Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dead at 74

Go back to the #9 post of Amanda Edwards and the crowd around her. Notice it says Amanda got out of the mayor's race since Sheila got in, and Amanda began running for Sheila Jackson Lee's Congress woman seat. Even throwing her support to SJL.

What happen???

After Sheila Jackson Lee had a leaked recording of her cussing horribly which caused her to lose the mayoral seat... she then ran backwards as fast as she could to try and snatch her old seat from Amanda Edwards while the election was still going on. She had no love for Amanda nor anyone else.
I just read that she did have two grandchildren who no doubt also loved her. She's now gone from this Earth and there are those who are deeply grieving her passing. I think it is not time to be unkind.

I had absolutely no admiration for her politics, but I agree. I'm not celebrating her loss.

Just another fast cancer death, though. Lots of those on the rise, and makes me wonder how many boosters she got.
lol. I have learned the hard way that most who claim they are christian are nothing Christ would be proud of. Backstabbers, hypocrites, don't practice what they contantly preach.

Mahatma Gandhi — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'
I'm glad you said that, as Sheila believed she was the very best Christian ever. Sheila Jackson Lee just about owned every black church in Houston. She owned the microphone at everyone of them; especially the mega and mini-mega churches. She kept those black pastors in fear and trembling.
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I had absolutely no admiration for her politics, but I agree. I'm not celebrating her loss.

Just another fast cancer death, though. Lots of those on the rise, and makes me wonder how many boosters she got.
You can find her on news sites and videos promoting all those covid shots forcefully.
That's her lineage right there....

Berating employees
Cussing out black males
Stealing elections from black females
Murdering a black man

Houston is 100% better off without her. Houston was terribly bullied by democrat Sheila Jackson Lee. Seems like only God could have stepped in to make it stop.There is not one good thing in that city to show for her 30 years as Congresswoman.


You are speaking about things you cannot, and do not, know. Jesus said the rain falls on the just and the unjust. We can judge her by her words and actions--that is, we can say if she speaks and does according to the Word of God, etc. But we have NO call to say that God judged her with death. We just don't know.
I would mourn her death about as much as I would mourn Judas Iscariot's death. People need to stop lying about how they mourn every single dead person's death.
lol. I have learned the hard way that most who claim they are christian are nothing Christ would be proud of. Backstabbers, hypocrites, don't practice what they contantly preach.

Mahatma Gandhi — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

I am a sinner; that's why I need Jesus.

That's what I preach.

That's the Gospel

You are speaking about things you cannot, and do not, know. Jesus said the rain falls on the just and the unjust. We can judge her by her words and actions--that is, we can say if she speaks and does according to the Word of God, etc. But we have NO call to say that God judged her with death. We just don't know.
did you hear the recording in post #4

we know this stuff the proof is there of her cussing her
employees out. This is how people ignore the truth when its already been posted.
did you hear the recording in post #4

we know this stuff the proof is there of her cussing her
employees out. This is how people ignore the truth when its already been posted.

I know about that already. I can and am measuring her by her words and actions. Accordingly, she is not a kind person, and may have very well been a rotten one.

But it is ONLY for God to know if he took her by pancreatic cancer as punishment or not. We don't know that.
Mahatma Gandhi — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'
If Mahatma Gandhi liked Christ as you say, he wouldn't be in hell. He instead never got saved, never accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Mahatma Gandhi’s family practiced a kind of Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within Hinduism, that was inflected through the morally rigorous tenets of Jainism —
I'm a Native Houstonian, so she's my "homegirl." Her district was gerrymandered for a black person to win it, and she won that lottery. I never liked her much politically, and I thought her personality was grating, and crownlike hairstyle an indicator of her entitlement.

Still, she was a Texan, so even for a Democrat, she was a cut above. I'm sorry for her family, and for their loss.

My thoughts and prayers go to them.

I always thought Barbara Jordan had a lot more class than the usual run of black liberals. She was also a Congresswoman from the 18th District.
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Good breakdown. Just another black rubber stamp for decrepit old white Democrats.

Well, young white Democrat Watergate Babies, so yes, I guess they're old now.

She was a 'super delegate', the organized crime ring that runs the Democratic Party, and a Hillary fan.

Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was the last to speak before voting started, and she said that primary votes for Sanders or Clinton “divide us no more.”

“We will climb our journey of victory together, that our arms will be linked and we’ll go to the floor of this great convention,” she said. “For I see that mountain that we’ve been challenged to cover, and I am going to say we shall overcome and elect the next [president] of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, together, together, together.”
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I'm glad you said that, as Sheila believed she was the very best Christian ever. Sheila Jackson Lee just about owned every black church in Houston. She owned the microphone at everyone of them; especially the mega and mini-mega churches. She kept those black pastors in fear and trembling.
You are proving my point quite nicely.
Do you think Jesus ranted and raved and gleefully celebrated a death of someone like you are? Dislike her all you want. Just shut the fuck up already. She's dead. Get over it.
Jesus got so "riled up" that he toppled tables in the Temple.

Someone please tell Christ He was "unchristian"?

Ah. He turned over tables. Did he run around with his panties in a twist after it was over?

I have no intention of arguing with bible thumpers. They are very much like democrats. Do as I say not as I do sorta thing.
You are proving my point quite nicely.
Do you think Jesus ranted and raved and gleefully celebrated a death of someone like you are? Dislike her all you want. Just shut the fuck up already. She's dead. Get over it.
It's the middle of the night. I'm not celebrating anything at the moment. Stop making up lies. The woman is dead-did I killer her? "NO" so move on with your lies.
Ah. He turned over tables. Did he run around with his panties in a twist after it was over?

I have no intention of arguing with bible thumpers. They are very much like democrats. Do as I say not as I do sorta thing.

This is what you do. You start it, but if you don't like the way it ends, you whine and say "you have no intention". Well you did, obviously. You started it.

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