Trump's top black campaign surrogate says blacks were better off under Jim Crow

Do you agree with trump that blacks were better off under Jim Crow?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 13 92.9%

  • Total voters
Democrats - keeping racism alive.

Have you heard the latest? Some female professor of colour in California has written a book, positing the view that black people cannot fall in love. She came on British television, making a fool of herself, saying that love is a medieval white construct.
Have you heard the latest? Some female professor of colour in California has written a book, positing the view that black people cannot fall in love. She came on British television, making a fool of herself, saying that love is a medieval white construct.
Which mental institutution she escape from?

Oh NVMD Cali
Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., who was described in March by CNN as trump's most trusted advisor, and on the short VP list is out making sure that black voters clearly understand trump's attitude toward black voters. Mr Donalds said at an event that blacks were better off under Jim Crow. A quick unscientific survey of every black person I asked, seemed to disagree with Donald's remark. Whether blacks think they were better off of not doesn't really matter because trump's surrogate has made it clear what he thinks of the situation. Check the survey whether you agree with trump or not.
Got a link to the quote of Donald’s saying “Blacks were doing better under Jim Crow”. Thanks
Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., who was described in March by CNN as trump's most trusted advisor, and on the short VP list is out making sure that black voters clearly understand trump's attitude toward black voters. Mr Donalds said at an event that blacks were better off under Jim Crow. A quick unscientific survey of every black person I asked, seemed to disagree with Donald's remark. Whether blacks think they were better off of not doesn't really matter because trump's surrogate has made it clear what he thinks of the situation. Check the survey whether you agree with trump or not.
Actually....they were
There is no white supremacy in the USA in positions of power . Most of the corporations, Hollywood, the media are blatantly on the side of left-wing radicalism.

There is a lot of pro radical feminism, pro BLM and pro far left-wing ideology from Hollywood, corporations, and the media. I believe that they are engaging in this because it makes them a lot of money and it keeps working people especially young men, weak and feminized. Like with the George Floyd protests, which saw feminized white and black men holding hands doing a candlelight vigil for somebody who once held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach. It’s complete and utter insanity which most American blacks and whites don’t want to be a part of. It’s the media and Hollywood propping the stuff up.

There’s really not a push today for people to form labor unions(union jobs represent 10% of all the jobs in the country down from 35% in the 1960s), go on strike, stand up for traditional values like we had from our grandparents. And so the result of that is the fact that today the average 25-year-old is making $50,000 per year where 40 years ago the average 25-year-old was making 85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. What more needs to be said.

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