Let's talk about the oft repeated phrase "a threat to democracy" we believe trump presents.

There was a law in Montgomery, AL that black people had to sit in the back of the bus and/or give up their seats for white people. I guess you love that law, right? It's a law, so it's good and just.

You would have told Rosa Parks, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW"
Taking Trump off the ballot was totally against democracy, yet you gaslighting about trump is hilarious hypocrite
The 14th A clearly provides for a candidate to be removed from the ballot for traitorous acts. The SC incorrectly ruled it can only be done on a state level.
When shitstain obama won the presidency promising a total transformation of the nation, too few asked transformation into what. With the attacks on the foundation of our creation as a Constitutional Republic, we now know what the goal is. We now know what the threat to democracy is.

The left intends and is working towards the total destruction of the Republic and its transformation into a direct democracy. A mere handful of bloated crime filled cities will exert power and control over everyone else no matter where they are.

When a democrat says threat to democracy, say Damn Right and fight even harder.
He thinks so
Overwhelming documentary and testimonial evidence proves beyond any doubt these things I've outlined happened. All of which with one goal in mind. To create a scenario leading to trump remaining in power.

I do not pretend to speak for anyone but myself when I say this is what is meant when I contend trump is a threat to democracy. He has already threatened it. There is every reason to believe he will threaten it again. Especially after the recent rulings of his SCOTUS.

Ultimately, I'm asking trump supporters to examine the record I've laid out. The demonstrable evidence shows trump and his cohorts tried to change the outcome of a presidential election. I can think of few greater threats to democracy than that. They say past is prologue, hence my (our) concern.
How’s it off topic if the topic is democracy?
The topic is the threat posed by trump as detailed in the OP. If you don't think the three aspects of the plot to steal the election do not present a threat to democracy please explain why.
The fact is, the left have been saying that if Trump is elected he wants to be a dictator and will take democracy away, all requiring a crystal ball.

On the other hand, over the last four years, democrats have taken parts of democracy away and have been ruling like a dictatorship, even thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court.
This is a lie.

Trump supporters are as dishonest as they are a threat to democracy.
Sure they have. They declared martial law during the pandemic, taking people's rights away and changing election laws so they could win and have rounded up peaceful protesters and thrown them in jail and are trying the same with Trump, including trying to take him off the ballot.
They believe in jailing they’re opposition rather than debate
Everything I have ever seen you post drips with hate. And everything I stated is an irrefutable FACT. The Democrats rely on emotionally unstable people like you who are susceptible to their Psy Ops and propaganda. I have plenty of RATIONAL discussions with Democrat supporters on this board who aren't rabid haters.

Documenting the fact that Trump is a treasonous insurrectionist and a threat to democracy is not ‘hate.’
Overwhelming documentary and testimonial evidence proves beyond any doubt these things I've outlined happened. All of which with one goal in mind. To create a scenario leading to trump remaining in power.

I do not pretend to speak for anyone but myself when I say this is what is meant when I contend trump is a threat to democracy. He has already threatened it. There is every reason to believe he will threaten it again. Especially after the recent rulings of his SCOTUS.

Ultimately, I'm asking trump supporters to examine the record I've laid out. The demonstrable evidence shows trump and his cohorts tried to change the outcome of a presidential election. I can think of few greater threats to democracy than that. They say past is prologue, hence my (our) concern.
Dude you’re a nut job! You can’t accept trump being removed from the ballot and allowing illegals to vote is against democracy. I believe nothing from you

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