Democrats did not applaud Reagan’s attempted assassination and cheer for another try

Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

THIS is how disgusting some of you have become. It will spell the end of the Democrat Party rule, as decent people see it - and reject it.

(And consider how the DEI push almost cost Trump his life and did indeed cost one of his supporters his. The incompetent Secret Service chief put the A-team on Jill Biden’s rally, and substituted the practice squad for Trump. And then, to cover the fact the DEI has resulted in an unqualified workforce even in critical positions, she makes up a lie about the sloped roof.)

Trump cheered when Paul Pelosi was nearly beaten to death and he was still making jokes about it at the convention on the weekend. Trump is getting back what he says about others.

Trump has never once mentioned all of the people he killed with his covid response.

I have as much sympathy for Trump getting shot, as YOU have for George Floyd being murdered.
The Covid mess opened my eyes to how inhumane people in the "caring" professions can really be. Sadly, I include my own profession in that. The way people I had been teaching with for years suddenly didn't want to be near the children we teach bc they were "disease vectors" was disgusting to me.

It's like these full grown adults had never thought through their own mortality at all. And this was not in the first few weeks when people didn't know better--it was months and months later even. Sigh.

Now it's "inhumane" not to want to die for your profession. It's inhumane to expect people to work in the middle of a pandemic.

That' some level of dedication YOU have going on there. Most teachers are not prepared to die for their students, nor should they be.
Yes, it’s hard to have a rational discussion with someone so brainwashed that she thinks Trump is a threat to democracy.

It's hard to have a rational discussion with a Jewish woman who thinks that a party which supports abortion bans and chanting "The Jews will not replace us" is the party she should be voting for.

It's hard to have a rational discussion with anyone who refuses to believe that Trump IS a threat to democracy, because he tells us the Constitution needs to be set aside.

Those who know that Trump is a threat to democracy are not the ones who have been brainwashed here,, Lisa.
It started with Obama, who proudly announced he was going to “transform” America. It then morphed into the party platform - and you see the results of it today.

That is why Democrats will stop at nothing to stop the man who can put the brakes on this transformation, and begin reversing the damage.
The BBC concluded Obama's presidency started on top of a mountain, and he left the White House from the bottom of a valley. I had a sneaky feeling he set the ball rolling. He was so full of shit, had the talk, but delivered little.
Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

THIS is how disgusting some of you have become. It will spell the end of the Democrat Party rule, as decent people see it - and reject it.

(And consider how the DEI push almost cost Trump his life and did indeed cost one of his supporters his. The incompetent Secret Service chief put the A-team on Jill Biden’s rally, and substituted the practice squad for Trump. And then, to cover the fact the DEI has resulted in an unqualified workforce even in critical positions, she makes up a lie about the sloped roof.)

The longer the disease I call (accurately) the dimocrap scum party is allowed to exist, the worse it will get.

scum is only capable of going one way -- Down Hill. If it were able to do anything else, it wouldn't be scum. And People, if you didn't know it before, you should DEFINITELY know it now --

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
It started with Obama, who proudly announced he was going to “transform” America. It then morphed into the party platform - and you see the results of it today.

That is why Democrats will stop at nothing to stop the man who can put the brakes on this transformation, and begin reversing the damage.
The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis certainly made it worse. But I think it started with Bill (the rapist) Clinton and his disgusting wife, UberC^+t.

Which you can blame on Ross (The Insane) Pirogi. Had he not divided the Conservative Vote G H.W. Bush would have won in '92.

Yes, Bush 41 was a terrible POS. But he wasn't as bad as The Rapist and UberC&nt. They started all this crap.

Remember, UberCvnt was an important part of the Administration of the Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis. His mentor, his guiding light. In fact, I think she was responsible for a lot of his policies.

BTW, her daughter is Webb Hubbell's, not Slick Willie's. Everybody knows it. Including The Rapist.

Just pointing out the scumbaggery of dimocrap scum.
And it’s not just Germany. Jews have been persecuted, abused, expelled, and exterminated for 2,000 years. Yet they still are among the most successful groups despite

What’s wrong with his criticizing Reagan’s foreign policy? Did he call the man “evil”? Or that he is a “threat to democracy”?

Today’s Democrats are beyond recognition, and there vile rhetoric almost cost Trump his life - and we have Democrats bemoaning that the killer was unsuccessful. How is that comparable to criticizing foreign policy?

Next thing you know, some deranged Democrats will draw a parallel between catching a mild case of COVID and being shot in the head within 1/4 inch of o

What’s wrong with his criticizing Reagan’s foreign policy? Did he call the man “evil”? Or that he is a “threat to democracy”?

Today’s Democrats are beyond recognition, and there vile rhetoric almost cost Trump his life - and we have Democrats bemoaning that the killer was unsuccessful. How is that comparable to criticizing foreign policy?

Next thing you know, some deranged Democrats will draw a parallel between catching a mild case of COVID and being shot in the head within 1/4 inch of one’s life.
did I say anything about your question? Nope, he wanted what was said and I posted it.
Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

THIS is how disgusting some of you have become. It will spell the end of the Democrat Party rule, as decent people see it - and reject it.

