The world is watching and waiting !!!

Good point. I have always opposed religion based governments of any stripe.

Excellent reason why there will never be a " Palestinian state" Can't have it both ways

What religious laws are there in Palestine?

Women and Christians own land, homes, and businesses. They can run for and hold government offices. The mayor of Ramallah is a Christian woman elected in a Muslim majority city. (let me know when a Christian or Muslim gets elected mayor of Tel Aviv.) Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza.

Sorry, Tin-less. You're either out of touch with reality or purposefully ignorant.

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

The Ministry of Religious Affairs launched a "virtue campaign" in January in the Strip's central districts. The campaign targeted low-waist jeans, female abayas that show jeans underneath and veiled women who show the front of their hair beneath their headscarves. Although the campaign was not forceful, it reinforced Hamas’ desire to see stricter social etiquette in Gaza in line with sharia.
The OP

The world is watching and waiting !!!

Israeli settlementsMain articles: Israeli settlement and International law and Israeli settlements

The participating High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention,[17] numerous UN resolutions, the International Court of Justice[18] and other instances have ruled that Israel's policy of establishing civilian settlements in occupied territories, including in East Jerusalem, is illegal.

Israel's settlement policy has drawn harsh criticism from the United States[19] and the European Union.[20]

Criticism of the Israeli government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International legal opinions[edit]

At present, based on the result of numerous UN resolutions that cite Article 49 of the Geneva Convention, the consensus view of the international community is that Israeli settlements are illegal and constitute a violation of international law.[10][11][12][35][36] According to the BBC, every government in the world, except Israel, considers the settlements to be illegal.[37]

Arguments based on property rights and private ownership[edit]

On January 30, 2009, the Associated Press reported that Israeli political group Yesh Din plans to use a classified Israeli Government database to prove that many West Bank Israeli settlements were built on land privately owned by Palestinian citizens without compensation.[116]

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel always tell the world that it wants peace, what it needs to realize is that there can be no peace without Justice !!!
It is posts like yours that send people out looking for a new message board. As usual you provide NO FACT/LINKS to support a word you say. :link:
Your lack of compassion for my post about Jews in 1942 Berlin causes me to write you off totally. And, why you are bringing the GLBTQ into it is beyond me? I am a happily married hetero living in Los Angeles where GLBTQ and Jews are just as good as me. Your stupidity and bigotry is getting you perilously close my "ignore" button. I have no patience with idiots.

It is pretty common knowledge that other groups were targeted by the Nazis. You do not need a link and I do not have the required number of posts to provide one. To what exactly would you like a link anyway?

If such targeting by Nazis is some raison d'etre for Jews being able to have a nation state created for them, I see an inconsistency in not allowing the creation of a nation state for these other targeted groups. Your lack of compassion for any victims of the Nazis other than those members of the Jewish faith is beyond me, your alleged "happily married, heterosexual resident of L.A." notwithstanding.

Maybe you should think about why you do not have enough posts to link? There is an USMB reason for this. Of course you could always footnote in a bibliography style. You would do well to read the USMB forums before you post any more. USMB is the big leagues, and I don't think you are up to it.


You asked me to provide a link. I merely supplied you with a reason as to why I couldn't. It doesn't take a genius to figure out.

I have no idea what the Holocaust has to do with illegal settlements. You seem to think it is germaine.

Now you are threatening me and insulting me. I really have no idea what your problem is or how you developed such an over-inflated opinion of yourself but you really haven't shown me anything but nonsensical gibberish and homophobic, religious, racial and ethnic bigotry.

Perhaps, you should ask your laundary to put less starch in your white sheets and more fabric softener. You seem to be very irritated and disagreeable and it may be caused by excessive chafing.
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Excellent reason why there will never be a " Palestinian state" Can't have it both ways

What religious laws are there in Palestine?

