"article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal

Yes, I am aware of how the law works. The issue I have with opinions like this is that the decisions themselves run contradictory to existing treaties and customary law.
Every Judge is elected and confirmed for a fixed term by the Security Council which means the US voted for every Judge. That something "runs contradictory" to anything is a matter of opinion and clearly the Judges have a very different interpretation of things, it's their opinion that matters not yours, not Nazinyahu's, not Beelzebub Snotrich.
The danger here is permitting the UN to establish custom wherein it gives itself new powers to break treaties between States; tear apart the territorial integrity of existing States; reward acts of belligerence; negate the concept of peace treaties; create legal workarounds for such atrocities as sanctioned ethnic cleansing.

It is a very, very bad idea to permit the UN the power to dictate the behavior of States outside the law.
The ICJ is an integral part of the UN, it exists because of advocacy and support from member states including all of the permanent members. The UN reflects the interests and view of the members, it is based on democratic voting.

What do you mean then by "establish a custom"? the ICJ is doing what it has always done since the US and others set it up after WW2,

The ICJ case was brought by other members states (which is how the ICJ works) and they have been considering the complaints for two years and have now reached a decision.

The UN and ICJ are "permitted" to do what they do because that's what the members want, member states have rights at the UN and always have.
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Every Judge is elected and confirmed for a fixed term by the Security Council which means the US voted for every Judge. That something "runs contradictory" to anything is a matter of opinion and clearly the Judges have a very different interpretation of things, it's their opinion that matters not yours, not Nazinyahu's, not Beelzebub Snotrich.
The UN must operate within the scope of the law. Otherwise, we have a world body that is nothing more than neighorhood bullies picking teams for dodgeball.
The UN must operate within the scope of the law. Otherwise, we have a world body that is nothing more than neighborhood bullies picking teams for dodgeball.
Its the ICJ's role to tell us if Israel is operating within the law and it's found that they are not. The UN is operating as it always has operated. What's different is that the United States is losing influence and support.
Its the ICJ's role to tell us if Israel is operating within the law and it's found that they are not.
The ICJ provided an opinion that Israel is not operating according made-up and imaginary standards that don't exist in law. That's the problem.
The UN was founded by the victors of WW2, the US was the primary mover and shaker (look at where the headquarters are FFS), nobody forced the US to create and become a member of, the UN.
In fact, the UN was created by the US near the end of the second European WW to prevent the allied nations from signing separate peace treaties with the Germans and only later to be used by the US to try to prevent the Europeans or others from starting more world wars.

In all other endeavors, the UN has an unblemished record of failure, and the question is, can it be reformed to make it useful or should it be scrapped or will it just continue to fade away into irrelevance?
In fact, the UN was created by the US near the end of the second European WW to prevent the allied nations from signing separate peace treaties with the Germans and only later to be used by the US to try to prevent the Europeans or others from starting more world wars.

In all other endeavors, the UN has an unblemished record of failure, and the question is, can it be reformed to make it useful or should it be scrapped or will it just continue to fade away into irrelevance?
I agree it has failed, it is forever compromised by the inequitable privileges granted to the permanent members.
Of course, but you will likely reject them out of hand for being "Zionists", without even investigating their actual claims. Start with Dr. Jacques Gauthier.
I asked you "Who's making these claims beside Israel, the Zionist lobby and the usual mouthpieces in Washington?" and you present a source that's part of the Zionist lobby.

In 2019, the ISGAP received a grant of US$1.3 million, to be distributed over three years, from the Israeli government.
In 2020, The Forward reported that almost 80% of the ISGAP's funding in 2018, totaling $445,000, had come from the government of Israel, income which the think tank did not divulge.
Harvard professors Alan Dershowitz and Ruth Wisse were co-chairs of ISGAP's international board

Note that The Forward is a Jewish New Media firm that exposed this deception.

An American think tank [ISGAP] that studies Jew-hatred — including weighing in on when criticism of Israel becomes antisemitic — took a six-figure payment from the Israeli government but didn’t disclose it to the public or to the federal government.

Source: Wikipedia.
I asked you "Who's making these claims beside Israel, the Zionist lobby and the usual mouthpieces in Washington?" and you present a source that's part of the Zionist lobby.
Entirely predictable that you would choose to remain ignorant, rather than investigate claims that don't match your preconceptions. If you were honest about learning and research, you would at least take a look at the claim, and argue the substance rather than putting your fingers in your ears.

If you don't like Dr. Gauthier, you could try Eugene Kontorovich or Natasha Hausdorff.

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