Democrats did not applaud Reagan’s attempted assassination and cheer for another try

Which side called for millions of American citizens to have their votes discarded so Trump could be made president?

That would be your side.

If you don’t want to be called a threat to democracy, don’t support the guy who was a threat to democracy.
How’s you vote for Joe last month working out?
Which side called for millions of American citizens to have their votes discarded so Trump could be made president?

That would be your side.

If you don’t want to be called a threat to democracy, don’t support the guy who was a threat to democracy.
1) What side cheated their way to a win with harvested ballots, simultaneous vote halts among five swing states where Republican observors were sent home so they couldn’t witness the cheating, “cured” ballots to support Biden, didn’t require signatures to match, etc., etc., in order to negate - effectively discard - the votes of Republicans?

2) What “millions of votes” did we call to discard? Questionable ones? Ones counted under suspicious circumstances?

3) Which side has imprisoned non-violent protestors because they won’t submit to the Dem side?

4) Which side has attempted to suppress the votes of 80 million voters by bringing ridiculous lawsuits and seeking to keep Trump off the ballot?

YOUR side is the threat to democracy, and RFK Jr - a Democrat - even said so.
1) What side cheated their way to a win with harvested ballots, simultaneous vote halts among five swing states where Republican observors were sent home so they couldn’t witness the cheating, “cured” ballots to support Biden, didn’t require signatures to match, etc., etc., in order to negate - effectively discard - the votes of Republicans?

2) What “millions of votes” did we call to discard? Questionable ones? Ones counted under suspicious circumstances?

3) Which side has imprisoned non-violent protestors because they won’t submit to the Dem side?

4) Which side has attempted to suppress the votes of 80 million voters by bringing ridiculous lawsuits and seeking to keep Trump off the ballot?

YOUR side is the threat to democracy, and RFK Jr - a Democrat - even said so.
You're talking, not to psychopaths but to sociopaths.

Neither have morals but Psychopaths know when they're doing something wrong. Sociopaths, which most dimocrap scum are, don't even know. Psychopaths know but don't care. And the dimocrap scum Party is chock full of both. People who know that they're voting for scum and don't care and people who are too diseased to see it.

At least that's how it was explained to me. I just know that dimocrap scum, INCLUDING the voters, have mental problems. THAT is no exaggeration. No disparagement intended. Observation only. If a being from another Planet were to land here, he would agree.

You're wasting your time trying to talk to them.
Which side calls half of all voters threats to democracy, and their chosen candidate “evil” and likens him to Hitler? That would be YOUR side.

The hypocrisy and denial - and projection - is surreal.
Excuse me? What has Trump been saying about democrats and Biden?

Shit! Your guy went so far as calling Biden and ALL democrats cheats and thieves and robbers of American's votes....the lying liar caused the unrest of 1/6 because he told them they wouldn't have a country anymore if his followers didn't do something....! That's calling us democrats traitors to the Constitution!

I'm sorry Lisa, but you are blind as a bat, have blinders on, imho!
1) What side cheated their way to a win with harvested ballots, simultaneous vote halts among five swing states where Republican observors were sent home so they couldn’t witness the cheating, “cured” ballots to support Biden, didn’t require signatures to match, etc., etc., in order to negate - effectively discard - the votes of Republicans?

2) What “millions of votes” did we call to discard? Questionable ones? Ones counted under suspicious circumstances?

3) Which side has imprisoned non-violent protestors because they won’t submit to the Dem side?

4) Which side has attempted to suppress the votes of 80 million voters by bringing ridiculous lawsuits and seeking to keep Trump off the ballot?

YOUR side is the threat to democracy, and RFK Jr - a Democrat - even said so.
1. Harvesting ballots is perfectly legal in many states. There were no simultaneous "vote halts". Republican observers were not sent home. Cured ballots are legal and normal, helping legal voters get their votes counted regardless of party. Signature matching was done.

2. There were many examples showing where Trump attempted to have them. The most prevalent is when he attempted to convince state legislatures to throw out every vote in the state and appoint electors for Trump. We could go into more specifics about what he tried to do with lawsuits. I don't know what you mean by "questionable" votes, but last time I checked when you want to deprive someone of their rights you need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. You don't get to take away our rights because you think something is "questionable" or "suspicious".

3. People go to prison all the time for nonviolent offenses. Protestors that broke the law, whether they were violent or not, may face jail time. That's just a fact.

4. Those people did the proper thing and asked the courts for a legal determination on Trump's eligibility for office before anyone voted. I didn't support them, and I'm not voting for them. Had they prevailed in court, no one's vote would have been suppressed because no one has the right to vote for someone who is ineligible for office. Every voter would have still had the ability to vote in the election. That is in opposition to the right's tactic in 2020 of trying to change the rules of the election AFTER the election.

Your post is predicated mostly on falsehoods spread through right wing media, a smattering of "whataboutism", and avoiding the fact that Trump attempted to take away millions of our votes.
Excuse me? What has Trump been saying about democrats and Biden?

