Majority of Swing State Voters say Trump is better choice to protect Democracy

You see that the story is that even though you and boyberg and your cohorts spam this and every site like this.
constantly with the "trump is a threat to Democracy" nonsense, no one is buying it.

Economy sure, Border sure, everyone expects President Trump to destroy Biden on those.

But protecting Democracy?

Your singular chance at success.

That's gotta be like a huge knife, right in the heart.
Rambling again? O'tay


In my opinion, national polls favor Republicans.

Here's what I mean by that: If a national poll of likely voters comes out dead even, the Trump will win. This is because Biden will carry the shit-for-brains states (California, Massachusetts, Illinois) by huge margins, so if it's 50-50 overall that means that the 45 sane states are pretty solidly in Trump's camp. Trump will not win any state by the same majority as Biden will win California.
There is a distinct possibility you actually believe that, es evidenced by this polling in swing states.

Yes, America is really this stupid.

I think maybe the people of the country are tired of being constantly lied to by literally everyone who is or who supports Democrats.

Impeachments that had no basis in fact.
Trials that have no basis in fact or the law.

A laptop that the Government knew was legit and that the Government used CIA contractors to say that it was Russian disinformation.
This makes intelligent people stop and think.
(I know, in your circle, Trump is guilty of everything bad, and peer pressure is hard.)

In the real world that does not build trust.

Plus, the Trump administration was a very short time ago and the average person remembers how much better everything was.
(I know, in your circle everything was bad.)

But there was chaos.
Yes, caused by you all.

People think.
People learn.
This is a further sign of the impending apocalypse, brought to you by the Dumbing Down of America.

President Biden and his Democratic allies have cast his reelection campaign as a battle for the country’s survival, warning that a second Donald Trump presidency would present an existential threat to American democracy.

In speeches and campaign ads, Biden points to Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, his incitement of an angry mob that ransacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the former president’s boasts that he will use the powers of his office to punish his political enemies.

But that message may not be resonating with the voters Biden needs in order to win another term in the White House.

In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll by The Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

Yet, more of them trust Trump to handle those threats than Biden. And most believe that the guardrails in place to protect democracy would hold even if a dictator tried to take over the country.

This, plus the Nate Silver polling, has the Democrats in Full Panic Mode. Make no mistake about that. what?

Do they finally pull the plug on Biden just before the debate? They KNOW this means the end of his candidacy but at this point he is almost a sure loser, and will only get worse in the next 4.5 months, just when things are ramping up.

Or do they commit and katie bar the door?

There is a distinct possibility you actually believe that, es evidenced by this polling in swing states.

Yes, America is really this stupid.

Dude your guy is so terrible we're going to elect TRUMP again.

I mean, are you not entertained?
Compare Trump's 4 years to Bidens 4 years. Are you telling me Biden has done a better job at protecting America and American citizens? Do you really believe the "Trump will be a dictator" narrative"? Who just thumbed their nose at the Supreme Court to buy votes? THAT is the act of a dictator.
Thumbing your nose, and giving the bird, to the SC is protecting democracy.
the die hard lefties will say biden won even if he didnt,and the die hard righties will say trump won even if he didnt....same old debate story....besides this one is all about who is the most senile.....just wait till friday you will see...
Biden did win. The fact that people are still questioning this after all the trump led ctyber ninja style audits proved that Biden won, shows just how dumb we are and how susceptible were are to propaganda teling us what we want to hear instead of news teling us what we need to know.
1164 people in six states participated in that poll. Thats 280 people per state. Now the question is: "What was the party of the majority of the people answering the poll?" I think that given the results, the majority of respondents were Republican and that perhaps the Post should have done more checking before they publish an artIcLe making such a conclusion.
Kind of.

But not in a good way, more like watching a dystopian, end of times blockbuster.

The people you see enjoying the film are Trump supporters. I never cared for those movies much.

I have been voting since 1988. I voted for Democrats in my teens and twenties and became a conservative in my late twenties--the switch happened in three days. Anyway, you better believe I have not loved all our presidents. But I didn't LOSE MY MIND like you did and endorse them being impeached twice and then convicted of a fake felony.

It's terrible, what you all have done.
Biden did win. The fact that people are still questioning this after all the trump led ctyber ninja style audits proved that Biden won, shows just how dumb we are and how susceptible were are to propaganda teling us what we want to hear instead of news teling us what we need to know.
to me,the only reason 90% of the people tuning in tonight is because they want to see one or the other,perhaps both have a "senile"moment,and both those guys know this...pressure is a bitch.....that will be the main topic here in these very posts tomorrow.......
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to me,the only reason 90% of the people tuning in tonight is because they want to see one or the other,perhaps both have a "senile"moment,and both those guys know this...pressure is a bitch.....that will be the main topic here in these very posts tomorrow.......
I'm amazed at the Biden narrative and to what extent the right has gone to edit things in order to create this narrative. Biden is old, but he is not senile. I've seen senile. Biden has a stammering probem. But I have listened to his speeches and press conferences and not once has he gone off in the manner trump has. Yet people have chosen to believe that Trump is fit and Biden is senile. This meme was started by Putin and repeated by trump over and over. Maybe it's time to stop listening to this.

I just would like to know where we can find another younger politician that could do better than Biden gven the state of the world now. Republicans had the chance to pick a yunger candidate, but they didn't. We are seeing people talk about Biden but I don't see a democrat out there who could do better. People were taking about Manchin, but Manchin is 76. People are talking about Kennedy, but Kennedy is 70 and still has flashbacks from using LSD in college. DeSantis was the Republican hope, but he was inept and Florida is failing. In Kansas we have a democratic givernor in a red state, but she certainlly is not as skilled as Biden. Neither is Gavin Newsom.

The price of food is not affected by who is president. It is affected by things like the weather, or viruses that infect animals. We are paying more for eggs and chickens because of the Avian flu, not Biden. We pay more for fruits and vegetables because climate change affects crop growth, not because Biden is president. Prices are not going to lower because Trump gets elected. And if he is then we face Project 2025.

Nobody sane should want that.
I think maybe the people of the country are tired of being constantly lied to by literally everyone who is or who supports Democrats.

Impeachments that had no basis in fact.
Trials that have no basis in fact or the law.

A laptop that the Government knew was legit and that the Government used CIA contractors to say that it was Russian disinformation.
This makes intelligent people stop and think.
(I know, in your circle, Trump is guilty of everything bad, and peer pressure is hard.)

In the real world that does not build trust.

Plus, the Trump administration was a very short time ago and the average person remembers how much better everything was.
(I know, in your circle everything was bad.)

But there was chaos.
Yes, caused by you all.

People think.
People learn.
Trump inherited a growing ecnomy. Then he mishandled COVID. That was not great and he was responsible.

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