Media News Out of touch with Reality....Trump is winning swing states....

Pollster Frank Luntz "I don’t think the media understands exactly what’s going on right now. Yes. Trump dropped a few points after being found guilty on 34 felony counts. But remember this, that would have destroyed any candidate as recently as ten years ago. And the fact that Donald Trump is still even with or in some cases, leading Joe Biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies. Oh my God! That is so significant."

“To me, it’s not that Donald Trump is winning so big in Iowa. That’s not the story. It’s that he’s making it close in Minnesota,” Luntz told CNN’s Boris Sanchez on Wednesday, referring to a recent poll out of Iowa showing Trump with an 18-point lead.

“Minnesota is a reliable Democratic state. It votes Democrat in every presidential campaign and poll after poll I see Trump within 2 or 3 points in Minnesota,” said Luntz, adding:

To underscore Luntz’s point, a new Emerson College poll came out on Thursday that showed Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota, which last voted for a Republican in 1972 – when Richard Nixon carried every state except for Massachusetts.

New batch of swing state polls from Emerson College. Trump leads in all of them,
Arizona Trump +4
Georgia Trump +4
Michigan: Trump +1
Minnesota: TIE
Nevada: Trump +3
Pennsylvania: Trump +2
Wisconsin: Trump +3

The latest I have seen with ALL candidates considered is Trump ahead in every single swing state plus up by one in Minnesota and down by only one in Virginia. Since the election is not just between Biden and Trump I don't know why pollsters even poll for just two people and national polling is totally useless. The only states that matter are the swing states and they must include ALL candidates, not just Biden and Trump. The leftist rags only use a two man race to make it look better for Biden.
The latest I have seen with ALL candidates considered is Trump ahead in every single swing state plus up by one in Minnesota and down by only one in Virginia. Since the election is not just between Biden and Trump I don't know why pollsters even poll for just two people and national polling is totally useless. The only states that matter are the swing states and they must include ALL candidates, not just Biden and Trump. The leftist rags only use a two man race to make it look better for Biden.

Actually, here's the problem with that. RFK Jr. is only on the ballot in nine states. Only one of those states, Michigan, is a swing state.

The other problem with third-party candidates is that they always underperform on election day. In 1992, Perot was ahead of Clinton. We all know how that turned out.

But a lot of this is meaningless, because about 10% of the electorate hasn't committed to anyone, yet. They will end up breaking for Biden because they usually break for the incumbent and Trump is exposing himself as being absolutely batshit insane.

But because you wingnuts have convinced yourselves these polls mean something, you probably aren't going to take it well.
Actually, here's the problem with that. RFK Jr. is only on the ballot in nine states. Only one of those states, Michigan, is a swing state.

The other problem with third-party candidates is that they always underperform on election day. In 1992, Perot was ahead of Clinton. We all know how that turned out.

But a lot of this is meaningless, because about 10% of the electorate hasn't committed to anyone, yet. They will end up breaking for Biden because they usually break for the incumbent and Trump is exposing himself as being absolutely batshit insane.

But because you wingnuts have convinced yourselves these polls mean something, you probably aren't going to take it well.
It's funny to watch you guys claim the polls mean something but when Trump is ahead, all of a sudden, they don't mean anything.

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