Let's talk about the oft repeated phrase "a threat to democracy" we believe trump presents.

Thank you for revealing a rational discussion is not possible with you.
Everything I have ever seen you post drips with hate. And everything I stated is an irrefutable FACT. The Democrats rely on emotionally unstable people like you who are susceptible to their Psy Ops and propaganda. I have plenty of RATIONAL discussions with Democrat supporters on this board who aren't rabid haters.
The 'events' you listed that took place have zero to do with 'destroying democracy', only you unhinged leftist useful idiots think so. 🤡
Is it your belief that having an unelected man installed as prez does not represent a threat to democracy?
The events happened. They've been widely reported by multiple sources.

What was Eastman's plan trying to achieve?

Exposing the fraudulent and stolen election that the left perpetrated and forced on this country through their control of courts and the 'media'. All you've done is use your 'media' to spread lies and hate about Trump and conservatives nonstop for nearly a decade. YOU are destroying democracy with your lies and deceit.
Is it your belief that having an unelected man installed as prez does not represent a threat to democracy?

He wasn't unelected, and he was using constitutional means to try to delay the results to prove the fraud that was perpetrated by the left. The $$$$ controlling the left, the 'media', and the courts weren't about to let that happen, which is why they've now resorted to murdering him since nothing else they've done has worked.
There is no evidence to support that assertion.

There is plenty of evidence to support it, you don't want to see it, just like you don't want to hear that everything you've been told by your precious lefty leaders is bullshit.
We spend so much time talking past each other I thought it might be useful to be more exacting in reference to what is meant by that phrase. It is most frequently used in the context of what another trump presidency may bring. Based in part on certain remarks he's made about retribution against his perceived enemies. And on the disavowed document, Project 2025, laying out a blueprint for what another term portends.

The thing is, we don't have to speculate about whether a threat will materialize..........it already has. I should say at this point I'm reluctant to illustrate what I mean because I know what kind of reaction it will elicit. But the point of the post is to be specific, not vague, so here goes.

On 4 January, the conservative lawyer John Eastman was summoned to the Oval Office to meet Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence. Within 48 hours, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election would formally be certified by Congress, sealing Trump’s fate and removing him from the White House.
Tucker Carlson condemned over ‘false flag’ claim about deadly Capitol attack
The atmosphere in the room was tense. The then US president was “fired up” to make what amounted to a last-ditch effort to overturn the election results and snatch a second term in office in the most powerful job on Earth.

Eastman, who had a decades-long reputation as a prominent conservative law professor, had already prepared a two-page memo in which he had outlined an incendiary scenario under which Pence, presiding over the joint session of Congress that was to be convened on 6 January, effectively overrides the votes of millions of Americans in seven states that Biden had won, then “gavels President Trump as re-elected”.

The Eastman memo, first revealed by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their book Peril, goes on to predict “howls” of protest from Democrats. The theory was that Pence, acting as the “ultimate arbiter” of the process, would then send the matter to the House of Representatives which, following an arcane rule that says that where no candidate has reached the necessary majority each state will have one vote, also decides to turn the world upside down and hand the election to the losing candidate, Donald Trump.

Here's a link to the Eastman memo. https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2021/images/09/20/eastman.memo.pdf

I'm hoping not to get bogged down by folks who will not accept this meeting actually did take place. If you can't accept that it did this would be a good jumping off point for you.

Moving on, we come to the matter of Jeffrey Clark. You may or may not recall trump wanted to name him acting AG in order to use the influence of the DoJ to pursue baseless claims of massive voter fraud, specifically in GA. When some of the top DoJ officials heard of trump's desire they threatened to quit en masse if he promoted Clark.

Read the Unsent Letter by Jeffrey Clark to Georgia Officials

Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department official who worked closely with President Donald J. Trump and his allies to undo the election, wanted to send a letter to state officials in Georgia that falsely claimed that the Justice Department had “identified significant concerns” that would affect the state’s election results.

Former DOJ officials detail threatening to resign en masse in meeting with Trump

Finally, we come to trump's participation in the fake elector scheme.

Comprehensive Timeline on False Electors Scheme in 2020 Presidential Election

Overwhelming documentary and testimonial evidence proves beyond any doubt these things I've outlined happened. All of which with one goal in mind. To create a scenario leading to trump remaining in power.

I do not pretend to speak for anyone but myself when I say this is what is meant when I contend trump is a threat to democracy. He has already threatened it. There is every reason to believe he will threaten it again. Especially after the recent rulings of his SCOTUS.

Ultimately, I'm asking trump supporters to examine the record I've laid out. The demonstrable evidence shows trump and his cohorts tried to change the outcome of a presidential election. I can think of few greater threats to democracy than that. They say past is prologue, hence my (our) concern.

Yeah I didn't read all this.
The only people talking about project 25 are democrats.
The fact is, the left have been saying that if Trump is elected he wants to be a dictator and will take democracy away, all requiring a crystal ball.

On the other hand, over the last four years, democrats have taken parts of democracy away and have been ruling like a dictatorship, even thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court.
The thing is, we don't have to speculate about whether a threat will materialize..........it already has. I should say at this point I'm reluctant to illustrate what I mean because I know what kind of reaction it will elicit. But the point of the post is to be specific, not vague, so here goes.
This post does not mention the Steele Dossier. It has nothing to do with. You're bringing it up because you can't deal with what the thread is actually about.

Do you acknowledge the events I detailed actually happened?
They happened
The thing is, we don't have to speculate about whether a threat will materialize..........it already has. I should say at this point I'm reluctant to illustrate what I mean because I know what kind of reaction it will elicit. But the point of the post is to be specific, not vague, so here goes.

You're full of shit. 🤡
The fact is, the left have been saying that if Trump is elected he wants to be a dictator and will take democracy away, all requiring a crystal ball.

On the other hand, over the last four years, democrats have taken parts of democracy away and have been ruling like a dictatorship, even thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court.
Dems have done no such thing.

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