Trump Is Leading In All Swing States - Post Conviction

Absolutely...and American's are speaking loudly about this last kangaroo conviction of Trump with their wallets....Now, it's up to Trump to turn those donations into votes. It's game time.... ;)
I find it funny, the Dem party for decades have told minority groups not to trust the justice system, now they want to use it against a political opponent, and it, all the sudden is to be believed?

I'm sure the numbers will change, but it's really true that you have to just watch the money.

The way the money flows is the way the votes go. Post conviction Trump team has raised $250 million.

Trump SAYS he's raised this money, but it's still isn't CLOSE to the money Biden has raised, and his small donors are all tapped out.

Added to which, how much of this money is going to Trump's lawyers? How much is going into Trump's pockets?

Trump has fired all of the campaign workers in the swing states, and closed all of the campaign offices, to save money. With no ground game to drive turn out, how many Trump voters will get to the polls?
That pretty much describes Joe Biden and his family to a T, Dragonlady!

Only to someone who believes Republicans on no evidence, and completely ignores the billions of dollars flowing into Trump Family pockets over the years. That includes the $2 billion that Jared got from the Saudi's for his "Hedge Fund". Kuchner has never been involved in "hedge funds" in his life. Only in real estate.

Or the $11 million that Trump took out of his "super secret Chinese bank account" after he was elected. Or the $500 million loan the Chinese government approved for Junior, 3 days before Trump lifted sanctions on a Chinese tech company.

Or the more than 200 untendered government contracts Trump glad handed out to members and companies hosting events at his East Coast golf clubs or Trump Hotel in Washington. All of that business dried right up after Trump was out of office, and he sold the lease on the Washington hotel property. Nothing to gain using that place now.

The contracts for the construction of migrant prison camps on the Southern Border were awarded to the "for profit" prison company's who donated so heavily to Trump's $100 million Inauguration Fund, that magically disappeared without a trace and without the audited accounting we were promised.

BILLIONS are missing from the PPP loan fund which Trump's White House administered, with no accounting of those funds ever being provided. And Trump claimed "executive privilege" on everything and refused to provide any accounting to Congress on what happened to these funds.

I could spend all day listing Trump's openly criminal behaviour while in the White House, and still not come close to listing every illegal thing he did while in office.

And no time at all listing any criminal activities of Joe Biden or any member of his staff.
I find it funny, the Dem party for decades have told minority groups not to trust the justice system, now they want to use it against a political opponent, and it, all the sudden is to be believed?


The Democrats haven't said any such thing. Democrats have said that the criminal justice system is being used to target minorities, and that reforms are needed. No one has suggested that the courts are corrupt and cannot be trusted, except when Donald Trump loses a case - which is pretty much all of the time.

The Democrats have said that police departments needs to be reformed, and the more than $250 million in "excessive force settlements" being paid out by police forces across the nation are proof positive that there is a problem.

Democrats aren't "using the justice system to target a political opponent". The Department of Justice isn't even prosecuting most of these cases. All but two of the cases are being brought in States' courts, because the states waited for the DOJ to prosecute the "fake electors" cases in their states, and the DOJ has shown no inclination to file any charges against these defendants at all.

Neither Georgia, nor Arizona, nor Florida are "red states" so it's disingenuous to suggest that the Grand Juries in all of these jurisdictions are Democrats who are just "out to get Trump", as you suggest.

Trump was in the middle of fraud trial when he was elected President. Did you think after 70+ years of getting away with all of his crimes, he was going to stop committing them after he was elected????

Trump claimed the Emmies were "rigged" because he didn't win. He said that the 2016 election was "rigged" because he lost the popular vote. Trump never admits he lost anything, only that the system was "rigged" so he couldn't win.

Trump thinks everything is "rigged" because he's the guy who tries to "rig" everything so he never loses. He thinks everybody does it because HE does it every chance he gets.

Trump cheated in school. He cheat his way out of the draft. He cheated in business, he cheated on his taxes, he cheats on his wives, he cheats at golf. And he cheated the American people by lying to them and letting them die from covid, and destroying their economy.
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The Democrats haven't said any such thing. Democrats have said that the criminal justice system is being used to target minorities, and that reforms are needs. No one has suggested that the courts are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

The Democrats have said that police departments needs to be reformed, and the more than $250 million in "excessive force settlements" being paid out by police forces across the nation are proof positive that there is a problem.