Shit! Your guy went so far as calling Biden and ALL democrats cheats and thieves and robbers of American's votes....the lying liar caused the unrest of 1/6 because he told them they wouldn't have a country anymore if his followers didn't do something....! That's calling us democrats traitors to the Constitution!

I'm sorry Lisa, but you are blind as a bat, have blinders on, imho!
Republicans haven't considered me a "real American" since 2012 when they latched on to Sarah Palin.

They probably didn't consider me a real American before then either, but didn't have permission to say it aloud.
You're talking, not to psychopaths but to sociopaths.

Neither have morals but Psychopaths know when they're doing something wrong. Sociopaths, which most dimocrap scum are, don't even know. Psychopaths know but don't care. And the dimocrap scum Party is chock full of both. People who know that they're voting for scum and don't care and people who are too diseased to see it.

At least that's how it was explained to me. I just know that dimocrap scum, INCLUDING the voters, have mental problems. THAT is no exaggeration. No disparagement intended. Observation only. If a being from another Planet were to land here, he would agree.

You're wasting your time trying to talk to them.
Thank you, and that’s excellent advice.

Unreal, isn’t it, how the side that criminalizes dissenting opinion is the side thst accuses its opponent of being threats to democracy?
Excuse me? What has Trump been saying about democrats and Biden?

Shit! Your guy went so far as calling Biden and ALL democrats cheats and thieves and robbers of American's votes....the lying liar caused the unrest of 1/6 because he told them they wouldn't have a country anymore if his followers didn't do something....! That's calling us democrats traitors to the Constitution!

I'm sorry Lisa, but you are blind as a bat, have blinders on, imho!
Sorry, but I’m taking Edge’s advice and not wasting any more time on brainwashed hypocrites and sociopaths. Hope you recover one day.
Unreal, isn’t it, how the side that criminalizes dissenting opinion is the side thst accuses its opponent of being threats to democracy?
Again, you are one of those people who want to criminalize dissent.

I say the next liberal who says Trump is a threat to democracy, or a Hitler, should be arrested for inciting violence against the former, and likely future, U.S. President.

I just wish someone on your side had the courage and integrity to stand up and make an argument for what you believe instead of running away to safety among your likeminded tribe.
This is what happens in a divided nation. Back when Reagan won the country was still on the same path and general frame of mind. No one was booing the flag and calling for flags to be taken down from public events and outside public buildings. The differences were far more nuanced. then today where you have near Marxist level traitors.

What he brought as it were was a hyper patriotism which lead the world and the world rode the coattails of his leadership be they Thatcher, Mulroney or European nations hoping to reunite with their lost Eastern Bloc family members.

In the 1980s both parties agreed that Russia was a primary threat, neither side was compromised. Today there are multiple politicians in the West who I would consider influenced by China. Sometimes ever so subtly which is some ways makes it more dangerous really.

Get the bloody corporate donors out of politics as much as possible and place term limits of Senators etc and you will find far more cohesiveness and obligation to the voters.

There are today, without question, more citizens in the West who hate their country than ever before. THis is quite by design and the MSS deserve full marks for their efforts.

Time for the CIA and FBI to retaliate with vengance just as they did when Reagan and GHB ran the WH. Expose and counter their efforts with equal effort.
You were doing great until that last sentence. This FBI wrongfully tossed Trump's home. Likely they enabled if not instigated this

assassination attempt.
When Reagan was shot, most Democrats were liberal.

Today, no liberal worth their salt would actually be a democrat.
With all due respect, that distinction has been lost. I’ve had the most radical leftists brag to me that they are “bleeding heart liberals” as they march in support of HAMAS. So if they consider themselves liberals, who am I to argue.
Why isn't the mainstream media demanding that the Biden administration responds to the failure in security and demanding that the Secret Service chief resign? Something ain't right and the phantoms who are running the Biden administration are apparently hoping that the media will forget about it.
The media will do whatever the administration tells them to. Journalism is 99% dead in America.
The media will do whatever the administration tells them to. Journalism is 99% dead in America.
Madison said that there were two things needed for a tyrant (as in a tyrannical government) to oppress:

1. An enslaved media
2. A disarmed populace

Both of these are his exact phrases.

The Democrats already have their enslaved media. Do not allow them to disarm the populace as well.

P.S. This also tells you what the FF were thinking with the 2nd amendment. They always intended individual right to bear arms.
So some or all of the presidents after Reagan must have divided America. I know Obama widened the race divide, read that when I looked into his legacy. Which presidents do you think are the culprits, or is it due to party as opposed to president(s)?
Every president from Reagan until Trump was bad. All were members of the CFR except I think Obama wasn't.
If you were as proficient on the half century of Joe and his chameleon ways as a snake in the grass perhaps many would take this more seriously. Let's face it. 2024 is not 1987.
Yep, 1987 was the year before Joe Biden had to drop out of running for president because he got caught plagiarizing a speech.
Those were the days when we were civil.

Republicans at the time of Reagan did not go ape shit to quickly blame a political party, as Republicans do and did, today.
Because Democrats were mostly American Liberals and not Commie Marxists hellbent on destroying America back then. :itsok:

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