Hey Republicans, Do You Really Want the Black Vote?

At the time of emancipation 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery.
Thats not true

I am not an economic historian and I’m not paid to be one

But the claim that slavery in the south was the primary driver of the US economy simply cant be true

The economy in the north which was not based on slavery dwarfed that of the south
I'm telling you IDIOTS how Republicans can get the majority of blacks to rejoin your party and maybe never leave it again. So you can post stupid personal attacks all you want, but this is the way.

Now for those who want to lecture me about how I should go out and earn things, whites got where they are today by making laws excluding everybody else until basically 1965. So it's like this; if whites want us to do things as you suggest, we get to create laws excluding whites from income, property ownership, education, firearms, heathcare, and constitutional rights for the next 190 years. We then confiscate all your weath and move you to restricted areas. Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho would be the white reservation.. Then we make you work for free for 90 years, (which is far less than the 245 blacks were made to), while we take the profits made off your sweat and build up black communities. then after that make you work in low wage jobs for 100 years with no benefits or legal protection while taking your tax money and building our communities even more. Then we use your money to provide direct economic assistance for blacks to help build weath while excluding whites, and create agreements so that whites can't get loans and keep whites out of the most profitable businsses. This is just a little bit of how whites made it. So cease the lectures about earning things.
This would be a lot more GENTLE than actual American history.
That's right he could start reparations because people like you would have acted a fool. Furthermore, whites created the problem. Stop asking us to clean up messes you create.
So what you're basically saying is that blacks can't help themselves even when they control the White House and Congress? That you need whites to solve the problem for you? That the trillions of dollars spent by government on the black community since LBJ's New Society programs began aren't enough because blacks are REALLY helpless and need more aid?

You don't seem to grasp that a big part of the aid that used to go to the black community from Democrats to buy votes will now be going to buy the votes of Hispanics...do you, IM2? It's going to be amusing watching you slowly come to the realization that the Democrats open border policy is going to put you in "the back of the bus" once again!
That's right he could start reparations because people like you would have acted a fool. Furthermore, whites created the problem. Stop asking us to clean up messes you create.

Furthermore, whites created the problem.

We created it by bringing your people from Africa, we
need to fix it by sending your people back.
Why are rght wing white boys so obtuse?

You can't say shit about handouts. Whites have been handed everything they have.
Spoken like a true loser. Everyone better than you cheated or something. It’s never your fault for failing.
This would be a lot more GENTLE than actual American history.
The Pros use you and are moving on to Hispanics. They used women and we see what is happening in Sports as an example now. It's time for middle class and rich African Americans to build things in their communities. Lots of vacant properties and could build great edifices like theme parks with a music amphitheater or other things. They would be great gathering places and a source of pride. And the money would be returned to the community with employment and improving the neighborhoods.
No they don't. But watch the tornadoes start messing up Oklahoma even more because of this. They did wrong, those survivors deserved what they asked for. That neighborhood has never been rebuilt. Those blacks businesses that got destroyed stayed that way, ruining generational wealth.
Tulsa whites also PROFITED from it. Today.
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No, they don't. They didn't make slavery legal in America, nor did they make Jim Crow legal. Furthermotre 1/10 of the slaves that were here by the time the civil war started came from Africa. The other 9/10th were bred in America.
Thank your dem party for that. The demklan got to demklan
No one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold trespass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

And there are others. So you really have no logical reason to oppose rearations for blacks.
Blacks have been squandering their “reparations” in the form of Affirmative Action for 60 years.
It's no different than the white vote. When Trump told those executive to give him a billion amd he'll give them what they want, was that kissing ass? Now stop pretending that whites are somehow above things.
Those executives weren't all white lol.

Do you EVER see ANYTHING without race being your top priority?

Your obsession is unhealthy. I can't imagine being angry over manufactured bullshit all the time like you.
Blacks have been squandering their “reparations” in the form of Affirmative Action for 60 years.
Whites have received direct economic assistance from the government on several occasions. Blacks have not. White racism has never ended. That has been the problem.
Whites have received direct economic assistance from the government on several occasions. Blacks have not. White racism has never ended. That has been the problem.
Describe a “racist free society” how you envision it….

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