Is MAGA Half of America as Trump is Claiming? No it is not.

What happened to the Big fn Lie you dolts used to spew?

Old news or whatever dear leader quits saying, I suppose.
The Big Lie?

Thanks for reminding me!



Donald Trump makes lots of claims that turn out to be not true. He did once claim his exaggerations and what many call fabrications are just "Truthful Hyperbole."

Has Mr. Trump ever had 100% of registered Republicans supporting him?

Does the GOP comprise half of America? Does it even comprise half of the national voting electorate?

Mr. Trump, the GOP candidate for president in 2024 has said he's "running to be president ‘for all of America, not half of America'." It is an insinuation that others see his candidacy as representing half of America? Really? I'd love to ask him or his following "What half exactly?

We do know he demonizes Democrats. He demonizes others. Does that not create a cognitive dissonance?

But I propose here that we only deal with facts, not empty promises and mouthings.

No... MAGA Worker's Party is about 15% of American voters.

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