The Giggler

Is set to speak in Houston anytime now. Who knows what loony stuff she will say? Bound to be embarrassing.
I listened to it. She was addressing the American Federation of Teachers who were enthusiastic about all her leftist points that had very little to nothing about better education and everything to do with strengthening unions, more gun control, bigger and more authoritarian government.

In other words, same old same old.

All I can say is she does have a better delivery using a teleprompter than Biden does. But they're aren't allowing her to do much extemporaneously as she pretty much consistently flubs the lines doing that.
The nitwit Kamala's favorite attempt at profundity is the line she's used several times.
"what can be unburdened by what has been. .... lol
Harris is intellectually lazy but probably not as stupid as she appears to be

She can probably up her game long enough to get her through the election
I think she can be coached to suppress the cackling

And the repetitious oratory that she is infamous for

The dems along with the mainstream media could nominate the donkey mascot and still win california and new york

So I take Harris very seriously
She has echolalia. That's why she repeats herself as she does. It's why she giggles and cackles. It's a neurological condition like Tourettes. She doesn't meet with any kind of dignitaries. She could be triggered in very sensitive negotiations.
Kind of early to share your creepy sexual fantasies about Trump, isn't it? :badgrin:





Harris is intellectually lazy but probably not as stupid as she appears to be

She can probably up her game long enough to get her through the election
Yea but can trump make it through the next 4 plus years? He's out of shape and 80.

And with JD saying you can't even get an abortion if you are raped or in cases of incest, I doubt even Trump would vote for JD Vance. He's probably screwed Ivanka and we know he's raped women because he's had to pay millions and he admitted it on tape.

Women for Kamala. This ain't Hillary you know. And Trump BARELY beat HILLARY CLINTON. Up until Trump, she was the most polarizing politician. Now Trump is and that's the reason people didn't vote for her.

Trump BARELY beat Hillary in 16. Remember that.
Is set to speak in Houston anytime now. Who knows what loony stuff she will say? Bound to be embarrassing.
What is it with the fixation on her laugh? Have a lot of women laughed at you when you drop your drawers?
Yea but can trump make it through the next 4 plus years? He's out of shape and 80.
I have never made predictions and wont start now

I think trump has always been the underdog and still is

Particularly with democrat election cheating still in play
I think trump has always been the underdog and still is
There's a logical reason for that besides being a horrible person. The positions he holds, though he does a lot of flip flopping, are unpopular.
Both Giggler and Cackler are middle-of the-road misogynistic pejoratives.
Giggler is meant to make her appear young, an intellectual lightweight, shallow. A immature, shallow, child sort of thing.
Not often do you hear giggles or giggler applied to a man..and when it is, it's in an attempt to portray him as unmanly, girlish.

Cackler is meant to portray her as unattractive, crazed and boorish. I note that very seldom is a man called a cackler...always a applied to a woman.
Hens cackle.

As has been said, whatever the official narrative presented---the primary thrust of the MAGA's will be misogynist and racist.
The MAGA base is not swayed by fact, obviously---lots of angst and emotional reasoning though...ripe for the propaganda that reaffirms their core beliefs~

Giggler is meant to make her appear young, an intellectual lightweight, shallow. A immature, shallow, child sort of thing.

She is an intellectual lightweight.

Cackler is meant to portray her as unattractive, crazed and boorish.

She isn't crazed. It's a nervous habit. Because she's an intellectual lightweight,
that's how she responds when she's asked a serious question.

Better than admitting she just doesn't know. Because she's an intellectual lightweight.
Yes, exactly. The seasoned poker player has no clue about tells. So glad they don't wear sunglasses and other distractions to minimize them.
Because every poker player knows tells are objective things that apply to everyone all the time rather than subjective things that apply in context to specific players..... where do you play poker again? Just asking...
There's a logical reason for that besides being a horrible person. The positions he holds, though he does a lot of flip flopping, are unpopular.
Just the opposit

His positions on the issues are very popular
Democrats allowed radical anti-American demonstrators to deface monuments and rip down the American Flag and burn it in the street and Harris calls republicans "a threat to democracy".
Democrats allowed radical anti-American demonstrators to deface monuments and rip down the American Flag and burn it in the street and Harris calls republicans "a threat to democracy".
Yep. What are you confused about? I'll explain it to you like you were a stunted child.

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