peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

and the muslims who believe in a world wide caliphate who already have 50 states and can't give the Jews just 1.
You speak of Muslim states as if there are no Christian states. It was Christian states who carried out the Holocaust, it was Christian states who bear most responsibility for antisemitism, it was from within Europe that Zionism sprouted partly in reaction to European antisemitism.

These are all easily verified facts yet you glibly paint a picture of a world where none of these things are true and all the ills befalling Israel today are attributable to Arab antisemitism.

This is a fake narrative, without foundation or scholarly support, it stems from your own racism and hatred of Arabs because you live in a racist state, a state built upon colonization, ethnic cleansing and extermination of indigenous peoples and a slave based labor system.

Please make some effort to educate yourself before posting.
Because Israel is powerful enough to destroy them if they don't. If thy don't stop attacking Israel then why should Israel stop attacking them back?
There's nothing to be gained by asking me, fundamentally the facts are irrelevant to you. I can cite the hundreds of UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of but you'll then just dismiss the UN as irrelevant. You are simply embracing the "might is right" position and Christians are better than Muslims, if you believe these with all your soul then clearly we are unlikely to ever agree so why bother asking me anything?

I debate with someone on the assumption they are honest, well meaning and not xenophobes, that they truly want to see a reduction in overall danger and threats, but you do not share these attitudes with me.
You speak of Muslim states as if there are no Christian states. It was Christian states who carried out the Holocaust,
The Nazi's wee not Christians.
it was Christian states who bear most responsibility for antisemitism, it was from within Europe that Zionism sprouted partly in reaction to European antisemitism.
Muslims allied with Nazi's.
These are all easily verified facts yet you glibly paint a picture of a world where none of these things are true and all the ills befalling Israel today are attributable to Arab antisemitism.
Verifiable from whom?
This is a fake narrative, without foundation or scholarly support, it stems from your own racism and hatred of Arabs because you live in a racist state, a state built upon colonization, ethnic cleansing and extermination of indigenous peoples and a slave based labor system.

Please make some effort to educate yourself before posting.
Muslims still practice slavery today.
Sherlock Holmes said:

That's not for me to say, but it's important that a racial supremacist state never again be created.

The Nazi's wee not Christians.
National Socialism emerged from within a Christian Germany, a protestant Christian country, Martin Luther was a German.
Muslims allied with Nazi's.
Yes, that's because the Nazis and the Arabs had a common enemy, the British.
Verifiable from whom?
By you if being correct means anything to you.
Muslims still practice slavery today.
Christians still practice evangelism today.
There's nothing to be gained by asking me, fundamentally the facts are irrelevant to you. I can cite the hundreds of UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of but you'll then just dismiss the UN as irrelevant. You are simply embracing the "might is right" position and Christians are better than Muslims, if you believe these with all your soul then clearly we are unlikely to ever agree so why bother asking me anything?

I debate with someone on the assumption they are honest, well meaning and not xenophobes, that they truly want to see a reduction in overall danger and threats, but you do not share these attitudes with me.
The UN who put Iran in charge of their human rights commission and Saudi Arabia in charge of their Women's rights committee. UN where we luckily have veto power but would only have 1 vote when we have 50 states while the Arabs get 50 votes. The UN that had a server under their UNWR Hospital, gun caches in their UN schools, and previously used UN vehicles to transport Hamas members to and from combat zones. That UN?
The UN who put Iran in charge of their human rights commission and Saudi Arabia in charge of their Women's rights committee. UN where we luckily have veto power but would only have 1 vote when we have 50 states while the Arabs get 50 votes. The UN that had a server under their UNWR Hospital, gun caches in their UN schools, and previously used UN vehicles to transport Hamas members to and from combat zones. That UN?
You're quite naive, by all means embrace this narrative, I prefer reality, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth, so says George Orwell.

The following is in today's news:

UK to resume funding to UN Palestine relief agency UNRWA.

Britain will restore funding to the UN’s Palestine relief agency Unrwa, the foreign secretary has announced, in Labour’s first major departure from the previous government’s stance towards the Middle East crisis.

David Lammy told MPs on Friday he had decided to unfreeze funding, which was suspended in January after Israel alleged that Unrwa staff were involved in the 7 October attack by Hamas. Catherine Colonna, a former French foreign minister, carried out a review of the allegations for the UN earlier this year but said she was given no evidence by the Israelis to back up their claims.

Lammy’s decision marks a rare split between the UK and the US on policy towards Gaza, leaving the US as the only country not to have restored funding.

Can you read? Catherine Colonna said she was given NO evidence by the Israelis, it was a fake story, a lie, the Israelis are always lying, it's propaganda, total bullshite. Just because you are an American does not mean you have to lie and defend lying too, I mean FFS what's the matter with you??

It's the United States that's out of touch with the rest of the world, with the UN, not the rest of the world out of touch with the United States, talk about narcissism.

Anyway, I'm pleased that my several thousand dollars donation I made in October last year, can now be put to good use, helping poor starving orphans who've lost limbs and parents, as a Christian I felt it my duty to help.

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You're quite naive, by all means embrace this narrative, I prefer reality, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth, so says George Orwell.

The following is in today's news:

UK to resume funding to UN Palestine relief agency UNRWA.

Can you read? Catherine Colonna said she was given NO evidence by the Israelis, it was a fake story, a lie, the Israelis are always lying, it's propaganda, total bullshite. Just because you are an American does not mean you have to lie and defend lying too.

It's the United States that's out of touch with the rest of the world, with the UN, not the rest of the world out of touch with the United States, talk about narcissism.

Anyway, I'm pleased that my several thousand dollars donation I made in October last year, can now be put to good use, helping poor starving orphans who've lost limbs and parents, as a Christian I felt it my duty to help.

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all they need to do is look under the old UNWR Hospital and see. That CNN reporter proved the stuff is still there. Or was.
If they just stopped attacking Israel.
God that’s dumb. You clearly know nothing of the history of Palestine. You’ve been duped by a deceitful media and not smart enough to overcome.

Look up the following:
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Protective Edge
Lebanon War
“Mowing the lawn”

When you’re done doing that let me know, and I’ll give you several more to research. Thanks

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