Water crisis - More proof we are being shafted by the water scam

Sounds like a problem to take up with your liberal MP
Why are yiu taking potshots over something that everyone realises is a national pronlem and a real injustice ? Some of these munchkins would laugh if their arses were on fire but you seem generally to be a rtep up from the oddball class.
Ok. Thats just insane. The majoority of immigrants have been an asset to our country. They prop up our NHS and fund our universities.. What is the problem ?
Apart from underclsss racists obviously.

Immigration has shown population increased more than GDP.

Tommy Tit hates the British working. Tommy Tit doesn't realise the EU member states are in the same boat with healthcare staff. Tommy Tit is a commie, a benefits scrounger, and uses the NHS that he slags off daily. You can't get anymore scummy than that.

Immigration has shown population increased more than GDP.

Tommy Tit hates the British working. Tommy Tit doesn't realise the EU member states are in the same boat with healthcare staff. Tommy Tit is a commie, a benefits scrounger, and uses the NHS that he slags off daily. You can't get anymore scummy than that.
Our GDP colapsed because of your brexit. Not immigration.
Why are yiu taking potshots over something that everyone realises is a national pronlem and a real injustice ? Some of these munchkins would laugh if their arses were on fire but you seem generally to be a rtep up from the oddball class.
If you want something done about it, then you will need Labour's blessing. That is not a potshot. It is your new reality. The tories fined them every year and that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Better hurry though. Apparently they think they will get your new government to fine them less often based on your own article.
Our GDP colapsed because of your brexit. Not immigration.
Show where dumbfuck. GDP, like every country, dipped due to COVID lockdowns. I gave you a chart of continuous GDP growth. So show me where Tommy dumb fuck.

You lying piece of shit. Why do you hate your own country so much? Can you not just fuck off to Iraq etc.. I'll buy the one way ticket for you. You can shift from sheep to goats and fuck them instead.
If you want something done about it, then you will need Labour's blessing. That is not a potshot. It is your new reality. The tories fined them every year and that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Better hurry though. Apparently they think they will get your new government to fine them less often based on your own article.
Its a last throw of the dice. The water companies are obvious targets because nobody will back them..
The balance is keepimg them in exitemce under strict supervision or watching them collapse into public ownership. Neither is great. We need to rebuild hospitals, schools, prisoms. Our army would last a week in a war.

The damage has been done over the last 10 years where they have been allowed to run wild with an essential service.
Show where dumbfuck. GDP, like every country, dipped due to COVID lockdowns. I gave you a chart of continuous GDP growth. So show me where Tommy dumb fuck.

You lying piece of shit. Why do you hate your own country so much? Can you not just fuck off to Iraq etc.. I'll buy the one way ticket for you. You can shift from sheep to goats and fuck them instead.
Ive already shown you on multiple threads. . Maybe you couldnt be bothered reading them. You cant be bothered doing a lot of things.
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Its a last throw of the dice. The water companies are obvious targets because nobody will back them..
The balance is keepimg them in exitemce under strict supervision or watching them collapse into public ownership. Neither is great. We need to rebuild hospitals, schools, prisoms. Our army would last a week in a war.

The damage has been done over the last 10 years where they have been allowed to run wild with an essential service.
Water privatization happened in the late 80's and there has been at least one Labour decade between then and now so this is not because the tories ran "wild". It is simply because things are not a priority until they start breaking and their system started breaking faster than it could be repaired during shutdowns and shortages and now inflation. You can take it over by the government if you want, but it won't be any faster or cheaper to get fixed. Either way, the brunt of the costs will be paid for by their customers through higher costs so there is no need to worry about it affecting the budget for your other projects. If it makes you feel better, my city didn't take its aging infrastructure seriously either until 3 houses were blown into splinters and others damaged by a gas leak at which point the billion dollar estimated price tag became both affordable and a priority.

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