Trump's lies have caught up to him: he is behind in the battleground states

/—-/ I say what I mean and mean what I say. Deal with it and refute any of my posts if you can.
I did deal with and refute it.

Your delusions about the elections are embarrassing and evidence-free. You are a gullible rube whose brains were scramble din an effort to find excuses why the orange pile of shit got his ass kicked.
Trump's lies have caught up to him: he is behind in the battleground states.

A CBS News/YouGov survey released Sunday showed Trump narrowly ahead of Biden overall (50 percent to 49 percent).

However, when the results were broken down into the seven swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—which likely will prove vital in determining who wins the 2024 election—the results were reversed and Biden came out on top (50 percent to 49).

The poll was conducted among 2,063 U.S. adults from June 5-7, just days after Trump was found guilty in a New York City court on 34 counts of falsifying business records related to trying to conceal hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election.

The survey included an oversample in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The margin of error was 3.2 percentage points among all adults and 3.8 points among registered voters.

That’s because CBS/YouGov is including the estimated number of illegal ballots the dems need to manufacture in the swing states.
I see. So your response is to refuse more information that clarifies it so you can cling to a self soothing lie.

I don't have to account for this self delusion.
CBS has always been slanted. Think of how gymnastics and diving is judged. Take the highest and lowest scores and toss them out. They do that because of slanted commies and fascists from commie and fascist countries.
CBS has always been terrible at slanting left with their polling. There are other communist news outlets that are closer to reality.
Forty is a big believer in statistics. The one and only branch of mathematics built on pretty close to pure horseshit with a few Greek letters thrown in.
CBS did not have a hand in the poll.

Yougov did. They are not slanted. And if the poll were somehow biased, it would be apparent in the methods.

Face it, you just made something up reflexively in order to cope with new information that doesn't bode well for Trump.
So, what are the methods? Do you know? And, CBS would not be mentioned if they had nothing to do with the Poll. Duh!
Actually the methods were posted in this very thread.if you weren't so busy being a sealion troll, you would have seen them.
I know what they said but they leave out the slanting of the callers they target. Like I said, this is common for any CBS backed poll. So, when the other more reliable and fair polls come out, then we will know.
I know what they said but they leave out the slanting of the callers they target. Like I said, this is common for any CBS backed poll. So, when the other more reliable and fair polls come out, then we will know.
There are no untainted polls anymore
of any kind any case a poll wary and poll weary public has of late learned to lie to the pollsters.
DJT's stock price is down 25 percent since the felon's conviction.

That's, what, a $2 billion loss for him so far?
The fact that it even maintains that value after the embarrassing financial reports on Truth Social shows this has basically turned into a money laundering scheme.

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