Democrats aren't "using the justice system to target a political opponent". The Department of Justice isn't even prosecuting most of these cases. All but two of the cases are being brought in States' courts, because the states waited for the DOJ to prosecute the "fake electors" cases in their states, and the DOJ has shown no inclination to file any charges against these defendants at all.

Neither Georgia, nor Arizona, nor Florida are "red states" so it's disingenuous to suggest that the Grand Juries in all of these jurisdictions are Democrats who are just "out to get Trump", as you suggest.

Trump was in the middle of fraud trial when he was elected President. Did you think after 70+ years of getting away with all of his crimes, he was going to stop committing them after he was elected????
So you confirmed my post. Why so many words. Just a thumbs up would have been enough.


Trump is doing something else that Biden is NOT capable of doing. Trump is showing people love at his rallies. People really are looking to be cared for and loved. They have never gotten that from Biden.

That is a strategy pastors are good at, but Trump seems to have mastered it as well.
In gorilla societies the alpha males gives comfort to the other gorillas. Which just goes to show that Biden is dumber than a gorilla.
So you confirmed my post. Why so many words. Just a thumbs up would have been enough.


No I didn't confirm your post. Your post completely misrepresents the position of Democrats on police and criminal justice reform. Democrats believe the police are using "selective enforcement" of the laws to unfairly target minorities - overpolicing minority communities, and using excessive force.

Democrats haven't said that the Justice Department can't be trusted; that judges are corrupt or that prosecutors are corrupt, or that juries are politically biased, or that the President is using the DOJ to target Democrats, even though 25+ investigations of the Clintons with no charges filed - ever, is proof positive that they are.

Trump is doing something else that Biden is NOT capable of doing. Trump is showing people love at his rallies. People really are looking to be cared for and loved. They have never gotten that from Biden.

That is a strategy pastors are good at, but Trump seems to have mastered it as well.

Anybody voting for politicians so they will be "cared for and loved" is clearly gullible and stupid.

People vote for politicians who are going to enact policies to help Americans achieve their life goals: Things to improve education, infrastructure, and investment in America's future. Not so they can "screw over" their neighbours and people with less power than they have.

Trump has spent his life squashing the "little people" and the "losers" who get in his way. If people feel "loved and cared for" at Trump rallies, that's proof positive that you can fool some of the people all of the time.
1. Democrats haven't "weaponized" the judicial system. Trump being held to account for his crimes, is the LEAST that Democrats can do.

2. Democrats want convictions on all charges, and they want Trump to go to jail for all of the harm he's done to the country.

Running loser Trump for President is election suicide for Republicans, just like it was in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Trump has always been a conman and a loser.
Deplorables do not believe in the Prog justice system. They let riots/insurrections occur, murder, arson, grand theft, with very few arrests. And even let Prog voting people go for murder. I gotta say though. You are exacting revenge on past mistreatments from authoritarians and those who abused others withing those organizations and some citizens in certain areas. Look within though. That is your weakness. And it is a huge one.
The Big Shocker is Michigan
Biden was winning Michigan. Throughout the month of May 2024 Biden was ahead. As soon as Trump got convicted; Michigan turned to Trump immediately!

Trump is leading in Michigan 46% - 45% & Trump 41.6% - 41.1%
Michigan : President: general election : 2024 Polls

Michigan is a hardcore liberal democrat state. After his conviction Trump is leading.
It's the SAME setup that trump started in 2015.

Cry rigged, Stollen, fraud, fake polls.

"Look, we are winning, the ONLY way we can lose is (D) fraud"
Set Up.

Stolllen Election Part 3.
No I didn't confirm your post. Your post completely misrepresents the position of Democrats on police and criminal justice reform. Democrats believe the police are using "selective enforcement" of the laws to unfairly target minorities - overpolicing minority communities, and using excessive force.

Democrats haven't said that the Justice Department can't be trusted; that judges are corrupt or that prosecutors are corrupt, or that juries are politically biased, or that the President is using the DOJ to target Democrats, even though 25+ investigations of the Clintons with no charges filed - ever, is proof positive that they are.
Nope, you clearly showed how easily the Justice Department can be weaponized and I can’t thank you enough for that.

And since todays conservatives are yesterdays blacks, it’s even easier to make the connection.

Again, thank you for pointing everyone, outside your cult, in the right direction. Much appreciated
The Dems CHEATING will be 3% minimum so there's some work to be done.

