Media News Out of touch with Reality....Trump is winning swing states....

What is more amazing is all Democrat supporters who's life has revolved around polls now say "Meh it's early, you can't trust polls"......
I am willing to wait till the election before I get worked up about polls

I am not worried about another Red Tsunami
God loves President Trump and every other believer who loves him.

God is love. President Trump did right by Israel, glory Hallelujah to the I Am that I Am, Amen.

Every time Trump speaks….Jesus weeps

This will have zero impact on the election. ZERO.

what voters know, is Trump ran a great economy and the leftard Democrats have done everything they can to destroy it.

Even as they try to gaslight us into believing that everything's peachy.

Hey newsflash - nothing's peachy when you're paying $6 a gallon for diesel.

You know how much it costs to send 10 pounds overnight by FedEx these days? ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. That's the effect of $6 diesel.

How anyone can support these brain dead Democraps is mystifying. I guess there's a sucker born ever minute.

This will have zero impact on the election. ZERO.

what voters know, is Trump ran a great economy and the leftard Democrats have done everything they can to destroy it.

Even as they try to gaslight us into believing that everything's peachy.

Hey newsflash - nothing's peachy when you're paying $6 a gallon for diesel.

You know how much it costs to send 10 pounds overnight by FedEx these days? ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. That's the effect of $6 diesel.

How anyone can support these brain dead Democraps is mystifying. I guess there's a sucker born ever minute.

Believe what you will -- like 2020 was stolen.

Go ahead.

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