THIS, Is Identity Politics

I have read at least one assessment here that claims that the reason for the rise of Trump was due to leftist over use of poitical correctness and identity politics. Apparently that person missed at least 40 years of Republican use of identity politics starting at minimum with the Reagan story of the black welfare queen. Here is a classic example of Republican identity politics.

And then when Republicans are called on ths obvious racism, they whine about Democrats playing identity politcs and idiots actually cosign it blaming democrats with them.

One of Reagan's speech writers, who later worked for Bush 41, said their biggest problem in writing speeches was finding ways of referencing racial minorities without directly using the words "blacks" or "Hispanics". This is where the term "welfare queens" came from, as well as the whole "rural vs urban" dynamic.

Reagan and the Republican leadership thought that they could lure in the crazies (NAZI's KKK, and Moral Majority) by adopting adding a few planks to their platform, like opposing abortion, or affirmative action. They could control the crazy.

But in the end, the Reagan Republicans are now called "RINO's", and they're all gone, and the its the NAZI's and the crazies that have taken over.
The Preachers that are Progs are the biggest frauds in Congress. All the problems in their districts or areas they serve, and they sold out to the extreme social justice agendas.

What exactly is the "social justice agenda"??? You keep throwing phrases around and you don't have the first clue about they mean.
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I have read at least one assessment here that claims that the reason for the rise of Trump was due to leftist over use of poitical correctness and identity politics. Apparently that person missed at least 40 years of Republican use of identity politics starting at minimum with the Reagan story of the black welfare queen. Here is a classic example of Republican identity politics.

And then when Republicans are called on ths obvious racism, they whine about Democrats playing identity politcs and idiots actually cosign it blaming democrats with them.

So they enthusiastically admit kneepads didn't do her job of solving the root causes of illegal immigration. Those sound bites would be a great Trump campaign ad. BTW Mexican is an ethnicity not a race. So trying to play the race baiter card here is a complete fail.

One of Reagan's speech writers, who later worked for Bush 41, said their biggest problem in writing speeches was finding ways of referencing racial minorities without directly using the words "blacks" or "Hispanics". This is where the term "welfare queens" came from, as well as the whole "rural vs urban" dynamic.

Reagan and the Republican leadership thought that they could lure in the crazies (NAZI's KKK, and Moral Majority) by adopting adding a few planks to their platform, like opposing abortion, or affirmative action. They could control the crazy.

But in the end, the Reagan Republicans are now called "RINO's", and they're all gone, and the its the NAZI's and the crazies that have taken over.


One of Reagan's speech writers, who later worked for Bush 41, said their biggest problem in writing speeches was finding ways of referencing racial minorities without directly using the words "blacks" or "Hispanics". This is where the term "welfare queens" came from, as well as the whole "rural vs urban" dynamic.

Reagan and the Republican leadership thought that they could lure in the crazies (NAZI's KKK, and Moral Majority) by adopting adding a few planks to their platform, like opposing abortion, or affirmative action. They could control the crazy.

But in the end, the Reagan Republicans are now called "RINO's", and they're all gone, and the its the NAZI's and the crazies that have taken over.
True. We knew that when Reagan first started the stuff. And for the last 44 years Republican whites have tried gaslighting, plausible deniability and every other kind of lie in order to deny what we have known to be true.
Ask the OP, he's the chief race baiter on the board. BTW, the term was invented by race baiters and commies.

Wrong. You and most of the Repubicans here are the race baiters. For some reasn you don't think that the shit you say about blacks is race baiting. That is all part of the mental disorders that encompass white racosm.
Feel free to provide a quote where I've said anything like that. But hey, you're about as anti-white as anyone I've seen.

Anti racist does not mean anti white. And so here you prove my point.
Wrong. You and most of the Repubicans here are the race baiters. For some reasn you don't think that the shit you say about blacks is race baiting. That is all part of the mental disorders that encompass white racosm.

Funny, I never seem to talk about the topic anywhere but in your threads that broach the topic. And everything I've said on the topic are facts. Facts aren't racist, they just exist, kind of like the air and water. You can deny facts all you want, but it doesn't change them. Oh, and I see you have yet to figure out the spell check on your browser.

Thanks for the laugh, you never disappoint.


So you’re saying all white people are racist? That’s not true.

Only gullible idiots believe that white people are better than any other race.
Funny, I never seem to talk about the topic anywhere but in your threads that broach the topic. And everything I've said on the topic are facts. Facts aren't racist, they just exist, kind of like the air and water. You can deny facts all you want, but it doesn't change them. Oh, and I see you have yet to figure out the spell check on your browser.


You must not be reading threads started by anyone but the OP. Broke Loser never talks about anything but how he's being screwed over by Mexicans. Broke Loser certainly lives up to his user name.

Before Trump ran for office, this board was relatively free of racists. Now I've heard it referred to as "Storm Front Lite". I'm hard pressed to think of ANY members of the Trump Cult on this board who aren't flaming racist pigs.

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