The Trump/Jesus Comparison

I agree about the Democrats. Nothing but a string of unqualified unaccomplished losers, headed by 0bama. But Trump is probably the most qualified EVER to run for president with his sterling 50-year business experience. And it showed. He was among the most successful presidents in history on all fronts.

The only way you can be naive enough to claim Trump was among the most successful presidents in history is to be blissfully unaware of the facts.
Lowering the deficit?

His handling of the Covid outbreak?

The way he handled the loss in the 2020 election?

The man has been a disaster.
1. COVID spending that he was opposed to
2 He got us the vaccination before the end of 2020 as promised, (and for which he was ridiculed for promising)
3. He actually won the 2020 election. Democrats stole it through illegals and mail-in ballots in states where no proof of ID was required.
The antichrist was prophesized to recover from a head wound.

That was the only way left in which Trump didn't match the antichrist. Now he hits 100% of the antichrist buttons.

Thus, his followers love him more.
1. COVID spending that he was opposed to
2 He got us the vaccination before the end of 2020 as promised, (and for which he was ridiculed for promising)
3. He actually won the 2020 election. Democrats stole it through illegals and mail-in ballots in states where no proof of ID was required.
1. COVID spending that he was opposed to
2 He got us the vaccination before the end of 2020 as promised, (and for which he was ridiculed for promising)
3. He actually won the 2020 election. Democrats stole it through illegals and mail-in ballots in states where no proof of ID was required.

1. The deficit was soaring under Trump BEFORE the pandemic.
2. The roll-out of the vaccine was a dismal failure.
3. No, he did not win the 2020 election. That is why no court would hear the case.
1. The deficit was soaring under Trump BEFORE the pandemic.
2. The roll-out of the vaccine was a dismal failure.
3. No, he did not win the 2020 election. That is why no court would hear the case.
No court would hear the case because of lack of standing. No court ever heard the details of the steal.
Concerning the deficit, your statement is a lie. The numbers of the deficit spending in his term project over ten years, meaning the majority of the money was spent under Biden. Ooops.
No court would hear the case because of lack of standing. No court ever heard the details of the steal.
Concerning the deficit, your statement is a lie. The numbers of the deficit spending in his term project over ten years, meaning the majority of the money was spent under Biden. Ooops.

No court would hear it because of the lack of evidence. It was not a stolen election. It was a childish tantrum by the loser.

The numbers for the deficit are simple. It is the amount spent that is over amount coming in. It is posted as a fiscal year figure.
Donald Trump was the greatest, most selfless, most honest, most accomplished president in U.S. history. He accomplished more great things—unbelievable things—in his four years than any president in history. He has selflessly donated his enormous talents for the good of the country, when it would have been much easier to settle into retirement at Mar-a-Lago on his yacht. So I’ve wondered, given all that, why the extreme vitriol against against this great man. Why the constant investigations, the impeachments, the lawsuits? And then I am reminded of how Jesus was treated.

Jesus Christ is the most perfect person who has ever existed, and he suffered the most ignominious murders of anyone in history. The most extreme in both directions. And so if it happens to Him, why would I be surprised that a lesser man, great as he was, like Donald Trump was treated very badly? That’s the road for people trying to do the right thing always. It’s never easy. You have a share of people who hate you.

Matthew, CHAPTER 7 “Enter through the narrow gate;Matthew, CHAPTER 7Matthew, CHAPTER 7 for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.j How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. – Matthew 7: 13-14.

Like most of my threads, I know this one will be misrepresented and lied about. People will declare blasphemy, claiming I said Trump was as virtuous as Jesus. Not saying that at all. Trump was a man of many flaws, leading a sinful life in his younger years. But in recent years and during his first term, there was ample evidence he had turned the corner. His selfless leadership exhibited that change. St Paul, we recall, was a dreadful sinner early in his life. He completely transformed and became among the greatest saints ever.

Jesus was perfect, but the atheists of His day murdered Him. The thousands of great selfless priests and sisters under the atheist Nazi and Communist regimes were led to slaughter like lambs and murdered by the thousands. Today, Christians are being murdered by the non-Christians all over the world. Just the same as when I start a thread on the said life of George Carlin, then I’m labeled as the worst person on earth for daring to challenge the destruction of a drugged life, when you think I’d be agreed with. It’s the very same pattern. Good people trying to do the right thing will be attacked or worse by the atheists. That’s the way it always has been and the way it will be. So I needn’t be surprised at the unprecedently vile treatment President Trump has received at the hands of the current atheists. It’s expected.

Let’s contrast this with the ‘wide easy road’ enjoyed by the wicked Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton. Vile evil people who have and are committing much sin, graft and deceit. They are praised by the atheist left as heroes. As great people. Immune from criticism. They enjoy the “wide easy road” here on earth. We know what the bible says about that.

So my Christian friends, rest easy. Godless people crucify the virtuous. This is our lot in life. We will have the strength to handle it. Good people can handle it. Donald Trump can handle it.

Mindsets like ^ this are why I changed my sig to Isaiah 2:22. (And since I'll change it again later, I'll post it here)

"Stop trusting in man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for of what account is he?" - Isaiah 2:22

Here's how the ERV put it:

"Stop trusting other people to save you. Do not think too highly of them; they are only humans who have not stopped breathing yet."

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