Why does "everyone" despise the homeless? Our Savior was Homeless

It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
Who here has claimed to "despise the homeless"?
Jesus never owned a home

Jesus lived a very simple life as an itinerate preacher and healer

He didn't get attached to the things of this world and we are called to be like him...
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
Jesus had a house in Capernaum. "No place to lay his head" was a metaphorical comment meaning that there was no place for him in this evil society.
wow... If I were dependent on YOU for help with ANYTHING

I'd likely be kicked to the proverbial curb. Who the hell are you to say someone is hopeless?

How would you, Mr Empathy, like to be seen by all those around you as hopeless?

No wonder Jesus said Few make it to Heaven. Mt 7:14, Lk 13:24
Facts, dummy. Unlike you I actually care about everyone. I also have a wife who is a PhD psychologist who's friend runs the Denver mental health system.

People on opioids WANT to die. Unless they find a purpose to live for, and that is a small percentage, they don't survive.

We need to figure out why they are in that terrible place.

When leftists run cities they allow the homeless to make the cities unlivable for everyone.

So, either you care about people, and try to deal with the root cause, or you attack the messenger because you really don't care about helping anyone.

You choose.
Jesus never owned a home

Jesus lived a very simple life as an itinerate preacher and healer

He didn't get attached to the things of this world and we are called to be like him...
Look at the silly progressive repeating lies.
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
At one time, the homeless and poor had a reason to be that way, because of the way the governments ran things, you know high taxes and no way to make a living. Then along came the United States, where people came here for the opportunity to make something of themselves, but there were a few loafers who decided to ride the coattails of the successful and then a party of asshats, decided that they could keep these people enslaved to said party by giving them just enough to survive on.

so livable for you

unlivable for them


can't say I disagree at all. I used to think mental illness was a myth. Then i actually met one or 2 people who were obviously loony tunes.. Of course the entire D party fits that category. But I was speaking mostly of those not in Eliteville
Who is it right now that is making it so hard for people to get into a home?
thanks for making my case

Jesus said that whatever you do to the least of his people, you do to him. (Mt 25:31)

I have known homeless people who are Christian

And again, Jesus himself was homeless all his life

"The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head"

Then you could look @ St Luke 16:19

about a homeless man
Jesus was not homeless. He actually came from a respected middle class family. His father was a skilled craftsman, a carpenter. Jesus CHOSE to be a rabbi traveling the land to spread the gospel.

Gads, the left dreams up the most outrageous garbage about Jesus. He was a refugee, he was an illegal alien, he was homeless. None of it is true it's dreamed up by the nonsense left.
He did NOT have his own house.

Who is lying to you?

Mark 2
2 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house (his, Jesus' house).

15 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.

Most associate Jesus with Jerusalem, as he spent much time there, and was of course 'homeless' there. However, he owned his home in Capernaum, on the coast of the Sea of Galilee, which was fitting as this is the region where his true ministry would begin, and thus was a place where he could "lay his head".
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1. Most people do not "despise" the unhoused.

2, People are delighted if taxpayer money were used to help house them in apartments or hotels or motels or little houses.

3. People simply resent the unhoused setting up tents on city sidewalks, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street.

4. People simply resent that the mentally ill among the unhoused are allowed to roam the city day and night.

a. Most of the violent crime is committed by those insane individuals, who need to be in clean and secure treatment facilities.

(In 2028, the Olympics are coming to Los Angeles. Bet you dollars to donuts, the powers-that-be will clean up the city for that event!!! But they won't clean up this situation for the ordinary citizens today!!!)
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Looks like the progressive loon has fled his retarded thread. Too many facts hurt his tiny little head.
i've never seen anyone shoot up on the street

probably because I don't live in a dim run city, but I've visited those

Portland, OR
Seattle, WA

and others..

never saw it THERE either.. although some folks sitting on the sidewalk in downtown Portland looked like they may have just done that. But God only knows. I dont

But again, I don't appreciate being called a liar when I say that I've known or still know those who don't use drugs

You dont need to see it live. 2 min search. Newer video. See many shots of the worst imaginable.
so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
When I was little, we were homeless. My parents weren't on drugs and never drank. They just LIKED it. That's why, to this day, I curse everyone that helped us. Everyone that gave us food, or a place to stay. Hell is too good for them. Why? Because they made being homeless just a bit more comfortable. Had my parents been forced to starve in the street they might not have liked it so much.
Who is it right now that is making it so hard for people to get into a home?

They require 1st last + depoisit, last addresses, credit checks. 6mo on the cement and you have “no fixed address”. No credit report. Living off $800/mo cash in SF many begin to shoot up for comfort. I can guarantee I would. If it seemed that hopeless?

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