Speaker Johnson: Biden just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting

They are as big of cry babies as are the Republicans when they lose.
You are shifting the argument to the “stolen elections” debate. This debate is about vulnerabilities and risks in our voting system which you are denying exist or you accept that they exist and deem they are not a threat to our voting system.

Call me a crybaby but Democrat or Republican winning an election and even a single non-citizen votes in a Federal Election, that is not good for US. If you and others think non-citizens voting in Federal elections is a good thing, then amend the Constitution accordingly.
You are shifting the argument to the “stolen elections” debate. This debate is about vulnerabilities and risks in our voting system which you are denying exist or you accept that they exist and deem they are not a threat to our voting system.

Call me a crybaby but Democrat or Republican winning an election and even a single non-citizen votes in a Federal Election, that is not good for US. If you and others think non-citizens voting in Federal elections is a good thing, then amend the Constitution accordingly.

I've argued no such thing. I'm arguing that you need to quit trying to make voting more difficult for citizens who have the right to vote.
There are also laws against tax evasion, shoplifting, running stop signs, and speeding yet there are steps lawmakers take to help enforce those laws or to reduce risk or vulnerabilities that exist that may lead to increased violations of those laws.

What data do you have to support your position that illegals are not voting?

He has nothing but his big fat Blue mouth. They flood out ballots to any name on the voter roll. Millions of illegals are swindled into registration or they are OK with corruption. They register as Homeless, no ID, Shelter or other address but they check the box Swearing they are US Citizen. LOL! who is going to find them and check it later.

Dems flood out the ballots and filthy dirty dem-types like PeeKKK RW or Candy get them harvested and over to Mules for drop box deposit. Hence.....they saw how far behind they were on NOV03,2020 and they kept counting open weeks after and flooded in the emergency stack of BS ballots from Mules at $10/pop. That is how you get huge Vote spikes one-way late. Signature match? LOL! totally ignored in Fulton CTY and may has well have been ignored in Maricopa with click click click....looks good to me.
"Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," Obama says. Voting rolls are not investigated, he adds.
We already have the laws in place. (This must be the 20th time this has been noted)

Stupid POS. They lie. They check the box "I swear I am a US citizen" presto....you get a mail in ballot. Even if you are not in the state anylonger at that shelter. someone gets your ballot and will vote it. rest assured. We saw it in 2020.
I complained along with Democrats in 2000 that the voting system was vulnerable (remember the hanging chads?). That was when you clowns claimed the election was stolen - something you clowns did again in ‘04 and ‘16.

So, what do you say we all stop clowning around and fix the voting system?

The cheating Bustrurds don't want it "fixed" or they would never win anything.
I've argued no such thing. I'm arguing that you need to quit trying to make voting more difficult for citizens who have the right to vote.
How am I making voting more difficult for citizens by arguing to make it more difficult for non-citizens to vote? ….. simply by proving US Citizenship; which is something we do in our everyday lives. How does that make it difficult for US Citizens to vote?
I've argued no such thing. I'm arguing that you need to quit trying to make voting more difficult for citizens who have the right to vote.
How is requiring someone to prove they are a US Citizen really making it "more difficult" to vote? It's literally a basic requirement TO vote.
It is already illegal for non citizens to vote. This "statement of Administrative Policy" doesn't change that nor would Bidens veto of it. This is purely aimed at dumb people to make them think the law has changed.
The existing law does have some ambiguity that needs cleaning up as we know some don't give a damn about the intent of a law but rather how they can get around it with some technicality.

The United States Constitution – The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.net - U.S. Constitution.net

Here is a link to the Constitution. Could you point out the text that limits voting in federal elecitons to only citizens?

(NOTE: I agree it should only be citizen, however the claim is the restriction is in the Constitution.)
If the people of a State wants to allow non-citizens to vote in state elections (none do that I of) or a local jurisdiction wants to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. That should be their decision. Again, personally I'm against it.

I suggest you take that theory through cert, and see if you can argue that to the SCOTUS.
How is requiring someone to prove they are a US Citizen really making it "more difficult" to vote? It's literally a basic requirement TO vote.
It's not.....You need ID to do just about anything of importance in this country, I would think something as sacred as voting is to "Democracy" progs like WW would welcome refusing to let illegals vote.
It's not.....You need ID to do just about anything of importance in this country, I would think something as sacred as voting is to "Democracy" progs like WW would welcome refusing to let illegals vote.
right? I mean, the Constitution requires two simple things to have this right to vote, be 18 and be a US Citizen, for some reason meeting those requirements seems to be such a difficult thing to ask a dembot to do
They always target the poor and the less fortunate (infirm etc.) who tend to vote Dem.

It affects people of both parties but more often Dems… which cynical Republicans see as an electoral win
You are shifting the argument to the “stolen elections” debate. This debate is about vulnerabilities and risks in our voting system which you are denying exist or you accept that they exist and deem they are not a threat to our voting system.

Call me a crybaby but Democrat or Republican winning an election and even a single non-citizen votes in a Federal Election, that is not good for US. If you and others think non-citizens voting in Federal elections is a good thing, then amend the Constitution accordingly.
And YOU are fixing a problem that doesn’t exist
The United States Constitution – The U.S. Constitution Online – USConstitution.net - U.S. Constitution.net

Here is a link to the Constitution. Could you point out the text that limits voting in federal elecitons to only citizens?

(NOTE: I agree it should only be citizen, however the claim is the restriction is in the Constitution.)
If the people of a State wants to allow non-citizens to vote in state elections (none do that I know of) or a local jurisdiction wants to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. That should be their decision. Again, personally I'm against it.



I suggest you take that theory through cert, and see if you can argue that to the SCOTUS.

Remember we are talking about different elections here.

Federal - Where Congress is empowered under Article I Section 4 for elections for federal office.

State/Local elections are separate from federal and the Constitution is silent on Congresses ability to dictate State/Local elections. Therefore state are free to run state/local elections based on different criteria for state/local offices.

No need for "cert", there are 4 states that already allow local jurisdictions to make their own choice. On the other hand some states bar localities from allowing non-citizens to vote. (NOTE: There is a difference between non-citizen and illegal alien, not place that I know off allows is illegal aliens to vote.)

right? I mean, the Constitution requires two simple things to have this right to vote, be 18 and be a US Citizen, for some reason meeting those requirements seems to be such a difficult thing to ask a dembot to do

The Constitution doesn't limit voting to citizens, it says that citizens can have their right restricted based on certain demographic categories (15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments).

The United States Codes limit voting in federal elections to citizens, the Constitution is silent on the matter.

(NOTE: I don't support non-citizens voting in elections [Federal, State, or Local] - but I'm honest enough not to claim it is the text of the Constitution when any reasonable person can read the Constitution and note that such a limit is not there.)

And YOU are fixing a problem that doesn’t exist
The only requirement to vote in a Federal Election is that the voter be a US Citizen and over 18. There is little-to-no validation process demonstrating that the voter has met that requirement. That’s a problem.
The Constitution doesn't limit voting to citizens, it says that citizens can have their right restricted based on certain demographic categories (15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments).

The United States Codes limit voting in federal elections to citizens, the Constitution is silent on the matter.

(NOTE: I don't support non-citizens voting in elections [Federal, State, or Local] - but I'm honest enough not to claim it is the text of the Constitution when any reasonable person can read the Constitution and note that such a limit is not there.)

The constitution, literally says United States citizens…

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