!!!Six Democrats In The House Just Voted To Condemn Kamala Harris!!!

Yeah, you don't do this when you have - like - the bestest candidate ever who's like a POC and a making history and stuff!!!

You do this when you are losing and attempting to distance yourself from being voted out of office.

Five of the last six polls released since she usurped the throne have all shown her losing to Trump; she's getting absolutely KO'ed in the swing states (worse than Biden in some cases), and the one poll showing her winning is from Reuters in which they over sampled Democrats.

Even there?

She was only winning the popular vote by two.

That is a Trump electoral college victory.

(To ignorant Lefties who don't understand, Democrats have to win the popular vote by more than three to even be competitive in the EC. For example, in 2020 when you stole the election but pretended the old man got a record vote - Biden was up in the popular vote by 4.5; yet barely scraped by in the EC.)

After the agonizing hell they've endured - much of it because of their gullible willingness to believe their own Pravda media - Dems are desperate to buy into the latest Orwellian gaslighting from the Project Mocking Bird liars AKA MSM.


You can live in tra-la-la land for the next few months if you wish.

Pretend we didn't warn you about Biden, pretend now that we're wrong and the people will choose Kamala.

It only makes our MAGA triumph in November that much sweeter.

And then?
NOBODY likes her. Blacks young and old, Black men young and old. Black women especially do not like her. Only brainwashed Liberals like her. Watch and see on election day. :)
Hawk-eyed bitches in yoga pants with their twat lips printing while riding to the dog spa in their Audis. That's who likes Kamala.
She was never in charge of the border … it was never her job. Period
The argument is, Joe appointed her publicly over it, but in fact, she was never in authority to make any changes, so you are partly correct. If she had kept her laughing mouth shut on TV during the first month in office, while Joe was blowing up the border, her hands would be clean as Joe would not have made that lame public pronouncement. I will say, she never publicly laughed at the trouble the administration had again. So, Joe's lesson had some effect.

So they lied to us.

And why wasn't she in charge?

They knew the hack couldn't hack it?

Is that really a better argument?

Regardless, she is losing in 6 out of the last 7 polls - and six Democrats just condemned their own Presidential candidate with less than four months to go.

So if your only play is "they lied about her being in charge", I think you don't have much pal.
Oh, hell no. She was in charge of sitting in the Senate and being the tie breaking vote, if necessary. If she had not laughed at her bosses problems on TV, she wouldn't have even got the public assignment, but of course, she never had authority to do it, anyway. So, did you get lied to? Only if you could not interpret why it was done, and paid no attention to see what she was allowed to do there. I look at it as staff training for the VP.
Oh, hell no. She was in charge of sitting in the Senate and being the tie breaking vote, if necessary. If she had not laughed at her bosses problems on TV, she wouldn't have even got the public assignment, but of course, she never had authority to do it, anyway. So, did you get lied to? Only if you could not interpret why it was done, and paid no attention to see what she was allowed to do there. I look at it as staff training for the VP.

White is all in on Kacklin' Kamala.

Who'd a thunk?

Now I know.

The Dems could run a bucket of piss and you'd take the prescribed talking points and run with 'em.

Twitchy – Bias and Credibility​

The argument is, Joe appointed her publicly over it, but in fact, she was never in authority to make any changes, so you are partly correct. If she had kept her laughing mouth shut on TV during the first month in office, while Joe was blowing up the border, her hands would be clean as Joe would not have made that lame public pronouncement. I will say, she never publicly laughed at the trouble the administration had again. So, Joe's lesson had some effect.
Keep on running your mouth with that dumb laughing meme created by your watchiing way too many cheap fakes. This is a serious woman, and stop ignoring the border bill Biden was ready to sign that Trump had Johnson stop.
If they waited until during or after the convention, shit would have gotten real messy.
The party bosses had to cram her through quickly to make sure nobody else could run for the nomination. Democracy died, Democrats killed it.
Keep on running your mouth with that dumb laughing meme created by your watchiing way too many cheap fakes. This is a serious woman, and stop ignoring the border bill Biden was ready to sign that Trump had Johnson stop.

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