"article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal

You are going to have to up your game.

The video begins in the wrong place with "How did Israel come to occupy [Judea and Samaria]". The correct place to begin is with who had sovereign legal rights to Judea and Samaria. How did they obtain those rights? What are the boundaries to which those rights apply? What legal instruments do we have to confirm those rights?

We can't discuss one State occupying another State if we can't first establish the legal existence of both States and the legal boundary between them. Otherwise, how can we know if a person is standing in the one State or the other?

Ben-Gurion accepted the UN partition plan Oct 1947, and the UN approved the plan late Nov 1947 in resolution 181.



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Here's a CIA report from Nov 28 1947, the day before the UN vote on resolution 181:


There it is plan and simple. They agreed to the planned partition but actually were simply deceiving, they had no intention of confining the state to the agreed borders, they wanted the entire region, this is inherent in Zionism, seize land and ethnically cleanse it.
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UNGA resolutions do not create States or boundaries. And the ICJ opinion does not discuss these as boundaries. Try again.
Try what again? I just stated some facts, anyone can check if they think I'm incorrect. As to the relevance of this to the ICJ, I have no idea. The point of my post is to show Ben Gurion (representing the Zionists) accepted the partition plan, we can all see the map, it defines borders for what's inside "Israel" and what's outside "Israel", they accepted that.

But behind closed doors they had not intention of honoring that agreement, so says the CIA record.

It's the same old fanatical nationalism begging, whining and crying with one hand while they punch, slap and steal with the other. Nobody has any more patience for these fucking theatrics and melodrama and crying antisemitism this and holocaust that.

They need to get the fuck out, everybody can see the plain truth here, so stop with the pretending.

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Try what again? I just stated some facts, anyone can check if they think I'm incorrect. As to the relevance of this to the ICJ, I have no idea. The point of my post is to show Ben Gurion (representing the Zionists) accepted the partition plan, we can all see the map, it defines borders for what's inside "Israel" and what's outside "Israel", they accepted that.
Yes, it is a fact that UNGA 181 exists. It is not a fact that UNGA 181 establishes the legal boundaries of Israel or some other imaginary State.
High scum indeed.
You are the ones who lecture the World on the rule of law and the rules based order, well it looks like your rules and everyone elses order you will actually see the destruction of Israel and it will be their own fault, they had a wake up call yesterday when a Houthi Drone hit Tel Aviv, you can't take Hezbollah on because they can fight back.
You are the ones who lecture the World on the rule of law and the rules based order, well it looks like your rules and everyone elses order you will actually see the destruction of Israel and it will be their own fault, they had a wake up call yesterday when a Houthi Drone hit Tel Aviv, you can't take Hezbollah on because they can fight back.

You should hold your breath, like the Arab whiners have for the last 75 years.
Try what again? I just stated some facts, anyone can check if they think I'm incorrect. As to the relevance of this to the ICJ, I have no idea. The point of my post is to show Ben Gurion (representing the Zionists) accepted the partition plan, we can all see the map, it defines borders for what's inside "Israel" and what's outside "Israel", they accepted that.

But behind closed doors they had not intention of honoring that agreement, so says the CIA record.

It's the same old fanatical nationalism begging, whining and crying with one hand while they punch, slap and steal with the other. Nobody has any more patience for these fucking theatrics and melodrama and crying antisemitism this and holocaust that.

They need to get the fuck out, everybody can see the plain truth here, so stop with the pretending.

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Israel is not within the ICJ's jurisdiction, dumbass.

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