The Trump/Jesus Comparison

And clearly I touched a nerve with you too...His and your reaction show that this verse hit a little close to home
I only skimmed your reply. I completely missed this part. Thanks for the laugh.

To be totally honest, I see you as a sister in Christ. You understand a lot many other "christians" don't. But you have this single thing that you can't seem to give up. You do love your conspiracies.
I read your post twice, I know that you stated Trump is imperfect. Like I said to CIM, that was never my claim and not the point at all. The point was about putting too much trust in mere mortals, giving them too much regard.

But since you brought it up, after you acknowledged that he had flaws and led a sinful life in his younger years, you then said that he has changed. Here are your words. (I added the bold)

"But in recent years and during his first term, there was ample evidence he had turned the corner. His selfless leadership exhibited that change. St Paul, we recall, was a dreadful sinner early in his life. He completely transformed and became among the greatest saints ever."​

So clearly you are putting your trust in someone that you think has changed, and you mentioned St. Paul. Paul is known for having a "road to Damascus" life-changing moment... are you claiming that Trump too is now a born again Christian? That was not at all what I was talking about before, but since you brought it up, I'm curious to know if you think Trump is a regenerated, born again believer.
I do have a question for you. No judgement, just wondering where you're at. Do you see God in this election? Do you see that despite everything the Dems have thrown at him to sabotage his campaign, he just keeps coming out on top? I do. I see God's Hand in the his election. I have theories WHY, but I have zero doubt Trump will be our next president. They couldn't even kill him because it isn't his time
I only skimmed your reply. I completely missed this part. Thanks for the laugh.

To be totally honest, I see you as a sister in Christ. You understand a lot many other "christians" don't. But you have this single thing that you can't seem to give up. You do love your conspiracies.

You're bringing up a different topic entirely. And it's one that I would like to respond to, but I think it would be better for another time and thread.

Btw, you gave a thumbs down to my previous post (Post #200)... when I was mostly just asking him a question. What in that post did you think is false or worthy of a thumbs down?
I do have a question for you. No judgement, just wondering where you're at. Do you see God in this election? Do you see that despite everything the Dems have thrown at him to sabotage his campaign, he just keeps coming out on top? I do. I see God's Hand in the his election. I have theories WHY, but I have zero doubt Trump will be our next president. They couldn't even kill him because it isn't his time

No, I don't see God's hand in this election, at least not in the same way you do. You know what I think about the Duopoly, I've stated my view on it many times on different threads. Frankly, I think politics these days is a lot like Pro Wrestling. So when Hulk Hogan was one of the speakers at the RNC, I thought that was very fitting.

I do agree with you on one thing though. I think Trump is going to be back in office.
I read your post twice, I know that you stated Trump is imperfect. Like I said to CIM, that was never my claim and not the point at all. The point was about putting too much trust in mere mortals, giving them too much regard.

But since you brought it up, after you acknowledged that he had flaws and led a sinful life in his younger years, you then said that he has changed. Here are your words. (I added the bold)

"But in recent years and during his first term, there was ample evidence he had turned the corner. His selfless leadership exhibited that change. St Paul, we recall, was a dreadful sinner early in his life. He completely transformed and became among the greatest saints ever."​

So clearly you are putting your trust in someone that you think has changed, and you mentioned St. Paul. Paul is known for having a "road to Damascus" life-changing moment... are you claiming that Trump too is now a born again Christian? That was not at all what I was talking about before, but since you brought it up, I'm curious to know if you think Trump is a regenerated, born again believer.
I don't know about the 'born again' part, but it's clear by his actions he has repented. No reports of him messing around in the last 18 years. And again, my post has nothing to do with 'placing my trust in Trump', which is something you made up. It has to do with the comparison I made between his travails and those of Jesus.
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And again, my post has nothing to do with 'placing my trust in Trump', which is something you made up. It has to do with the comparison I made between his travails and those of Jesus.

So you're not putting your trust in Trump? Your post sounded like you're giving him the highest vote of confidence. Besides, that Isaiah verse was about more than just trusting in man. It's about giving them too much regard, and come on... read your own post. lol! It is overflowing with praise and fanboy admiration..... I mean, I feel like I'm wasting my time arguing the obvious with you. The verse fits, and that's that.

I don't know about the 'born again' part, but it's clear by his actions he has repented. No reports of him messing around in the last 18 years.

As for your comment that he has repented... I don't know if he has or hasn't (I doubt he has, if I had to guess) but I do know this: the only thing that truly changes a person in a significant way is being born again. Nothing else can completely and permanently change a person's nature and their heart. Is Trump a born again Christian? I have not seen any evidence of that. And the last time I checked, I saw evidence of the opposite. He stated himself that he has never even asked God for forgiveness, which shows he doesn't even understand the basics of Christianity.

As for a 'strawman', you just put one out there.

That strawman comment was not directed as you.
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So you're not putting your trust in Trump? Your post sounded like you're giving him the highest vote of confidence. Besides, that Isaiah verse was about more than just trusting in man. It's about giving them too much regard, and come on... read your own post. lol! It is overflowing with praise and fanboy admiration..... I mean, I feel like I'm wasting my time arguing the obvious with you. The verse fits, and that's that.

As for your comment that he has repented... I don't know if he has or hasn't (I doubt he has, if I had to guess) but I do know this: the only thing that truly changes a person in a significant way is being born again. Nothing else can completely and permanently change a person's nature and their heart. Is Trump a born again Christian? I have not seen any evidence of that. And the last time I checked, I saw evidence of the opposite. He stated himself that he has never even asked God for forgiveness, which shows he doesn't even understand the basics of Christianity.

That strawman comment was not directed as you.

Trump has consistently mocked Christians.

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