The Best State In America?

I have been in all of the contiguous states. They all have good points. The saddest is California. What democrats have done to California is criminal. I would be happy in my beach condo to this day if California had not become so ugly and dangerous.
I Left California in 1955. Within My Own Generation, California Left America.
I lived 11 years in Oregon .
The rain and too many leftist idiots made me Leave

Still I have good memories

I once went back to Portland for two weeks training class. I had a good CA tan from golfing too much, yardwork or softball?

I now know how Blacks feel. I was a miniority, Big-time, stared at. Everyone was snow white....I mean paste. And it was in the fall.
I Left California in 1955. Within My Own Generation, California Left America.
After you left we Fortified ( Surfing & Motorbike Racing including Desert / & Off Road , the Movie Industry & Music & Entertainment & TV , we created the AR 10 & AR 15 , The Hot Rod & Low Rider communities , Midget Car racing ,Skateboarding & BMX ,California from 1960-1980 Was Heaven on earth
After you left we Fortified ( Surfing & Motorbike Racing including Desert / & Off Road , the Movie Industry & Music & Entertainment & TV , we created the AR 10 & AR 15 , The Hot Rod & Low Rider communities , Skateboarding & BMX ,California from 1960-1980 Was Heaven on earth

I just finished watching Crime CA on netflix. 5 episodes, cold cases taking maybe 40 years to get justice. Some back to the 80s' with old pictures. Very nice.
I lived (and worked) near the peoples republic of Eugene, OR for a few years. Strangley I did not mind the constant drizzle, I would not call it rain. Hard rains.......seemed few and far between. Womens skin was white and not sun-wrinkled. I almost say it was perfect or so it seemed. I long for those days. I did more there than anywhere as it is never 95+++ with 75% humidity. It was almost always tolerable. Even played a lot of pool in the bars, got a good excuse to go in if its' alway raining.

White wimin here are really really white ...

You're right about the rain ... it's an all day drizzle event to get 1/4" ... and for 300 days a year we get our 6 to 8 foot annual totals ... just rarely really hard, though it can get that way ... the problem is a lack of police protection, poorly funded schools and zoning laws that all but prevent new housing to be built ...

... and don't forget hateful Californians coming up and being hateful ...
If you go by real estate prices its' a no contest, it's CALIF I would think? CA coastline is great weather too. Even the poor houses in SJ area are nearly $1mil typical now? You won't find that in Witchita.

Even the houses with 3-4 hour round trip commutes up the "Valley" to work. No state has that....that I am aware of?

DC is very costly because Deep State has robbed the populus. VA is pulled up by Nancy Chuch and CocaineMitch.
White wimin here are really really white ...

You're right about the rain ... it's an all day drizzle event to get 1/4" ... and for 300 days a year we get our 6 to 8 foot annual totals ... just rarely really hard, though it can get that way ... the problem is a lack of police protection, poorly funded schools and zoning laws that all but prevent new housing to be built ...

... and don't forget hateful Californians coming up and being hateful ...
Somalis in Minnesota are not Californians
White wimin here are really really white ...

You're right about the rain ... it's an all day drizzle event to get 1/4" ... and for 300 days a year we get our 6 to 8 foot annual totals ... just rarely really hard, though it can get that way ... the problem is a lack of police protection, poorly funded schools and zoning laws that all but prevent new housing to be built ...

... and don't forget hateful Californians coming up and being hateful ...
White wimin here are really really white ...
Good God, I loved those white skinned babes. If I could only re-do it! Then I moved to CA to chase the dollar and started running into the old lady from "Somehting about Mary" types! Lezbos and Dykes on bykes.! ARG!

Guy up above said NEV. He ain't far off. But its' hot. This song was an absolute classic. ain't no place for a poor boy like me.
I came to California, to San Francisco, in 1959. I had never seen a beautiful city before. I really had no idea that a city could be beautiful. But there it was, spread out like a jewelers tray. They called it Baghdad by the Bay. When my Dad's work changed and he got a job in Oakland, we moved, but I still worked in San Francisco. Oakland was gritty, half black, all dangerous but somehow, out of the blood and guts, the outlaw bike gangs kept some kind of order when the police brushed it all off. The most powerful was Hells Angeles, and I met Sonny Barger and dated one of the members. Oakland never felt unsafe. There wasn't anywhere I wouldn't go , or felt like I couldn't go.

After I got married, we moved south. I lived in Compton, which again, up until the riots in 1965 never felt unsafe. It was majority black, but nice people. Just ordinary people. After 1965, we had to move to Lakewood, a nice, solid middle class community where children played in the streets and we had block parties. Lakewood is no longer that community. Gangs moved in.

After my divorce, I moved to Redondo Beach and lived in a condo right on the beach. It was as close to paradise as I will ever get. Now the homeless have taken over the parks, the beaches are open latrines, the ocean is polluted. Random violence is common. A friend of mine who still lives in Redondo is cautious even going to the grocery store. I don't blame him. I was carjacked going to the grocery store. In Dana Point a man riding a bicycle was stabbed to death at a red light. The beautiful parks of Laguna Beach are covered with homeless tents and open air drug sales. Arching over all of this destruction is a state legislature that takes more and more and more money to support the criminals who will reliably vote democrat. If $7.00 a gallon gas wasn't enough, the state is now charging utilities by annual income rather than usage. I think that's what did it for my son. He was looking at high electric bills due to usage charges to astronomical electric bills based on his salary. He came home from work one day and announced that he had quit his job, put the house up for sale and put an offer in on a home in Idaho.

What happened to California is painful. Just painful. What happened to San Francisco is criminal.
After you left we Fortified ( Surfing & Motorbike Racing including Desert / & Off Road , the Movie Industry & Music & Entertainment & TV , we created the AR 10 & AR 15 , The Hot Rod & Low Rider communities , Midget Car racing ,Skateboarding & BMX ,California from 1960-1980 Was Heaven on earth
And we could do these things year round

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