A Black Republican Tells Byron Donalds To Shut Up

You need to have the effect of Jim Crow explained to you?

your interpretation of what you believe the effect was that you are so confused on who provided the law?
When it comes to policy he is still a hard core Republican
naw, he spoke like the bought demofk I hear from demofks. You know you all have your own language? psst, it's really disgusting.
Don't even try this tactic. You're here talking about all blacks, and how we don't ike diversity of thought. Who the hell are you to say ANYTHING about blacks? Byron Donalds made an idiotic comment and that comment does great harm to the black community. You being white and in agreement with that lie wil defend Donalds, but there nothing that than can be said that is positive about Jim Crow. Period.

You ask who I am to make such claim. I am a man born during Jim Crow with more education than Byron Donalds. Unlike Donalds, I saw the Civil Rights Movement live, not on video tape or You tube. The question is: Who is Byron Donalds? He is a man who studied marketing and worked worked in a bank, while I graduated in sociology and worked in the community. I was out working in the community when his ass was drinking similac. That's who I am. Donalds was elected out of a mostly white district

I said Donalds was wrong because his black ass WAS wrong. Hive mind my ass, we should reject all clowns who say the things he and other rIght wing blacks say. You and others like you diss white liberals all day, every day. So when you talk about somebody wanting a hive mind, it's you.

So understand this and never forget it, there is plenty of diversity of thought in the black community, but we do not have to tolerate idiotic comments from people that are totally inaccurate just because the person is black. You don't do it when whites make dumb inaccurate comments so just shut your ass when we chastise blacks who say stupid ---- like what Byron Donalds said.
There you go again with an ignorant arrogance only the entitled whiners of the world could muster. Everything you say is simply another version, 'because you say so'. That might work on white guilt monkeys and children but it won't work on anyone else.

In the decades of whining you folks have been surpassed. Hispanics are now the largest minority group in America. In every metric besides crime, poverty, and illegitimacy they have surpassed blacks. Your way has failed, hating whitey clearly isn't the answer. The simplistic concept of herding all blacks into your failed hivemind only brings greater failures.
There you go again with an ignorant arrogance only the entitled whiners of the world could muster. Everything you say is simply another version, 'because you say so'. That might work on white guilt monkeys and children but it won't work on anyone else.

In the decades of whining you folks have been surpassed. Hispanics are now the largest minority group in America. In every metric besides crime, poverty, and illegitimacy they have surpassed blacks. Your way has failed, hating whitey clearly isn't the answer. The simplistic concept of herding all blacks into your failed hivemind only brings greater failures.
I posted fact. There is no hive mind. Nobody has whined for decades but whites. Nobody has been surpassed, because there is no contest for most favored minority. There is no white guilt. There is no hate whitey. The fact is that Donalds said some dumb shit and he got crucified for it. Again, stop being whte telling black people that we have to agree with blacks who do harm to our community. There are black Republicans that exist who don't.
I posted fact. There is no hive mind. Nobody has whined for decades but whites. Nobody has been surpassed, because there is no contest for most favored minority. There is no white guilt. There is no hate whitey. The fact is that Donalds said some dumb shit and he got crucified for it. Again, stop being whte telling black people that we have to agree with blacks who do harm to our community. There are black Republicans that exist who don't.
Sure, like said, because you say so...

I posted fact. There is no hive mind. Nobody has whined for decades but whites. Nobody has been surpassed, because there is no contest for most favored minority. There is no white guilt. There is no hate whitey. The fact is that Donalds said some dumb shit and he got crucified for it. Again, stop being whte telling black people that we have to agree with blacks who do harm to our community. There are black Republicans that exist who don't.
you rarely ever post a fact racist!!! still waiting for one lately! School Choice outs your racist ass.
Sure, like said, because you say so...

Wrong again. It because it is true. Of course you being white and racist would side with Donalds because he says what you woud like to say about blacks. Whites llike you do the same thing to white liberals. So STFU
you rarely ever post a fact racist!!! still waiting for one lately! School Choice outs your racist ass.
I post facts. Don't get that confused with fax.
Wrong again. It because it is true. Of course you being white and racist would side with Donalds because he says what you woud like to say about blacks. Whites llike you do the same thing to white liberals. So STFU
blah, blah, blah racist fk! still no facts. Where is the truth, you can't handle the truth!!!
blah, blah, blah racist fk! still no facts. Where is the truth, you can't handle the truth!!!
Byron Donalds was wrong. That is a fact.
I posted fact. There is no hive mind. Nobody has whined for decades but whites. Nobody has been surpassed, because there is no contest for most favored minority. There is no white guilt. There is no hate whitey. The fact is that Donalds said some dumb shit and he got crucified for it. Again, stop being whte telling black people that we have to agree with blacks who do harm to our community. There are black Republicans that exist who don't.
The one group that the left hates more than any other...that they hate with a white hot passion...are blacks that are conservatives. From Thomas Sowell...to Clarence Thomas...to Candace Owens...to Byron Donalds...
Byron Donalds was wrong. That is a fact.
Why was he wrong? Claiming that he was is an opinion. Back that opinion up with facts.
The one group that the left hates more than any other...that they hate with a white hot passion...are blacks that are conservatives. From Thomas Sowell...to Clarence Thomas...to Candace Owens...to Byron Donalds...

Why was he wrong? Claiming that he was is an opinion. Back that opinion up with facts.
Another predictable response from a white racist. What Donalds said was stupid and factually untrue. That's why he is getting what he is. And he deserves it.
Another predictable response from a white racist. What Donalds said was stupid and factually untrue. That's why he is getting what he is. And he deserves it.
so again, nothing from you. So my statement still stands. rarely any facts. We're all still waiting on why Donalds is wrong!!
Another predictable response from a white racist. What Donalds said was stupid and factually untrue. That's why he is getting what he is. And he deserves it.
What's factually untrue? Why can't you answer a simple question?

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