Seems awful cold for the "hottest" year on record

Switching off the AMOC will cool off Europe, not the planet. If the AMOC shuts off, what do you think will happen to the equatorial regions from which Europe's warmth originated? This is similar to the development of Rossby Waves in the jet stream. The American midwest gets colder, but the American northwest gets warmer. There is no effect on the temperature of the globe as a whole. These are the sort of fundamental oversights your posts are absolutely FILLED with.
It's not just Europe. That you refuse to accept how close the NH is from extensive continental glaciation is astonishing since the threshold temperature can literally be identified from the oxygen isotope curve.

Maybe study the data a little more closely.

It's not just Europe. That you refuse to accept how close the NH is from extensive continental glaciation is astonishing since the threshold temperature can literally be identified from the oxygen isotope curve.

Maybe study the data a little more closely.

View attachment 980182
We left the last glacial period 11,700 years ago and our current temperatures are going in the wrong direction if you're expecting the next one to start any time soon. As I have repeatedly told you, we began cooling 6,000 years ago following the HCO but that was stopped by AGW. Even without that, we are not predicted to descend into the next glacial period for a good 10,000 years.
We left the last glacial period 11,700 years ago and our current temperatures are going in the wrong direction if you're expecting the next one to start any time soon. As I have repeatedly told you, we began cooling 6,000 years ago following the HCO but that was stopped by AGW. Even without that, we are not predicted to descend into the next glacial period for a good 10,000 years.
And has nothing whatsoever to do with what I said. If the ocean currents change the climate of the planet will change.

Energy from the Sun drives climate by heating Earth’s surface unevenly. Ice also reflects incoming sunlight, cooling the poles even more. The temperature difference sets the ocean and atmosphere in motion as they work together to distribute heat around the planet. Movement of heat by the atmosphere and ocean gives rise to climate and weather. The ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere. The ocean releases heat in response to changes in the atmosphere. That's how weather and climate work. If the ocean currents change the climate of the planet will change.
And has nothing whatsoever to do with what I said. If the ocean currents change the climate of the planet will change.
Did the ocean's currents undergo some massive change at the time of the Industrial Revolution? No, they did not.

Another Ding mistake.
Energy from the Sun drives climate by heating Earth’s surface unevenly.
The sun does not heat the Earth's surface unevenly.

Another Ding mistake.
Ice also reflects incoming sunlight, cooling the poles even more.
Even more than what? Periods when there was no ice there? Well, the ice is currently disappearing. So, the Earth's albedo is dropping. So the sun is warming the planet more than before the Industrial Revolution.

Another Ding mistake.
The temperature difference sets the ocean and atmosphere in motion
What temperature difference is that? Is it some difference that has changed since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? And if you think it has, what was the cause?

Another Ding mistake.
as they work together to distribute heat around the planet.
The atmosphere and the ocean do not have a GOAL to distribute heat around the planet.

Another Ding mistake.
Movement of heat by the atmosphere and ocean gives rise to climate and weather.
No. That movement IS weather. Weather is driven by DIFFERENCES in energy. Here, from Google's AI

Weather is caused by interactions between solar radiation, the Earth's ocean, landscapes, and motion in space. These interactions create global patterns in the atmosphere that impact local weather. Weather is defined as the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place, and is made up of six main components:
  • Temperature: How hot or cold the atmosphere is
  • Atmospheric pressure: Caused by the weight of air molecules, which can lead to clear skies or cloud formation
  • Wind: Driven by global wind patterns that create air masses
  • Humidity: Can be affected by solar radiation
  • Cloud formation: Can be caused by low air pressure
  • Precipitation: Can include rain
Another Ding mistake
The ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere.
Water actually has a specific heat capacity only 4.23 times that of air. Your figure of 1,000 comes from a comparison by VOLUME. That is, a gram of water is much smaller than a gram of air at STP.

Another Ding mistake.
The ocean releases heat in response to changes in the atmosphere.
The ocean radiates thermal energy constantly dependent SOLELY on its absolute temperature. It conducts and convects thermal energy to and from the solid basin in which it rests and the atmosphere above it. You understanding here is puerile.

Another Ding mistake.

That's how weather and climate work. If the ocean currents change the climate of the planet will change.
Again, you invoke "Hey Presto". The only thing you EVER succeed in demonstrating here is your basic science ignorance.

Another Ding mistake.

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