Zone1 What is the formula for black reparations?

When a Democratic House and Senate and Executive get around to handing out reparations (and they will), hopefully they will have the decency to exclude any person that has been convicted of a violent crime.
Don't you get it? The only way to STOP crime is through reparations! They said so during the Sacramento reparations meeting.
We should subtract the average black income in black run, black majority countries from the average black income of blacks living in the United States, and mention the difference whenever the subject of racial reparations for Negroes comes up.
There's a lot of people discussing reparations on here, but I'd like to get down to how the exact dollar amount of reparations would be formulated and the logistics of distributing that money. Should all black people receive reparations equally? Should there be exceptions to which black people receive reparations? And should certain black people be prioritized to receive reparations? How can we build off of the closest examples to reparations, such as all the donations BLM received?

Would a percentage based strategy work? For any given black person, their white counterpart must be X% more successful. Let's explore an equal distribution model with no exclusions. For example, some black warehouse workers will make X% of their 60K salary. Black NFL and NBA players will also earn X% of their multi-million dollar contracts. Black CEOs will receive X% of their multi-million dollar salaries. Does such a model seem reasonable?

Some of those examples seem absurd, which is where exclusions come in. Should reparations only apply to black people in poverty or should it be capped at $100K/year earners? Should reparations only apply to black people with a proven lineage of slavery? Should self hating or "Uncle Tom" blacks be excluded? The resident forum expert on reparations and self-hating blacks is IM2, so perhaps a person like him can be appointed to determine who those anti-black blacks are?

That brings me to my next point about prioritizing reparation payments. Should proven victims of hate crimes be prioritized? Should certain black people receive more reparations? I mean if a black person has been fighting for reparations for years, it makes sense that those black people would receive more money since they're the reason reparations would be effectuated. Some key example would be black politicians, civil rights leaders such as Al Sharpton and people like IM2 on this forum. The reparations detractors, such as Candace Owens, really have a negative balance when it comes to establishing reparations, so they, themselves, should have to pay reparations to other black people.

I think it would be a good idea for black people to promote personal reparation accounts on this forum while they're patiently waiting for their reparations. Whether than be in the form of a GoFundMe campaign or a link to an electronic payment account (such as Paypal). I know IM2 is around here somewhere, where's that Paypal link buddy? People should be able to thank you for all the good work you've been doing!

Instead of doing all the heavy lifting to get reparations operational from scratch, let's look at some examples and build off of those. BLM is a great example because they received hundreds of millions of dollars from white controlled businesses. And black people chanting the phrase "Black Lives Matter" really shows how the BLM organization a representative of black people. Perhaps all the reparation funds should go to organizations such as BLM and NAACP and they will distribute the funds wisely.

In summary, we should be thinking about all the steps involved with making reparations a reality instead of being focused on superficial calls for reparations.

"...I've already PERSONALLY helped you out. I see that you've been on this forum for nearly 9 years and have 74K messages. However, you have no donation amount next to your name. I know that you're patiently waiting for reparations and can't afford any donations, so I've donated in your stead! Hover over my avatar to see for yourself. Donations keep this forum running, and without it, where would you post about reparations? I believe that I'm owed an apology and a thank you. I've already thanked you for your great work on racial relations, so it's only fair to be reciprocal."
Da GubMit can't buy ourselves out of racism any more than it could poverty
I wish America had paid this debt to the ancestry of black Americans a long time ago, and it was no longer a payment issue.
How can anyone justify giving recent African immigrants reparations? Some of their ancestors became rich selling their fellow Africans.

Recent immigrants from the Caribbean might ask Britain or other European countries for reparations.

After reparations few black people will study hard or work hard. They will spend their time lobbying for more reparations. Many black people will sink into poverty and dependence and drug addiction.
Here we go with another white person creating a thread about reparations with their suggestions on what blacks need to do. Did you have this idea for Japanese or Native American reparations? If not, ask for this thread to be closed. Because blacks will and have done the necessary study to propose a path for reparations without whiteys input.
Here we go again with a Negro bitching that somebody else needs to give him money.
I would agree to reparations after the Negroes pay us back the billions and billions for all the crime and looting that they have ever done. Throw in the cost of keeping them in prison and the pain and suffering of the White women they raped. Hell, I would just take the 7-11 shop lifting payback.

