No one knows a President better than their vice President

Every group in America faces those kinds of aggressions. Let's take just one example, shall we? Turn on virtually any TV show that's about a family. Who is always the moron? Who is ignored, made fun of, outright despised? Who is not respected? Who doesn't have any more value than a paycheck?

The same happens in commercials. As you like to say, the dumbest among us deny that.
No, bullshit. You are defininfg the situation to make yourself feel better.
I don't see that happening.

You can't control what other people think, but I do know that the virulent, irrational, rabid hate for TRUMP! energizes his supporters and makes non-politically aligned people wonder what the big deal is.

Politicians pander to whoever will vote for them. I fixed that for you.
No politicians are as big of whore to gain votes. There has never been a politician as immoral and unethical as Trump. And politicians tend toward those characteristics
No one knows a President better than their vice President.
Kamala Harris stayed loyal, to Biden, to the end. She agreed with most but not all of Biden's policies.
She can take the best of Biden's policies and improve on the one's that are not so good.

No one knows a President better than their vice President.
That is why Pence will not support Trump and feels he is not fit for office.
Mike Pence knew/knows Donald well
I KNOW that nobody wants her, except desperate Liberals and brainwashed young Liberals who are so happy to have a "black female President" (their words, not mine) :icon_sjung:
Further example you are scared of Kamala.
Trump is scared. He is using the legal system to not allow her use of funds.
All thinking people are terrified at the prospect of a Harris administration. Herself, not so much, other than being forced to listen to her cackling for hours on end.
Not necessarily. There is a real issue in the Black community of dads not stepping up. The black community is addressing the situation.
You're deflecting. Dads get the short end of the stick in modern broadcast media across the board. Hence, microaggression. You can't really avoid it.
Ruh-Ro #2

The manufactured racist play.

Spare me the claims. It's quite clear you can't run on the issues.
Too many racists don't realize they are racists. There are the avowed racists, white supremacists etc.
Then there is the racist who says they have nothing against a minority but get pissed if the minority gets something they feel they should have.

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