"article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal

The UN International Court of Justice recognized Israel as an occupier of the Palestinian territories.

Wow. Now Israel is going to be cut off from SWIFT, banned from trading with them, have their cards blocked worldwide, ban Israeli athletes from competing, and impose a myriad of other sanctions.
What do you mean, “No, that's different”?
By all means.
The subject of this particular discussion was: Show me the treaty or international agreement which defines Gaza and the West Bank as being part of Israel.

This walks you through the legal argument step-by-step. Let me know where you think the legal argument breaks down and provide an alternate legal argument.

Treaty of Lausanne: Article 16. Ottoman Empire/Turkey renounces all claims to the territory and leaves the future of these territories to the "parties concerned".

Covenant of the League of Nations: Article 22. Establishes the intent and goals of the Mandatory system to lead to independent nations able to "stand alone", with specific reference to the territories formally renounced by Turkey.

UN Charter: Article 1.2 Establishes in law the principle of self-determination.

Mandate for Palestine: Preamble; Articles 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11. Establishes the right of the Jewish people (only the Jewish people) to re-constitute their national homeland (nation) as the self-governing body in the territory of the Mandate.

The universal customary international law concept of uti posseditis juris which asserts that when a new State is formed without a treaty to delineate boundaries, the boundaries of the former administrative unit become the boundaries of the new State.

Declaration of Independence, State of Israel. Establishes Israel as an independent State, in accordance with Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Israel and Jordan General Armistice Agreement, 1949: Article 2. Establishes that the Armistice Demarcation Line will not prejudice the rights, claims, or positions of either party, and exist in response to military considerations exclusively.

Israel and Egypt General Armistice Agreement, 1949: Article 5. Establishes that the Demarcation Line shall not be construed as a political boundary and will not prejudice the rights, claims, or positions of either party.

UNGA Resolution 273. Confirms Israel's status as a member State and able to carry out its obligations as a State.

Treaty of Peace between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel, 1979. Establishes the international border between Israel and Egypt (note location).

Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel, 1994. Establishes the international border between Israel and Jordan (note location).

Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the Status of the West Bank and the Gaza strip, 1995. Establishes the right of Israel to negotiate with a non-government non-state representative (note status) for a final boundary agreement, confirming the lack of such an existing boundary, and the right of Israel to negotiate its territorial integrity.

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