We would come out way ahead.
If that formula is ever established I want them to subtract all the pain and suffering we have to put up with being exposed to that obnoxious and filthy ass Rap music. That alone would zero out everything. We wouldn't even have to subtract the shop lifting of 7-11s.
Here we go with another white person creating a thread about reparations with their suggestions on what blacks need to do. Did you have this idea for Japanese or Native American reparations? If not, ask for this thread to be closed. Because blacks will and have done the necessary study to propose a path for reparations without whiteys input.
And without the support of the vast majority of whites. American Negroes are more affluent and in better health than blacks in any black majority, black run country in the world. American Negroes benefit from living in a white dominated country.

American whites do not benefit from the presence of blacks. Without them the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and welfare system would be much lower.
How can anyone justify giving recent African immigrants reparations? Some of their ancestors became rich selling their fellow Africans.

Recent immigrants from the Caribbean might ask Britain or other European countries for reparations.

After reparations few black people will study hard or work hard. They will spend their time lobbying for more reparations. Many black people will sink into poverty and dependence and drug addiction.
This type of ignorance needs to stop. Whites have received direct economic stimulus from the government on seberal occasisions and still want more. And even with everything whites have been given, they have drug addicts and people who live in poverty.

That Africans sold other Africans argument is fiul lof holes and disregards the fact that whites purchased the slaves when they didn't have to. It also ignore things whites did to get war captives from Africans, such as creating conflict between tribes then arming one tribe inreturn for capytives, murdering trbes who refused to give up captives, or how the trade began by kidnapping. There were very few tribes that made agreements to sell others.

So yur argument really has no merit. Also blacks are not the only ones who have ever asked for reparations. Do the reasearch, end your ignorance.
I don't know how many threads have been created by whites here about back reparations. All of them are full of posts say the same stupid bs. None of you have studied the history of reparations in this country. All these threads have ever been is an exercise in whites getting to post their racist opinions of blacks. This thread is no dfferent. Whites don't get to determine the formula for black reparations. Maybe it's time for whites here to stop starting these kinds of threads.
I don't know how many threads have been created by whites here about back reparations. All of them are full of posts say the same stupid bs. None of you have studied the history of reparations in this country. All these threads have ever been is an exercise in whites getting to post their racist opinions of blacks. This thread is no dfferent. Whites don't get to determine the formula for black reparations. Maybe it's time for whites here to stop starting these kinds of threads.
Blacks will never get reparations. Demanding reparations infuriates whites and encourages more of them to vote Republican, and especially for Trump. Be glad that you live in the United States, and shut up.
If that formula is ever established I want them to subtract all the pain and suffering we have to put up with being exposed to that obnoxious and filthy ass Rap music. That alone would zero out everything. We wouldn't even have to subtract the shop lifting of 7-11s.
You'd have to offset that by the benefits of Jazz.
There's a lot of people discussing reparations on here, but I'd like to get down to how the exact dollar amount of reparations would be formulated and
We should ask Negroes how much they think they deserve in reparations. Then we should multiply that number by zero.
Here we go with another white person creating a thread about reparations with their suggestions on what blacks need to do. Did you have this idea for Japanese or Native American reparations? If not, ask for this thread to be closed. Because blacks will and have done the necessary study to propose a path for reparations without whiteys input.
Without whitey’s input?!

News flash: you will require the approval of whitey for any reparations, since the cost of this will fall primarily on their backs and the majority of Americans - primarily made up of whitey - are opposed.

It tskes a special kind of arrogance and entitlement for a slim minority to just DEMAND money from the majority - and without the majority’s input and approval.

And if you blacktivists pitch a fit and start screaming racist or threaten to “burn the whole thing down,” you are even LESS likely to see a penny.

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