Hey Republicans, Do You Really Want the Black Vote?

Go to Africa and get yours. Wait for it...OH SNAP!
I don't need to since I was born in America and what happened to me happened in America. Wait for it...Oh Snap! I laugh when one of you white boys try this one.
Watch what happens in November. You will learn reality then.

I'm guessing you are one of the "over fifty" crowd still stuck in the past and still sticking with the Democrats.

We're looking for the Black voters wanting a hand up, not a handout.

You just keep letting those Democrats string you along.

They'll be getting you those reparations aaaany day now.
I'm guessing you are one of the "over fifty" crowd still stuck in the past and still sticking with the Democrats.

We're looking for the Black voters wanting a hand up, not a handout.

You just keep letting those Democrats string you along.

They'll be getting you those reparations aaaany day now.
Just watch what happens in November.

I'm living in the present. MAGA is about being stuck in the past. YOU are looking to the black voter you can fool into giving you the ability to implememt your white supremacist agenda. Name one black person who is on a leadership position in your party. The head of the DNC is black. The top democrat in congress is black. Blacks are in leadership on committees in Congress. The VP is a black Democrat. The leaders of the Democratic party is a black man and his wife. Republicans have none of that, want none of that, want to erase civil rights and work to advocate for the rights for whites that they have not lost, yet you think you are going to get a bunch of black votes.

You might get some of the dumb yung Kanye West blacks, but the young black voter is someone like Jasmine Crockett, Jamal Bowman, Arianna Pressley, Cori Bush, Hakeem Jeffries, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. They ain't going to Trump. None of the young blacks here in this college town will be voting for Trump. Keep on believing white polls and don't get mad in November when it doesn't happen.

20 percent is not a big number son. Understand that.
What happened to you? Well lets see, you were born in the greatest most wealthy country that's ever existed and...?
A country made rich by the labor of my ancestors while your lazy shiftless ancestors sat on their asses.
Just watch what happens in November.

I'm living in the present. MAGA is about being stuck in the past. YOU are looking to the black voter you can fool into giving you the ability to implememt your white supremacist agenda. Name one black person who is on a leadership position in your party. The head of the DNC is black. The top democrat in congress is black. Blacks are in leadership on committees in Congress. The VP is a black Democrat. The leaders of the Democratic party is a black man and his wife. Republicans have none of that, want none of that, want to erase civil rights and work to advocate for the rights for whites that they have not lost, yet you think you are going to get a bunch of black votes.

You might get some of the dumb yung Kanye West blacks, but the young black voter is someone like Jasmine Crockett, Jamal Bowman, Arianna Pressley, Cori Bush, Hakeem Jeffries, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. They ain't going to Trump. None of the young blacks here in this college town will be voting for Trump. Keep on believing white polls and don't get mad in November when it doesn't happen.

20 percent is not a big number son. Understand that.
20% is NOT a number "son."
The head of the DNC is black. The top democrat in congress is black. Blacks are in leadership on committees in Congress. The VP is a black Democrat. The leaders of the Democratic party is a black man and his wife
You forgot the mayor's/judges/police chiefs of all major cities. Yet you claim y'all are being held back.
Seems to me those who YOU PUT IN POWER have done plenty to enrich their lives at your expense while doing nothing for YOU.
Just watch what happens in November.

I'm living in the present. MAGA is about being stuck in the past. YOU are looking to the black voter you can fool into giving you the ability to implememt your white supremacist agenda. Name one black person who is on a leadership position in your party. The head of the DNC is black. The top democrat in congress is black. Blacks are in leadership on committees in Congress. The VP is a black Democrat. The leaders of the Democratic party is a black man and his wife. Republicans have none of that, want none of that, want to erase civil rights and work to advocate for the rights for whites that they have not lost, yet you think you are going to get a bunch of black votes.

You might get some of the dumb yung Kanye West blacks, but the young black voter is someone like Jasmine Crockett, Jamal Bowman, Arianna Pressley, Cori Bush, Hakeem Jeffries, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. They ain't going to Trump. None of the young blacks here in this college town will be voting for Trump. Keep on believing white polls and don't get mad in November when it doesn't happen.

20 percent is not a big number son. Understand that.
MAGA is for America. Since you are an American it is good for you. Hitching your spurs to the Progressive Party has plateaued. The Progs had to enforce new lower standards or deny someone employment or positions due to it as to make the party look better. There is nothing wrong giving Republicans a chance. How you can want to be ruled by people in Europe the way you spew your views here I do not understand.
At the time of emancipation 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. This comment refers to the entire nation of America, not just the south. As a result of emancipation, Special Field Order 15 was issued. This was the infamous 40 acres and a mule reparations plan for the newly freed slaves. In July 1865, Circular 13 was issued authorizing the 40-acre plots of land to free blacks after slavery. These were Republican initiatives. Andrew Johnson cancelled these reparations and gave that land back to the former slaveowners. Republicans here keep talking about how Democrats were the party of slavery and Jim Crow, in order to try fooling backs into voting republican. But if Republicans really want to see the mass movement of blacks from the Democratic party to the Repubican party, REPARATIONS!

And don't give me all the usual bullshit. Whites were given land after slavery and in the last century whites recieved by one estimate at least 100 trillion dollars worth of government help. Other groups have received reparations for harm caused in the 1800's. Blacks have endured abuses after slavery including now.

For example, today, the Okahoma Supreme court rejected paying damages for the still living survivors of the Tulsa terrorist bombing that destroyed a very propserous black community that was never rebuilt. If Republicans want black support, work towards righting the wrongs that blacks have and continue to endure.

Oklahoma’s Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit from last 2 survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre seeking reparations​

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit of the last two survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, dampening the hope of advocates for racial justice that the government would make amends for one of the worst single acts of violence against Black people in U.S. history.

The nine-member court upheld the decision made by a district court judge in Tulsa last year, ruling that the plaintiff’s grievances, although legitimate, did not fall within the scope of the state’s public nuisance statute.

“We further hold that the plaintiff’s allegations do not sufficiently support a claim for unjust enrichment,” the court wrote in its decision.

I don't want your vote. You're where you belong
20 percent is not a big number son. Understand that.
20% is THE number.


You first.

Or can you not?
In case you haven't been following, my request was in the conversation myself and IM2 have been having...Is this you rushing to his defense? Or are you just a sock of IM2? Either way, I don't care....I'll answer anyway...

I think that America has come the farthest in terms of offering equal opportunities to blacks in history...Could individuals be better people in some situations? sure, but this boogeyman of systemic racism is a farce, fleecing Americans that have NOTHING to do with the fact that blacks choose to NOT advance....

You libs throw around the term 'racist' so much it really has little meaning anymore...But, yet that's all we hear from IM2. He's a one trick pony that has no thought other than grievance....What a horrible existence that must be...
Lets see, IO have an AA BA, an Masters from coleges that had not allowed backs in prior to the CRA. So have milions of others Therefore what has been squandered? What has really happened is the white backlash that you particopate in that allows you to make comments like this. AA was not reparations and whites benefitted the most from it.
Yes, yes....And I am a PhD scholar from Harvard....sure ....

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