Trump's top black campaign surrogate says blacks were better off under Jim Crow

Do you agree with trump that blacks were better off under Jim Crow?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 13 92.9%

  • Total voters
I forgot…..HE AINT BLACK. :laughing0301: 🤡 🤡 🤡

Poor kids are just as talented as White kids.
You forgot these things too. ...We tell each other that if you support Trump, you ain't black. There are poor hispanic, Asians, and native Americans. They all vote majority Democrat. But we don't see al this bullshit done to them.
Blacks were not better under Jim Crow. They were just a better people during that period. One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
You forgot these things too. ...We tell each other that if you support Trump, you ain't black. There are poor hispanic, Asians, and native Americans. They all vote majority Democrat. But we don't see al this bullshit done to them.

A person of your age lying on an internet message board.


Get a life.
A person of your age lying on an internet message board.


Get a life.
You just continue making yourself look like an idiot. Every day you look at my picture on the left and you are so fucking stupid that you choose to believe it's fake. So keep on bellieving that, dumb white boy.
You just continue making yourself look like an idiot. Every day you look at my picture on the left and you are so fucking stupid that you choose to believe it's fake. So keep on bellieving that, dumb white boy.

Being a troll is so cool.
So does that mean whites were worse folks during Jim Crow? Why were we better? Because we had no rights.
You were a much better people. Black families were strong with proud black fathers. Why were you a better people? You had a quiet dignity in the face of the worst indignities. Blacks seldom got divorced. The children did well in school and were remarkable achievers. They had stable home lives that gave them room to blossom. Black neighborhoods in those days were always neat and clean. There were always flowers even if the flower was in a pot on a tenement windowsill.

Then the welfare state emerged and the government became the primary provider. Instead of building on the solid foundation they had, blacks threw the baby out with the bath water.
Wrong again. I deal in facts. Bigotry doesn't exist here. But the white racist will believe I'm a bigot for calling out his racism. That is because the white who is a racist has fooled themselves into believing their racism is some kind of truth no one wants to hear.

Sorry child, the fact that you're stuck in the past is no ones fault but yours. You need to join everyone else in the 21st century.

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., who was described in March by CNN as trump's most trusted advisor, and on the short VP list is out making sure that black voters clearly understand trump's attitude toward black voters. Mr Donalds said at an event that blacks were better off under Jim Crow. A quick unscientific survey of every black person I asked, seemed to disagree with Donald's remark. Whether blacks think they were better off of not doesn't really matter because trump's surrogate has made it clear what he thinks of the situation. Check the survey whether you agree with trump or not.
Desperate demofascist lies a LOT!
Now what years did all this occur in.

My dad grew up as a sharecropper, and they had to pay the company store each month. So the fact your family didn't is one advantage whites had. My dad fought in WW2, but unlike white soldiers he couldn't get the GI Bill. He was denied the guaranteed loans whites got to buy those houses your sister fixed up. My mom went to high school in Harlan County Kentucky. When she graduated High School as one of the top students in her class, she was not allowed to go to the closest college because they didn't allow blacks. So because she coudn't afford to go to the closest black college that was 2-300 miles away, she never went to colege. This was during Jim Crow, those great times where black families were strong according to that dumb ass Uncle Tom Donalds.

That was my aunt, not my sister, and what did you fail to understand about most of the folks she sold to were section 8 types. Also to my knowledge, none of my aunts or uncles completed high school, they had to work to survive. And only one of my uncles served in WWII. My dad got his GED at age 55, he had to have it to get promoted at his job. About 3 of my 30+ cousins managed to go to college.

From what you said, you managed to go to college, how did that happen if you were soooooooo much worse off?

So the Idea of Those States and Territory started with your birth? Interesting.

Hey moron, exactly where did I say that? You can run along and play your word games elsewhere.

Donalds is a coon and that is the only reason you are trying to make excuses for his idiotic remarks. I grew up at the back end of Jim Crow and I could give his dumb ass some lessons on living during that era.

You obviously have very little understanding of the English language.


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