Dems don't need to cheat to win elections. They have programs that work, that the public will vote for. No Democrat has ever crashed the US economy, but Republicans are doing it on purpose because it helps the rich get richer, faster.

Republicans have closed over 1000 polling stations in neighbourhoods that vote Democrat. They've moved the polling stations outside of town to areas with no public transit. That's why people stand in line for hours to vote in the cities, and they're in and out in 5 minutes in the suburbs.

The SC has now made gerrymandering legal if it's done for "partisan purposes" and not because of "racism". Nothing demonstrates how corrupted this court has become with the Trump Justices.
The Dems CHEATING will be 3% minimum so there's some work to be done.
Where's your proof that the election was stolen, idiot? I mean proof, not Trump lies that he pukes forth along with his asslicking goon squad that parrot his bullshit. Oh wait, you're a charter member of his goon squad so I'm expecting much out of you.
1. Democrats haven't "weaponized" the judicial system. Trump being held to account for his crimes, is the LEAST that Democrats can do.

2. Democrats want convictions on all charges, and they want Trump to go to jail for all of the harm he's done to the country.

Running loser Trump for President is election suicide for Republicans, just like it was in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Trump has always been a conman and a loser.
Utter bullshit.
And yet Democrats keep winning special election after special election.

Given that the polls have gotten every result WRONG since 2016, why are you still putting your faith in polling?

Given the low numbers of people attending Trump rallies, why do you believe the polls?

The ONLY poll that matters is the one being held in November.
100,000 showed up to a Trump rally in Dimtard New Jersey, Stupid.

Tater can’t get a dozen people to show up for thanksgiving dinner,
Convicted felons don't vote.

Donald Trump was born into wealth and power, but that wasn't enough for him. He wants MORE and will stop at nothing to get what he wants, including lying, stealing, and cheating.

Trump is the WORST kind of crook because he doesn't HAVE to steal. He's a crook because he has no morals and he thinks he can get away with it, because he always has. In reality, Trump is FURIOUS because guys like him NEVER get caught.
More lies. You are completely unhinged. Go fix your shithole country.
Trump SAYS he's raised this money, but it's still isn't CLOSE to the money Biden has raised, and his small donors are all tapped out.

Added to which, how much of this money is going to Trump's lawyers? How much is going into Trump's pockets?

Trump has fired all of the campaign workers in the swing states, and closed all of the campaign offices, to save money. With no ground game to drive turn out, how many Trump voters will get to the polls?

Only to someone who believes Republicans on no evidence, and completely ignores the billions of dollars flowing into Trump Family pockets over the years. That includes the $2 billion that Jared got from the Saudi's for his "Hedge Fund". Kuchner has never been involved in "hedge funds" in his life. Only in real estate.

Or the $11 million that Trump took out of his "super secret Chinese bank account" after he was elected. Or the $500 million loan the Chinese government approved for Junior, 3 days before Trump lifted sanctions on a Chinese tech company.

Or the more than 200 untendered government contracts Trump glad handed out to members and companies hosting events at his East Coast golf clubs or Trump Hotel in Washington. All of that business dried right up after Trump was out of office, and he sold the lease on the Washington hotel property. Nothing to gain using that place now.

The contracts for the construction of migrant prison camps on the Southern Border were awarded to the "for profit" prison company's who donated so heavily to Trump's $100 million Inauguration Fund, that magically disappeared without a trace and without the audited accounting we were promised.

BILLIONS are missing from the PPP loan fund which Trump's White House administered, with no accounting of those funds ever being provided. And Trump claimed "executive privilege" on everything and refused to provide any accounting to Congress on what happened to these funds.

I could spend all day listing Trump's openly criminal behaviour while in the White House, and still not come close to listing every illegal thing he did while in office.

And no time at all listing any criminal activities of Joe Biden or any member of his staff.
And yet Trump is kicking your Pedo Messiah’s ass in almost every poll.

Cry harder, Simp.
1. Democrats haven't "weaponized" the judicial system. Trump being held to account for his crimes, is the LEAST that Democrats can do.

2. Democrats want convictions on all charges, and they want Trump to go to jail for all of the harm he's done to the country.

Running loser Trump for President is election suicide for Republicans, just like it was in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Trump has always been a conman and a loser.
I read your tds has reached a boiling point. Trump leading the polls lady, get used to it, he's our next potus, and unlike xiden, he's not a puppet

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