The Great Black Republican Grift

Reid is no race grifter. Whites such as yourself need to understand that calling out the racism you continue to practice is not a grift.
Imagine your life had your ancestors not sold your other ancestors into slavery. Right now you could be living free of whites in your mud hut or tin shack while digging cobalt for the Chinese.
Wouldn't that be wonderful?
We see plenty of this today. People like Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, Candace Owens and others use race to get rich or for campaign donations. A family friend told me that if you want to get rich quickly, turn into a conservative black Republican. He was right. Racists will pay top dollar to a black person to hear or read them expressing anti-black views. And this willingness to hear blacks say what they believe about blacks is what fuels the great black Republican grift.

‘Grifting on your race’: MAGA Republicans' pitch to Black voters slammed as 'cynical'​

I have never seen anyone as racist as you.
How could the Left hold its side of the issue accountable?
To start with, the 'Left' would need an accurate recounting of the issue.

Then it would need to know what its side of the issue is.

After that, defining the 'Left' would be helpful.
They didn't race pimp. And when you measure their net worth against the years they've been out there, it's a pittance. But you repeat this bullshit because Rush Limbaugh made it up. Limbaugh was a worthless flunk out with no skills who left this world worth 7-800 million dollars because he race pimped whites like you.

So how much do you have to make race pimping, to owe more than 4 million in taxes like notsosharpton? 2, 3, 4, 5 times that much? Funny how he was never prosecuted for that, at either the State or federal levels. And I would hardly call that a pittance.

Shut the hell up. I know how the world works. The only thing that is obsessive is your racist attempts to gaslight. I don't need to reverse a damn thing to see when something is obviously wrong. And I certainly don't need instructions from some idiotic racist white b----.

Your hate is showing, race baiter.

Synopsis of any IM2 post

IM2 - Whitey is the cause of all black problems.

Random poster - No, that’s racist.

IM2 - It’s racist for you to call me racist.

Question for IM2 - What would make us not racist in your mind?
They are grifters. Sharpton is not. Just because they say what you want to hear and what makes you feel comfortable doesn't change the fact they are grifters. MAGATS like you fail to realize that the white opinion is not the authoritative opinion on how things happen in America.
Just because you say Black Conservatives are grifters does not make it so either, IM2. And of course you have to resort to childish name calling but I'm used to that. I also knew you wouldn't have the courage to start a thread on anything other than Racial hatred but I thought I'd put it out there.
Synopsis of any IM2 post

IM2 - Whitey is the cause of all black problems.

Random poster - No, that’s racist.

IM2 - It’s racist for you to call me racist.

Question for IM2 - What would make us not racist in your mind?
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Not white people, but whites who are racists. Your racism and wish to be a victim has you unable to see the distinction. Non racist whites see the distinction. The record shows that racist policies have created the situation, so you just have to accept that and use that personal responsibility you preach to others and do something about your behavior.
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Not white people, but whites who are racists. Your racism and wish to be a victim has you unable to see the distinction. Non racist whites see the distinction. The record shows that racist policies have created the situation, so you just have to accept that and use that personal responsibility you preach to others and do something about your behavior.
Oh, so now I must not only grovel to you, but preach to others? So, IOW, whites must become subservient to blacks, is that it?
Shut the hell up. I know how the world works. The only thing that is obsessive is your racist attempts to gaslight. I don't need to reverse a damn thing to see when something is obviously wrong. And I certainly don't need instructions from some idiotic racist white b----.
You don't know jack shit, moron. Fat AL Charletan had zero credibility when he came on the scene with the Tawana Brawley hoax, or have you conveniently overlooked that?
You don't know jack shit, moron. Fat AL Charletan had zero credibility when he came on the scene with the Tawana Brawley hoax, or have you conveniently overlooked that?
I know more than you. That happen 40 years ago and he didn't make the claim. A person came to him with the claim. So if you want to play that, Trump was legitimately busted by the US DOJ for racial discrimination in housing.
Oh, so now I must not only grovel to you, but preach to others? So, IOW, whites must become subservient to blacks, is that it?
Working in YOUR COMMUNITY to end YOUR racism isn't groveling to anyone. Taking responsiblity to end YOUR racism by working in YOUR COMMUNITY to stop that racism is not being subservient to anyone.
Working in YOUR COMMUNITY to end YOUR racism isn't groveling to anyone. Taking responsiblity to end YOUR racism by working in YOUR COMMUNITY to stop that racism is not being subservient to anyone.
Those are all nice platitudes strung together, but where’s the beef?

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