J.D Vance wants children to vote.

About 15 per 1000 women. 1.5%

That's a stupid stat. Not every woman gets pregnant every year. The opposition to abortion isn't that abortion keeps women from an eternal state of pregnancy. It's that it's killing a child once the woman IS pregnant. That we are ending 20% of pregnancies and that doesn't account for abortion pills (I dont think) so it's likely higher should be alarming to everyone. Also, that stat is based all women 15-44 you will notice they are using essentially all women who potentially have the capacity to be pregnant not those most likely to be pregnant to intentionally drive the number down on top of the fact that it's a nonsensical and useless number to begin with. If only 20 people per year were attacked by sharks, and I told you the rate at which people were attacked by sharks was infinitesimal because 20/330 million is a very small number and then you found out that only 100 people had actually entered the water last year would you still go swimming in the ocean? Using your logic the rate is really really low right?
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

And with that, he doesn’t want childless couples to vote.
And this shows your lack of thought. This is how rates are measured, since every year women age out of the ability to get pregnant, and new women age into it.

If you're not pregnant you CANT get an abortion so including all the non pregnant women into the statistic is misleading and useless.
Children grow to become police officers, fire fighters, doctors, nurses. All you need. Childless couples supply none, and those who have children spend countless amounts of funds, and give up much to supply them for you.

You then have far more, so pay.

You're an idiot. People without children already pay more. The don't get deductions for additional dependents or child tax credits. Daycare credits and more. So just STFU.

Don't want to raise kids please don't have them. Young people need to ensure they have alot of money before having them.

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