Why does "everyone" despise the homeless? Our Savior was Homeless

Seeing people allowed to set up garbage filled tent cities in designated parks makes me feel like an idiot paying 50 bucks to camp in a State Park.
When I was little, we were homeless. My parents weren't on drugs and never drank. They just LIKED it. That's why, to this day, I curse everyone that helped us. Everyone that gave us food, or a place to stay. Hell is too good for them. Why? Because they made being homeless just a bit more comfortable. Had my parents been forced to starve in the street they might not have liked it so much.
Back in the day I knew many 'street people'. They begged and stole to survive, only working for a short time if at all, but always had pocket money for beer and smokes. They slept and bathed wherever they could, using store or office building bathrooms. They were a smelly, miserable lot (which included women as well). Likeable and harmless, but not to be trusted.
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..

Bub...it is just overwhelming.

Everyplace you go you are harassed for $. And even if you got plenty to give out, it is uncomfortable seeing homeless as you could be on the street yourself if things go bad. All this $$ the dems have squandered could have made a big difference with the homeless...but not with scummy politicians.

hannity 654.jpg
It seems no matter who the poster is, if he or she says anything at all about the homeless, it is, to put it in one word


Well, no one wants to see the homeless because no one wants to think thatsome human beings are not: clean, sheltered.. getting needs met. We don't like that because we don't believe in that and that is GOOD.

But it usually goes further, from hating neediness to hating the needy

Even Trump said something in a speech recently about homeless, drug-addicted people cluttering the sidewalks or something to that effect. Well, at least he wasn't speaking of ALL the homeless, just the ones who use drugs in public and (presumably, those who) are using whatever money they can find to keep doing so.

But still... Why no good word for the homeless who are law-abiding, not drug users, and who are homeless because of misfortune, something we saw a lot of in the bad-covid-policy years..

And some have not exactly rebounded from that horrible time..
I get very tired of the poor. Because after 30 trillion dollars spent on the poor, we still have poor.
But still, we don’t despise the homeless just because the money we pretend to spend on the poor doesn’t actually go to the poor.
so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
Why are they homeless if you know them? You should take them in.
If you want to compare Jesus to a junkie with a needle in his arm shitting on the street go ahead. There are hundreds of social service agencies who are willing to help homeless people and get them off substance abuse but they would rather shit on the street and foul the parks that we take our kids to.
At one time, the homeless and poor had a reason to be that way, because of the way the governments ran things, you know high taxes and no way to make a living. Then along came the United States, where people came here for the opportunity to make something of themselves, but there were a few loafers who decided to ride the coattails of the successful and then a party of asshats, decided that they could keep these people enslaved to said party by giving them just enough to survive on.

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I never said (if you will recall) that ALL homeless are ..what? saints? or even that all or most are just decent people. It could be that 80% of them really are not. But the thing is, only GOD knows. Why do people @ the forums act like they know everything? That is a huge LIE, pretending to know all things on all topics. No one here cares to ever say "oh, I don't know much about that topic.." (very few say such things).

in any case, let's just say that 30% of homeless people are honest and WOULD work hard if given a job. Well, for one thing, you can't get a job if you sleep in your car every night, wrinkling your clothes and you have no place to wash up for a job interview..
They require 1st last + depoisit, last addresses, credit checks. 6mo on the cement and you have “no fixed address”. No credit report. Living off $800/mo cash in SF many begin to shoot up for comfort. I can guarantee I would. If it seemed that hopeless?
so true. So many people here probably have homes that are paid off or nearly paid off. They cannot relate to people not being able to afford to even rent, much less buy a home.

And so because they have never been downtrodden, they don't even try to u/stand someone who has problems. A lot of homeless I have run into... in fact, all of them I am now thinking of.. are alone in the world. They do not have families to rely on and many of them have learned to be loners because human beings in their world were abusive, from parents to significant others and so on.. So many people just want to simplify everything and put everyone in some neat little category so theycan go on w/ their lives, unworried about having to actually maybe do something to help someone else.. just write them off as worthless, and voila... there goes the old guilt
I never said (if you will recall) that ALL homeless are ..what? saints? or even that all or most are just decent people. It could be that 80% of them really are not. But the thing is, only GOD knows. Why do people @ the forums act like they know everything? That is a huge LIE, pretending to know all things on all topics. No one here cares to ever say "oh, I don't know much about that topic.." (very few say such things).

in any case, let's just say that 30% of homeless people are honest and WOULD work hard if given a job. Well, for one thing, you can't get a job if you sleep in your car every night, wrinkling your clothes and you have no place to wash up for a job interview..
I still havent met one of those 30% yet. One day a while back, during the Clinton years, i bought a sandwich for a homeless guy because he needed a dollar for food. When i came out of the store and handed him the food, he looked at me like i was crazy, went over to the garbage can and dropped the sandwich in. At that point i will never give a rats ass to any homeless. I pay enough in taxes why should i pay a dime more.
so true. So many people here probably have homes that are paid off or nearly paid off. They cannot relate to people not being able to afford to even rent, much less buy a home.

And so because they have never been downtrodden, they don't even try to u/stand someone who has problems. A lot of homeless I have run into... in fact, all of them I am now thinking of.. are alone in the world. They do not have families to rely on and many of them have learned to be loners because human beings in their world were abusive, from parents to significant others and so on.. So many people just want to simplify everything and put everyone in some neat little category so theycan go on w/ their lives, unworried about having to actually maybe do something to help someone else.. just write them off as worthless, and voila... there goes the old guilt
Yeah, like you. You are every bit as guilty of that as anyone you are accusing. I was homeless as a child for a long time. I know what it is like. I also know what the actual root causes for it are.
Seeing people allowed to set up garbage filled tent cities in designated parks makes me feel like an idiot paying 50 bucks to camp in a State Park.
what? you can't join the tent people and do it for free?

Yep you got to find those that need help and are easily salvagble first. Pareto the problem. Maybe a woman with kids ran from a drunk husband beating her up again (example only). She drove off and ran out of food, motel and gas money. Now living on the streets. Priority #1 right there. She cant afford rent or food as he held the banking? No credit card…only a Drivers License, now with expired insurance. Where do kids go to school?
Cement is not soft. Bugs, rats, dogs, cats, rapist, crazy folks, cars, noise, wind, rain, cold, hot, theft, Authorities…..they get it all right away.
I still havent met one of those 30% yet. One day a while back, during the Clinton years, i bought a sandwich for a homeless guy because he needed a dollar for food. When i came out of the store and handed him the food, he looked at me like i was crazy, went over to the garbage can and dropped the sandwich in. At that point i will never give a rats ass to any homeless. I pay enough in taxes why should i pay a dime more.

so all homeless ppl would do exactly what that man did?

Do all the non-homeless people do everything the same? Does everyone (who has a home) live exactly like you do? So there are 2 categories of people, I guess: A) the homed and B) the unhomed..

All persons in Group A are exactly alike, clones of one another
ditto Group B
Yep you got to find those that need help and are easily salvagble first. Pareto the problem. Maybe a woman with kids ran from a drunk husband beating her up again (example only). She drove off and ran out of food, motel and gas money. Now living on the streets. Priority #1 right there. She cant afford rent or food as he held the banking? No credit card…only a Drivers License, now with expired insurance. Where do kids go to school?
very important point considering that over 70% of homeless women are in that situation due to domestic violence. they preferred this kind of hardship to being beat on and/or raped.

One just never knows what another human is going through

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