(And consider how the DEI push almost cost Trump his life and did indeed cost one of his supporters his. The incompetent Secret Service chief put the A-team on Jill Biden’s rally, and substituted the practice squad for Trump. And then, to cover the fact the DEI has resulted in an unqualified workforce even in critical positions, she makes up a lie about the sloped roof.)

Those were the days when we were civil.

Republicans at the time of Reagan did not go ape shit to quickly blame a political party, as Republicans do and did, today.
Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

THIS is how disgusting some of you have become. It will spell the end of the Democrat Party rule, as decent people see it - and reject it.

(And consider how the DEI push almost cost Trump his life and did indeed cost one of his supporters his. The incompetent Secret Service chief put the A-team on Jill Biden’s rally, and substituted the practice squad for Trump. And then, to cover the fact the DEI has resulted in an unqualified workforce even in critical positions, she makes up a lie about the sloped roof.)

Reagan wasn't bent on destroying our country.
The Covid mess opened my eyes to how inhumane people in the "caring" professions can really be. Sadly, I include my own profession in that. The way people I had been teaching with for years suddenly didn't want to be near the children we teach bc they were "disease vectors" was disgusting to me.

It's like these full grown adults had never thought through their own mortality at all. And this was not in the first few weeks when people didn't know better--it was months and months later even. Sigh.
The teachers in the liberal areas have been horrific. A friend of mine taught in a liberal Maryland county outside DC, and she made the grave error of saying, while Trump was president, that he had done some good things. The teachers “accused” her of voting for HIM, and she admitted it. After that, she was totally ostracized. No teacher would eat lunch with her, and no teacher would even chit-chat with her. It was like an Amish shunning.

She ended up retiring the next year - two years ahead of her plans. They essentially drove her out, and I’m sure they were happy about it.

We are dealing with some extremely hateful people. I’m ashamed they are Americans.
Those were the days when we were civil.

Republicans at the time of Reagan did not go ape shit to quickly blame a political party, as Republicans do and did, today.
Which side calls half of all voters threats to democracy, and their chosen candidate “evil” and likens him to Hitler? That would be YOUR side.

The hypocrisy and denial - and projection - is surreal.
The teachers in the liberal areas have been horrific. A friend of mine taught in a liberal Maryland county outside DC, and she made the grave error of saying, while Trump was president, that he had done some good things. The teachers “accused” her of voting for HIM, and she admitted it. After that, she was totally ostracized. No teacher would eat lunch with her, and no teacher would even chit-chat with her. It was like an Amish shunning.

She ended up retiring the next year - two years ahead of her plans. They essentially drove her out, and I’m sure they were happy about it.

We are dealing with some extremely hateful people. I’m ashamed they are Americans.

That's breathtakingly awful for her. I'm ashamed that these people are teaching children to be honest. How do they hope to model anything for kids when they act like this?
How are they part of the problem?

If they are, America is finished so just accept it.

If they aren't, then get rid of the problems and replace them with Patriots. With patriotism no great nation can remain such.
Look up what the CIA and FBI lied about over the Steele dossier
Trump cheered when Paul Pelosi was nearly beaten to death and he was still making jokes about it at the convention on the weekend. Trump is getting back what he says about others.

Trump has never once mentioned all of the people he killed with his covid response.

I have as much sympathy for Trump getting shot, as YOU have for George Floyd being murdered.
That's breathtakingly awful for her. I'm ashamed that these people are teaching children to be honest. How do they hope to model anything for kids when they act like this?
In my county, a close-in liberal county on the Virginia side, not only are the teachers shunning Republican teachers, they are promoting antisemitism and the Jewish kids are being bullied and assaulted. (They always pick on the small, bright ones as well.)

And if things aren’t bad enough, some Muslim in her 20s was elected to the School Board (the libs love Muslims no matter how inept), and she managed to push into the curriculum a big anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian agenda. So that has made it even worse for the Jewish kids.
Which side calls half of all voters threats to democracy, and their chosen candidate “evil” and likens him to Hitler? That would be YOUR side.

The hypocrisy and denial - and projection - is surreal.
Which side called for millions of American citizens to have their votes discarded so Trump could be made president?

That would be your side.

If you don’t want to be called a threat to democracy, don’t support the guy who was a threat to democracy.
The teachers in the liberal areas have been horrific. A friend of mine taught in a liberal Maryland county outside DC, and she made the grave error of saying, while Trump was president, that he had done some good things. The teachers “accused” her of voting for HIM, and she admitted it. After that, she was totally ostracized. No teacher would eat lunch with her, and no teacher would even chit-chat with her. It was like an Amish shunning.

She ended up retiring the next year - two years ahead of her plans. They essentially drove her out, and I’m sure they were happy about it.

We are dealing with some extremely hateful people. I’m ashamed they are Americans.
The way to deal with that is to give American Parents School Vouchers and let them spend it at whichever school they want.

Our 'edumicashun' system is a worldwide joke. We spend the most of any country per student and have the dumbest students.

Even in the 'electives'. Poor kids, kids from difficult backgrounds, juvenile delinquents don't usually select Advanced Math, Chemistry or Physics classes in High School. Yet, we lag the rest of the civilized world in student scores on those classes.

Our edumacashun system is good at instilling self-esteem, but it's into children that are dumb as a box of fucking rocks.

The whole system is a joke. An expensive joke. For those of you that own a home, look at your tax bill some day.

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