Why does "everyone" despise the homeless? Our Savior was Homeless

She took over his work vehicle. I’d say he had a right to drag her out of it. Hope it hurt a good amount. Disturbing the peace yelling like that in his face.
who attacked her? I have to have CCs where I'm at, can't hear what she's saying
who attacked her? I have to have CCs where I'm at, can't hear what she's saying

She was laying down in the front seat of a guys Truck. He was calling somebody and telling her to get out.

She started yelling Palestine as loud as she could getting closer to the guy. He grabbed and pulled her out. With perhaps. Too much slam-toss and roll to the cement?
She was laying down in the front seat of a guys Truck. He was calling somebody and telling her to get out.

She started yelling Palestine as loud as she could getting closer to the guy. He grabbed and pulled her out. With perhaps. Too much slam-toss and roll to the cement?
ok, thanks..

don't feel sorry for the (seemingly) spoiled brat
so all homeless ppl would do exactly what that man did?

Do all the non-homeless people do everything the same? Does everyone (who has a home) live exactly like you do? So there are 2 categories of people, I guess: A) the homed and B) the unhomed..

All persons in Group A are exactly alike, clones of one another
ditto Group B
I wont take the risk anymore. I paid over $200,000 in taxes this year, if the poor wants a hand out, Uncle Sugar can give them some love. I ran out of it a long time ago, and will take care of my family first.

If the guy doesnt want to do any better, that is his fault, not mine.

If I’m out in town walking somewhere and pass some homeless guys I have no problem chatting with them a little just like I would anyone in a similar situation

I don’t get why people are afraid of them. People are too paranoid and fearful
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..

Most Americans dont really despises the homeless.

What they despise really is a society that fosters, creates and encourages homeless people. Our society is lacking morals, values, pride, standards and everything else that produces little to no homeless people. That's why the homeless population is growing, because our society allows it.

People also see more and more homeless people that are dopeheads, yet we increasingly are allowing more drug use.

People also see a system that once seperated the mentally ill from society and either treated them so they could rejoin society or housed them if they were untreatable. Now we encourage mental illness and allow them to run around.

You want to assume the worst about people, I look at the reality of things.
Yes, a lot of people don't like the homeless but it isn't for the reasons you think.
Most Americans dont really despises the homeless.

What they despise really is a society that fosters, creates and encourages homeless people. Our society is lacking morals, values, pride, standards and everything else that produces little to no homeless people. That's why the homeless population is growing, because our society allows it.

People also see more and more homeless people that are dopeheads, yet we increasingly are allowing more drug use.

People also see a system that once seperated the mentally ill from society and either treated them so they could rejoin society or housed them if they were untreatable. Now we encourage mental illness and allow them to run around.

You want to assume the worst about people, I look at the reality of things.
Yes, a lot of people don't like the homeless but it isn't for the reasons you think.

so once again we get this spiel on how the homeless are TOTALLY to blame for their predicament. Either they are ALL on drugs or they are ALL irresponsible or both

It doesn't matter if I say I know good homeless people. One I knew years ago worked EVERY day except Sunday and probably a few Sundays also. He chose to be homeless bc he couldn't afford high rent and was saving his money to buy a piece of land.. I lost track of him so I don't know if that ever happened. But he did not use drugs or alcohol and criticized people who did. The ones I've known were NOT zoned out on any drug, legal or otherwise. And as one of them said "The homeless can't afford drugs."
so once again we get this spiel on how the homeless are TOTALLY to blame for their predicament. Either they are ALL on drugs or they are ALL irresponsible or both

It doesn't matter if I say I know good homeless people. One I knew years ago worked EVERY day except Sunday and probably a few Sundays also. He chose to be homeless bc he couldn't afford high rent and was saving his money to buy a piece of land.. I lost track of him so I don't know if that ever happened. But he did not use drugs or alcohol and criticized people who did. The ones I've known were NOT zoned out on any drug, legal or otherwise. And as one of them said "The homeless can't afford drugs."

So, what's your solution, genius?
If I’m out in town walking somewhere and pass some homeless guys I have no problem chatting with them a little just like I would anyone in a similar situation

I don’t get why people are afraid of them. People are too paranoid and fearful
well, some of them look kinda scary, like this woman I saw the other day who had no teeth, not one...

she was begging on the street and I gave her some money the last time, so not this 2nd time I saw her.. I was already helping someone (and I'm not related to the Rockefellers).