Women and Christians own land, homes, and businesses. They can run for and hold government offices. The mayor of Ramallah is a Christian woman elected in a Muslim majority city. (let me know when a Christian or Muslim gets elected mayor of Tel Aviv.) Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza.

Sorry, Tin-less. You're either out of touch with reality or purposefully ignorant.

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza

Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

The Ministry of Religious Affairs launched a "virtue campaign" in January in the Strip's central districts. The campaign targeted low-waist jeans, female abayas that show jeans underneath and veiled women who show the front of their hair beneath their headscarves. Although the campaign was not forceful, it reinforced Hamas’ desire to see stricter social etiquette in Gaza in line with sharia.

Since coming to power in the coastal enclave in 2007, Hamas has been trying to impose stricter Islamic social practices. Its attempts, however, have often been met with stiff resistance from locals, which has pushed the Islamists to reconsider. In previous cases, Hamas has retreated from a decision banning women from smoking shisha in cafes, another obliging female high school students to wear the hijab, and one banning males from working as hairdressers for females.

Read more: Hamas Pushes Islamization of Gaza - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Fact is at that time of change, they had the right, it was voted on, and Jews were given the land back to them whilst arabs were given other lands. It was voted on and ratified. Counties were legally obliged to encourage Jewish immigration to that part of the Palestinian Mandate.

The UN was obliged to secure any rights of the arabs and Jews that were in that San Remo mandate.

You really didn't answer my question. Who gave them the right to dictate the boundaries of native peoples? That is anti-democratic and dictatorial.

Just because someone has power does not confer rights. perhaps you think it does?

Also, how were the Jews given the land back to them? Should everyone be given "the land back to them"? What are you talking about. Lands belong to peoples, not religions. I am not sure even that "the lands" can or should be given back to people after a period of time. Is there some sort of statute of limitations?

The fact is neither The League Of Nations or the UN had the right to give the land only the indigenous Palestinian people had sovereignty rights in to anyone else.
You really didn't answer my question. Who gave them the right to dictate the boundaries of native peoples? That is anti-democratic and dictatorial.

Just because someone has power does not confer rights. perhaps you think it does?

Also, how were the Jews given the land back to them? Should everyone be given "the land back to them"? What are you talking about. Lands belong to peoples, not religions. I am not sure even that "the lands" can or should be given back to people after a period of time. Is there some sort of statute of limitations?

The fact is neither The League Of Nations or the UN had the right to give the land only the indigenous Palestinian people had sovereignty rights in to anyone else.

It most certainly DID have the right, and not only that but countries voted so. The Jews were given what was then the Palestine area and in fact much more than the Jews settled for as they were given Jordan too, and the arabs were given their own countries.

Nobody was complaining at the time, so why are all you antisemites complaining now? In fact don't answer that one. We all know why. :lol:
The fact is neither The League Of Nations or the UN had the right to give the land only the indigenous Palestinian people had sovereignty rights in to anyone else.

It most certainly DID have the right, and not only that but countries voted so. The Jews were given what was then the Palestine area and in fact much more than the Jews settled for as they were given Jordan too, and the arabs were given their own countries.

Nobody was complaining at the time, so why are all you antisemites complaining now? In fact don't answer that one. We all know why. :lol:

I suppose they had a "right" if you believe in colonialism and imperialism. I suppose slave owners in the United States also had the right to own slaves. I am not sure how you determine rights. Did Hitler have a right to target people for extermination?

I am unclear as to how my expecting people of the Jewish faith to be treated like other faith based peoples equates to anti-Semitism, unless you are one of those who think, for some odd reason or another, that Jewish people deserve special treatment.

Also, you may want to read some history as to what exactly the Jews were given and when, and what the conditions they were expected to fulfill when Western countries gave to the Jews an area they had no right to give.

Please explain "rights" to me?
The fact is neither The League Of Nations or the UN had the right to give the land only the indigenous Palestinian people had sovereignty rights in to anyone else.

