Three black men slaughter a white mother in front of her 6-year-old child during a horrific carjacking…

Yet there is one in America that causes the entire country the most problems in a variety of ways and if they were to leave our nation would vastly improve overnight. And that group isn't white, Asian, or Indian.
The whites came over here and murdered the indian's, enslaved black people, treated asians like dogs--So tell us which is the worst race?
The whites came over here and murdered the indian's, enslaved black people, treated asians like dogs--So tell us which is the worst race?

Well first off back then every race was a slave to someone else. So this idea only white people enslaved people is false. Like white people enslaved in Barbary.

And who do you think white people bought black slaves from? Other blacks and Muslims that's who, white people didn't go to Africa and just scoop up blacks. They bought them from their own people.

Even indians practiced slavery among their own people before white people colonized the country. And even blacks owned other blacks as slaves in America with William Ellison being one of the most famous.

Now with that out of the way let's look at right now in America. White people gave up slavery a long time ago. Now we have DEI which allows companies to proudly display racist hiring practices where you can hire blacks while denying whites jobs. We have the bet channel which is a black tv station but no white based TV station. Blacks are never convicted of hate crimes. Blacks are promoted and coddled all the time meanwhile if whites do anything as white only they are condemned. Basically blacks have the advantage now.

In fact the blacks that live here now that are descendants of slaves should be thankful. Without their ancestors they would be born in the worst parts of Africa. But no, they were born here and even the crappiest ones in society still get a foot over their head, welfare and internet access for free. They live a life of luxury compared to ones back in Africa in a lot of places

But, as you can see blacks are the minority in America yet they cause the majority of crime and murder in a lot of cases. They promote and push racism alive in America instead of simply just acting like an average person. They have shockingly high single mothers raising kids. All inner cities have drug and gang violence that is almost entirely due to black criminals. They on average have low intelligence to the point schools lower grading standards so blacks don't look like the failures they are. Blacks have contributed very very very little to America as a whole as almost all of America's progress and innovations in industry, math, science, engineering, medicine, architecture, electrical, mechanical, aviation, aerospace, literature and so on is due to white people.

Not to mention despite everything else white people settled in America and took it from nothing to a major world super power in record time that became one of the freest countries in the world, one of the most powerful, rich and prosperous nations in the world. And people of all colors and backgrounds around the world can come here and be a part of this great nation, including blacks.

So yes, one race is overall in most cases better than the other.

But you're mind is only stuck on "white people bad because of slaves" and can't see the bigger picture.
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