Dont go in the water !!!

As London was growing up around the Thames, all the piss and shit just flowed down the centre of streets into the Thames, pretty much how the whole planet operated. So in the Victorian days, they built sewers to take this sewage away from the streets and the Thames, but with one failing, rainwater and toilet sewage went into the same pipe. That's called a combined sewer. Many countries copied this. But when you have rainfall that creates too much volume for the sewage plants, it overflows into watercourses/rivers. It has done this from day one. New housing estate have to have separate sewers, one for toilet shit, one for surface water.

The problem is, hundreds of thousand miles of UK sewer pipes are combined sewers. The likes of Tommy Tit feels nationalisation will fix this, but cloud cuckoo land is another topic. Unless we rebuild most of the sewers with £trillions, more frequent rains will just fill the rivers with shit.

And that's UK's sewers summed up, no matter where the finance comes from.
What i don't get is why anyone with half a brain would think Water should be in private hands when profit for shareholders is the prime concern, as Tommy said some things are to provide service for the population i would include rail and energy in that. it's the Conservative Taliban wing that's brought us to where we are now.
As London was growing up around the Thames, all the piss and shit just flowed down the centre of streets into the Thames, pretty much how the whole planet operated. So in the Victorian days, they built sewers to take this sewage away from the streets and the Thames, but with one failing, rainwater and toilet sewage went into the same pipe. That's called a combined sewer. Many countries copied this. But when you have rainfall that creates too much volume for the sewage plants, it overflows into watercourses/rivers. It has done this from day one. New housing estate have to have separate sewers, one for toilet shit, one for surface water.

The problem is, hundreds of thousand miles of UK sewer pipes are combined sewers. The likes of Tommy Tit feels nationalisation will fix this, but cloud cuckoo land is another topic. Unless we rebuild most of the sewers with £trillions, more frequent rains will just fill the rivers with shit.

And that's UK's sewers summed up, no matter where the finance comes from.

Yep. Very old cities like London have beautiful history and buildings. I have seen them (and around England too) and yeah, 500 year old houses blew my young American mind. But this is definitely the downside.
Yep. Very old cities like London have beautiful history and buildings. I have seen them (and around England too) and yeah, 500 year old houses blew my young American mind. But this is definitely the downside.
Years ago they used to open an upstairs windon and tip their shit and piss in the street. It used o get picked up be tinkers who sold it as manure to the market gardens on the edge of the sity along with horse shit. As the city corporations grew up they regognised that they needed better. Better in everything.
So they built sewage sustems in big cities and things got better. But it all needs maintaining and the tories sold it off. They gave the proceeds to rich donors and now thats all gone. They robbed future generations of the fruits of past generations labour.
The major problem is that the new owners wee small time investors and small restraints were placed on the owners. They quickly sold out as big capital came in because it was easy to make a profit out of water.
All the pipes had been laid, all the reservoirs had been dug and you just had to mend a few leaks and collect the water rates which went up every year.
The water companies were under no obligation to dig new reservoirs and as they were no longer stock market listed they didnt have to appease shareholders. Theyy didnt have to please their customerss either. They have a monopoly and are not beholden to anyone.
Customers are not represented on the board either. Its just a monney making racket.
Recently they have been running TV ads telling us how they are great custodians of our water. Its mental. Water is a product that is bought not sold.. So theyy use our money to tell us they are great people..
Itss a huge problem made worse by the terms of the original sell off. I suspect that new laws need to b passed setting out performance levels that folk would see as reasonable.. Then create a regulator to enforce them.

The current regulator is a revolving door where the regulators end up working for the water companies. You dont bite the hand that feeds you.

Its only recently been a problem. I think that when things start to crumble it all starts to go. Thatchers gift to future generations.

Check out Joseph Chamberlain, one of the forward looking Victorians.
You want to drown refugees. That is a fail.
illegal invaders are not refugees, and no one wants to drown them, just send them home. the USA wants immigrants, but only LEGAL immigrants. if you violate our borders and our immigration laws, then you will be returned to your home country. its simple, you brits have been doing it for centuries.
I did. sorry if your British does not translate into English.
You said this.
every royal family in history has shit in it.

Im not fluent in maga so I have to guess what you mean.
Do you mean every royal family has shit members ?
Or they have all shit in the river ?
I dont know because neither of them is relevant to the topic.
I suspect that your family still take a shit on the porch when it is raining and they dont want to walk to the outhouce.
But that wouldnt be relevant either.
illegal invaders are not refugees, and no one wants to drown them, just send them home. the USA wants immigrants, but only LEGAL immigrants. if you violate our borders and our immigration laws, then you will be returned to your home country. its simple, you brits have been doing it for centuries.
Why are you afraid of these people ?
Are you scared that they will steal your land and kill the native population.? When has that happened before. ?
You said this.
every royal family in history has shit in it.

Im not fluent in maga so I have to guess what you mean.
Do you mean every royal family has shit members ?
Or they have all shit in the river ?
I dont know because neither of them is relevant to the topic.
I suspect that your family still take a shit on the porch when it is raining and they dont want to walk to the outhouce.
But that wouldnt be relevant either.
the thread was about the pollution of the Thames, I said that every royal family has shit in it---------the Thames. you attempt at humor failed, you score zero. My grandfathers had outhouses, I have used them. But we all have running water and flush toilets now. Are you really as ignorant as you appear to be?

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