It most certainly DID have the right, and not only that but countries voted so. The Jews were given what was then the Palestine area and in fact much more than the Jews settled for as they were given Jordan too, and the arabs were given their own countries.

Nobody was complaining at the time, so why are all you antisemites complaining now? In fact don't answer that one. We all know why. :lol:

I can find where the right of the Jews to live in the holy land was recognized but I can't find where the land was transferred to them for their exclusive Use.
"By 1920, the League of Nations had affirmed the applicability of the right to self-determination to the people of Palestine and decided to establish a temporary Mandatory system to facilitate Palestine's independence in accordance with Article 22 of its Covenant. Article 22 stated that “[c]ertain*communities formerly belonging to the Turkish empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the*Mandatory.”

Setting the Legal Context:The Palestinian Right to Self-Determination

This Palestinian right of self determination in the land of Palestine remains their legal right under international law.
"By 1920, the League of Nations had affirmed the applicability of the right to self-determination to the people of Palestine and decided to establish a temporary Mandatory system to facilitate Palestine's independence in accordance with Article 22 of its Covenant. Article 22 stated that “[c]ertain*communities formerly belonging to the Turkish empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the*Mandatory.”

Setting the Legal Context:The Palestinian Right to Self-Determination

This Palestinian right of self determination in the land of Palestine remains their legal right under international law.

Good post, thanks for the link.

Numerous General Assembly Resolutions have affirmed this right as particularly applicable to the Palestinian people, including Resolutions 2535 (10 Dec. 1969); 2649 (30 Nov 1970); 3236 (22 Nov 1974); 43/177 (15 Dec. 1988); and 48/94 (20 Dec. 1993). Of particular note is Resolution 3236, which reaffirms and specifies the inalienable rights of Palestinian people in Palestine as including: a) the right to self-determination without external interference; b) the right to national independence and sovereignty; and, the c)“inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted." The Resolution emphasizes that “full respect for and the realization of these inalienable rights of the Palestinian people are indispensable for the solution of the question of Palestine.”
"...Ethnic cleansing happens to be illegal."
Expulsion is not the same as Extermination, which is what the Muslim-Arabs swore to do to the Jews throughout much of the past 65 years.

Looks to me like the Palestinians are getting the better deal, being Expelled rather than Exterminated.

Far more humanitarian than slaughtering the Muslim-Arab Palestinians, as the Israeli-Jews could so easily do at any time they chose to.

Besides, you can consider Expulsion as pay-back for the 1.x million Jews whom the Muslims expelled from various Muslim-controlled lands in the 1948-1975 time-frame.

As to the 'legalities'... well...

I'm sure you-and-yours will still be impotently clamoring about that 20 years after the last Muslim-Arabs have been ejected from Rump-Palestine and shoved across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon.

Sometimes you can be technically Right, and still Lose, and, in this particular game, Winning is the ONLY thing that counts. There IS no prize for Second Place..

Beyond very finite limits, the rest of the non-Muslim world doesn't really care.

The world has grown weary of all this, and just wants an end to this horseshit, via the most expedient means practicable, so long as no actual wholesale slaughter occurs.

All of Israel's Muslim-Arab neighbor-countries are now in tatters and largely incapable of effective military action against Israel.

Unlike 1948, 1967 or 1973, there is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill to try to rescue you this time.

And, of course, none of this goes to prove the concept of 'unarmed civilians' trumping 'mooched weapons'...

Not that anybody in their right mind believes that the Palestinians are 'unarmed'...
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It most certainly DID have the right, and not only that but countries voted so. The Jews were given what was then the Palestine area and in fact much more than the Jews settled for as they were given Jordan too, and the arabs were given their own countries.

Nobody was complaining at the time, so why are all you antisemites complaining now? In fact don't answer that one. We all know why. :lol:

I can find where the right of the Jews to live in the holy land was recognized but I can't find where the land was transferred to them for their exclusive Use.
Look in the book of Genesis.

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