The Giggler

Not if you lose Georgia Nevada Arizona Wisconsin New Jersey Colorado Illinois …
Oh okay sure if we lose all of those.

In 2016 Trump needed to win every swing state and he barely won all of them. Barely won all of them. If he would have lost just one, he would have lost.

Kamala is no Hillary.

Remember, Hillary stopped campaigning in the swing states. She thought she had it won. Trump worked his ass off.

And remember, Trump was saying 2016 was rigged until he won. So it wasn't a surprise when he lost and said 2020 was rigged. But no court bought his bullshit.
Both Giggler and Cackler are middle-of the-road misogynistic pejoratives.
Giggler is meant to make her appear young, an intellectual lightweight, shallow. A immature, shallow, child sort of thing.
Not often do you hear giggles or giggler applied to a man..and when it is, it's in an attempt to portray him as unmanly, girlish.

Cackler is meant to portray her as unattractive, crazed and boorish. I note that very seldom is a man called a cackler...always a applied to a woman.
Hens cackle.

As has been said, whatever the official narrative presented---the primary thrust of the MAGA's will be misogynist and racist.
The MAGA base is not swayed by fact, obviously---lots of angst and emotional reasoning though...ripe for the propaganda that reaffirms their core beliefs~
Can you give us a non-misogynistic and non-racist way of describing her laugh? Cause she does it all the time, and very often at inappropriate times. Chuckle? Chortle? Are these misogynistic or racist?
THey can't erase years and years of it though.
They may be able to hide it for 3 months until after the election

She’s not completely stupid but very intellectually lazy

If she bothers to study the briefing material given to her she wont have to hide her brain farts with insane laughter

Yes, over time she will revert to her true self

But considering the prize she can apply herself for a few months
They may be able to hide it for 3 months until after the election
She’s not completely stupid but very intellectually lazy
If she bothers to study the briefing material given to her she wont have to hide her brain farts with insane laughter
Yes, over time she will revert to her true self
But considering the prize she can apply herself for a few months
I don't know. She will never feel as much pressure and scrutiny as she about to get. The laugh is an involuntary reflex that i don't believe she has any control over.

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