The Best State In America?

Texas tallest mountain is a glorified Hill
What’s your favorite state, if you have one? As a native Maine-Ah (where I currently live), I have also lived in Connecticut, Georgia and Florida. I really don’t have a favorite place, as there are were pluses to living in all those other states. I loved the culture, people, food, girls, music and weather down South and think that if I ever move somewhere else? Probably somewhere around Nashville, Tennessee or Austin, Texas (I’m a musician and kick butt music is my passion).

I also want to see Montana and the Midwest, before I leave this planet.

Do you have a favorite state?

Favorite for what? Weather? GOVT? Taxes? jobs? Safety? Cost of living?
I have been in all of the contiguous states. They all have good points. The saddest is California. What democrats have done to California is criminal. I would be happy in my beach condo to this day if California had not become so ugly and dangerous.
I wanted a Mountain Home up north and a Jeep and an old Lady and a few dogs ( When I was a senior in HS in Culver City / Beverly Hills ) and retired early at 38 into that life , now 64 I’m still up here )
Texas ... hands down the friendliest and most helpful folks in all the world ... prejudiced rednecks for sure, but otherwise sweet as anything ... Oregon's the worst, God awful bad here, no police, drugs are legal, rains every day all day long ... just a hateful place ...

... only the tourists are safe ...

I lived (and worked) near the peoples republic of Eugene, OR for a few years. Strangley I did not mind the constant drizzle, I would not call it rain. Hard rains.......seemed few and far between. Womens skin was white and not sun-wrinkled. I almost say it was perfect or so it seemed. I long for those days. I did more there than anywhere as it is never 95+++ with 75% humidity. It was almost always tolerable. Even played a lot of pool in the bars, got a good excuse to go in if its' alway raining.
Favorite state to live in is the Free State of Florida. I also like the desert Southwest; Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, western Colorado, but only for the scenery.

The Southwest is hot and was hot back in the 70s' too. Dusty Chaps used to sing "its' a hundred and ten in Gila bend, in Buckey its' 102"

Texas ... hands down the friendliest and most helpful folks in all the world ... prejudiced rednecks for sure, but otherwise sweet as anything ... Oregon's the worst, God awful bad here, no police, drugs are legal, rains every day all day long ... just a hateful place ...

... only the tourists are safe ...

I lived 11 years in Oregon .
The rain and too many leftist idiots made me Leave

Still I have good memories

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