But still, it's a good point. They are some of the least harmful people, IMO. That said, some people you see out there are homeless bc they're running from... who knows what.. gotta be careful around ANY stranger.. like the millions of strangers bribum is allowing into our country. . gotta care for yourself and your own because the govt that steals your money aint gonna do it
the majority of what youre thinking as the homeless are not homeless,,

they choose to be where they are and if you tried to put them in a home they wouldnt stay,, just stay long enough to trash the place and move on
There are several reason why the homeless don't stay in homes or homeless shelters.
Most homeless shelters do not offer permanent residence. Typically you line up at the shelter about 6 or 7 in the evening waiting for it to open at 8. Beds are first come first served. Most nights all beds are taken. No meals are served but you can bring food in. No use of drugs or alcohol are allow but you can bring it into the shelter. By 9 the next morning you have to leave. If you don't get a bed at the shelter it's usually to late to find another one.

Permanent housing for the homeless is not as common as people think. This is because most such housing requires that mental cases stay on their medications and that those that suffer from substance abuse stay clean. Permanent housing is not much help for people who are temporary homeless due to the long wait times.

30% of the homeless are seriously mentally ill, typically schizophrenia or mental problems do to chronic drug or alcohol abuse. These people are on a Merry go round between homelessness, temporary housing with relatives or friends, and hospitals or treatment centers.

About half of the homelessness is temporary, commonly due to failed relationships or job loss. These people may be on the streets just a few weeks or few months. Some will never return but most will.

Those that have bad cases of schizophrenia will likely be homeless most of their life which is usually not that long. Unlike others that are homeless, the disease leaves them without the ability to adjust to social norms required to live with other people. I have a close relative who is schizophrenia and on the streets. He shows up occasionally for a meal and a bed but he can't stay. The police usually pick him up after a few weeks and drop him off at a hospital where he stays for a few weeks or few months and then the cycle repeats.
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forkintheroad7 still waiting for your brilliant suggestion on a solution. Or are you just a whiner, not a doer?
well, some of them look kinda scary, like this woman I saw the other day who had no teeth, not one...

she was begging on the street and I gave her some money the last time, so not this 2nd time I saw her.. I was already helping someone (and I'm not related to the Rockefellers).

But still, it's a good point. They are some of the least harmful people, IMO. That said, some people you see out there are homeless bc they're running from... who knows what.. gotta be careful around ANY stranger.. like the millions of strangers bribum is allowing into our country. . gotta care for yourself and your own because the govt that steals your money aint gonna do it
Many years ago when Manhattan was really a ruff place, I saw a homeless person literally in rags, black with dirt laying on the sideway on Broadway. It was during the rush hour and hundreds of people were on the sidewalk stepping around him and over him. I watched for about 10 mins and nobody did anything. I flew home and told my experience to several people. I don't think anyone believed me. At that time, I was working in Orlando Fla where homelessness didn't really exist. Today, I wouldn't even mention it.
The homeless are temporarily surplus population. They will be needed later as all types of labor. In some regions, homelessness may still become more common as a nomadic way of life, such as herding. Work or die will be putting hard limits on the decline into drug addiction and mental illness.
The homeless are temporarily surplus population. They will be needed later as all types of labor. In some regions, homelessness may still become more common as a nomadic way of life, such as herding. Work or die will be putting hard limits on the decline into drug addiction and mental illness.
As long as homelessness is the treatment for severe addiction and mental illness, the problem will grow.
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..

Religion is used to confirm people's bigotry, most religious people will not use it to change their morals.
Many years ago when Manhattan was really a ruff place, I saw a homeless person literally in rags, black with dirt laying on the sideway on Broadway. It was during the rush hour and hundreds of people were on the sidewalk stepping around him and over him. I watched for about 10 mins and nobody did anything. I flew home and told my experience to several people. I don't think anyone believed me. At that time, I was working in Orlando Fla where homelessness didn't really exist. Today, I wouldn't even mention it.
Why didn't you do anything?
If I’m out in town walking somewhere and pass some homeless guys I have no problem chatting with them a little just like I would anyone in a similar situation

I don’t get why people are afraid of them. People are too paranoid and fearful

have u ever heard the term

about using a broad brush?

Yep. I generalize all the time.

Especially on forums like this.

Most of the time I write something, I'm not going to get into a detailed argument, because most people on this forum are, quite frankly, incapable of a detailed debate.

So I write generalizations. If someone reads my post and wants to get more detailed about it, we can. But if I write a detailed post now, I'm just going to be wasting half my life writing things that nobody will actually read.

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