had absolutely no admiration for her politics, but I agree. I'm not celebrating her loss.

Just another fast cancer death, though. Lots of those on the rise, and makes me wonder how many boosters she got.
Sheila Jackson Lee was a breast cancer survivor and there is a pretty strong link between breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer can go a very long time without detection and then once it becomes obvious, a person is at stage four when it is very difficult to treat and can kill very quickly. So far there is no evidence that the vaccinations either cause cancer or make it worse. There are several studies though that suggest COVID may aggravate cancer cells and/or make cancers worse though it isn't a common side effect of COVID.

Cancer is no respecter of anybody though. And her untimely death is unfortunate.
They should build a statue to her....that they will eventually topple when the Hispanic Majority takes over the country.
Let's hope not. She didn't do anything as congresswoman except bully threaten, and intimidate others.

In the recording you can hear her cussing out one black man and making screwed remarks about another black man. Both were on her staff. Notice if you will, that NO women would work for her. It had been well known throughout Washington D.C. that she was the WORST person to ever work for.
Sheila Jackson Lee was a breast cancer survivor and there is a pretty strong link between breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer can go a very long time without detection and then once it becomes obvious, a person is at stage four when it is very difficult to treat and can kill very quickly. So far there is no evidence that the vaccinations either cause cancer or make it worse. There are several studies though that suggest COVID may aggravate cancer cells and/or make cancers worse though it isn't a common side effect of COVID.

Cancer is no respecter of anybody though. And her untimely death is unfortunate.
did she get all the covid shots and boosters? Does anyone know or care?
I just know that she has Barbara Jordan's old seat. BJ was a pretty sharp woman who wanted to cut legal immigration, increase enforcement against illegal immigrants, and end the practice of letting relatives jump ahead in the immigration lines decades before it became the right's rallying cry. She would be tarred and feathered in today's DNC.
Right, Barbara Jordan was wonderful, dignified, and very professional in her speech and actions. Although Sheila Jackson Lee took that seat from Congressman Craig Washington in 1994. He had it for four terms.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who served in Congress for nearly three decades, has died at the age of 74, her office announced Friday evening.

“Today, with incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas,” her family wrote in a statement shared to her account on X.

I guess her staff won't get yelled at any more. RIP and all that. I don't know a lot about her politics.

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