Why don’t you vote Democrat?

Why don’t you vote Democrat?

  • Democrats support racist ideas like white people being privileged

  • Democrats support “big government”

  • Democrats are pro union

  • Democrats support foreign countries in their wars before supporting the American people

  • All of the above

  • I vote for Democrats

  • Democrats support Cancel culture, Wokeism and DEI

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I will not vote for the democrats because:

1. They will not do anything constructive to curb illegal immigration on our southern border. I can only assume they are doing nothing because they believe the majority of those illegals will eventually turn into democratic voters.

2. These days both parties are fiscally irresponsible, but the democrats are moreso than the GOP.

3. The democrats want a bigger and more intrusive gov't.

4. The democrats care more about attaining and retaining power than they do about what is right and best for every American citizen.

5. These days I do not trust my own gov't, but I trust the democrats far less. Their dishonesty and hypocrisy is astounding.

6. They have no scruples about using our justice system for political purposes. In fact, they don't seem to have much in the way of any scruples.
That America was somehow unique when it came to slavery….

Slavery goes back millions of years. Slavery is as old and common as mankind.
Hardly a nation has never had slavery of some kind.
Slavery still goes on today. Not only do some countries still enslave children to mine metals for EV cars, other countries enslave people by convicting them of trumped up petty crimes for free labor.
Countries enslave people through debt, food scarcity, lack of opportunity and taxation.
Still other countries still enslave people's minds instead of bodies now through oppression of the truth or through directed misinformation.
Sometimes they enslave you by simply rigging your election or switching candidates at the last second for who THEY want, a person no one voted for.
What creeps me out about the DNC is their seemingly full control over the media, the government, and corporate America.

Only because for decades and decades, republicans sat back and did nothing to stop it. First, republicans got edged out of universities by socialist thinking subversive infiltrators and they took it. From there it spread to the media, education, and from there, all of corporate America.
Only because for decades and decades, republicans sat back and did nothing to stop it. First, republicans got edged out of universities by socialist thinking subversive infiltrators and they took it. From there it spread to the media, education, and from there, all of corporate America.
Nazis gotta Nazi.

To get rid of them you need to go to war with them.

There is just not enough money in it for them to care.
For me, the issue is almost solely about the anti-white racism from Democrats. The blatantly obvious racism against whites from the media and Hollywood machine. The idea that white people, including homeless Whites are privileged. That America was somehow unique when it came to slavery…. whenever people talk about slavery on the left they never talk about Blacks, Jews or Indians who owned slaves.

And a small part of it is the Democrat support for the war machines of Israel and Ukraine. Israel doesn’t need our help Ukraine probably does need military assistance but it’s not our fight because these wars have zero affect on America. Anyways that’s my take on the issue…other people who don’t vote for Democrats have different views.
I don't vote for them because they pervert progressive ideas into a subsidy for big corporations and/or trial lawyers. They are all about money, particularly when it comes to punishing red states and rural areas in the name of new jobs that won't land in the red states and rural areas they are out to punish.
Democrats support everything that is anti-God.

They want to murder babies we have no right to do that
They want do do same sex sin that is an abomination
They want to change the gender of small kids, God forbid.
They are of the KKK as the democrats party was founded by the KKK
They bully their voters into deadly COVID mandates, Obamacare mandates, etc..,
They are the lost and headed to hell political party of demons
They cuss God and others daily-they are of their father the Devil
They are haters of America and the American flag along with their Palestinian friends.
They are not patriotic, they sit back and do nothing as others burn the American flag.
They are lying hypocrites concerning the southern border
They murder political opponents, God said thou shall not murder
They weaponize the justice system, God said do no man any harm
They put together an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, God said vengeance is mine saith the Lord
They are full of nothing but lies like their father Satan the Devil he is the father of lies. They never speak the truth its not in them.
They did voter fraud to steal the last presidential election, but God allowed it for His own purpose(s).
They are the demonic house of Ahab whom God is against and wants destroyed
They love sin and all manner of evil and wickedness. God says what you sow you shall reap.

There is not one "GOOD" thing about democrats.
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Only because for decades and decades, republicans sat back and did nothing to stop it. First, republicans got edged out of universities by socialist thinking subversive infiltrators and they took it. From there it spread to the media, education, and from there, all of corporate America.

Curious about what you think the repubs should have done but didn't. When the media, academia, and Hollywood are all against you and have been for a very long time, I'm not sure what they could've done that would've made a difference.

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