Texas woman is arrested 'for trying to drown three year-old Palestinian girl in pool because toddler was Muslim'

What I found very distressing and depressing was the information that almost 400,000 Palestinians were involved in gathering data for the invasion for up to a year ahead of time.

So when Hamas finally did invade it was with the full knowledge and approval of the Palestinian people themselves.

This is a concept I'm having trouble grappling with. It's almost as if every single Palestinian is a Hamas enthusiast eager to spill the blood of anything that even looks Jewish.
my GRAPPLE problem is the hospitals that hosted terrorists and somehow DID NOT NOTICE that tunnels and accesses thereto were built under them. I have worked in large hospitals for my entire working life ----from age 18 to (NEVAH MIND!!!) There is NO WAY that crap could go on in a hospital unnoticed and not accepted. The ENTIRE GAZAN UMMAH was in on it and still is.----doctors are guilty
of October 7, 2023. UN employees etc carry the GUILT FOR EVERY DEATH on both sides
Some of the Jews itt openly hate Muslims

Im Catholic and I love all including Jews. What a huge difference it’s noticeable in threads like this.

Jesus warned us of those who hate
Some of the Jews itt openly hate Muslims

Im Catholic and I love all including Jews. What a huge difference it’s noticeable in threads like this.

Jesus warned us of those who hate
I am a jew. My family moved to a little house in a town that was founded pre-revolutionary war because mom gave birth to number 4 and 5---twin boys---the tiny garden apartment just did not do it. My parents were entirely secular---but at
age five I learned that I am a JEW----because the girls that wore plaid uniforms and went to Catholic school let me know that I KILLED JESUS. they threw rocks at me. Even my next door neighbor let me know "if the jews had not killed jesus--he would still be alive" You missed out on lots. For the record----I attended Sunday school by invitation of the mother of the girl that assured me that Jesus would still be alive had the jews not killed him. By 8 I came to the conclusion that people do not live 2000 years
Like all the Muslim doctors, surgeons, and engineers?
It was muslim Doctors and surgeons and a few engineers from whom I learned just what muslim kids are taught by their parents, schools and mosques----way back in the 1960s. It was scary then and still is
Some of the Jews itt openly hate Muslims

Im Catholic and I love all including Jews. What a huge difference it’s noticeable in threads like this.

Jesus warned us of those who hate
Jesus spoke only to jews-----read the book again. I promise not to let your catechism nun know that you
"love" jews
Do you have enough information on this case to KNOW--that someone tried to drown a 3 year old in a public swimming pool? video? witnesses? So far all I found was an allegation, an arrest for public intoxication and a story by CAIR and then a charge of "attempted murder" Be patient.
CAIR made it up. The took an incident and colored it all outside the lines.
AS USUAL......spinning this into something it more than likely IS NOT, just so they can scream "racist" on every line!!!

Euless, Tx is a human trash city for sure, but people don't go and pick fights around there unless PROVOKED. And the Muslims in Irving, Tx and HEB Texas (Hurst, Euless, Bedford) are EXTREMELY VIOLENT AND DEADLY!

Which leads me to.........WHERE ARE THE MISSING FACTS? As usual, no facts but LOTS of racist fingerpointing.
The so-called "police" NEVER do anything about these psychotic Muslims around these areas.
They SPEED thru stop signs, red lights, school zones, hospital zones, etc.....as well as speed at EXTREMELY DEADLY speeds down residential and heavily trafficked streets....and the "police" will NOT do anything to them!!! They LITERALLY get away with murder, and hitting pedestrians that have the right of way!!!!

They also have a HUGE Muslim temple in Irving, Tx right next to DFW International Airport!
It is said to be big enough to house an army.
I've also been told that women are told to do what they can in order to have MALE children, and not females.

In fact, I can literally take you around the entire DFW metro area and show you ALL the Muslim temples that happen to be located right across the street or next to VERY important city, state, or government properties.

One in Carrollton, Tx is directly across the street from a city water processing plant.
One in Plano, Tx is right next to a railroad and power grid station.
One in North Dallas is down the block from TI, who makes electrionic devices for the government.
One in South Dallas within blocks of downtown Dallas and 4 major freeways.
Etc, etc, etc.......

Coincidence? One or two, possibly.

ALL of them? No. This is PLANNED.

If we don't do it to them, they will certainly do it to us.
I am a jew. My family moved to a little house in a town that was founded pre-revolutionary war because mom gave birth to number 4 and 5---twin boys---the tiny garden apartment just did not do it. My parents were entirely secular---but at
age five I learned that I am a JEW----because the girls that wore plaid uniforms and went to Catholic school let me know that I KILLED JESUS. they threw rocks at me. Even my next door neighbor let me know "if the jews had not killed jesus--he would still be alive" You missed out on lots. For the record----I attended Sunday school by invitation of the mother of the girl that assured me that Jesus would still be alive had the jews not killed him. By 8 I came to the conclusion that people do not live 2000 years
My mother was a Jew, but religiously secular. That makes me a Jew. I went to public school. We said the Lord's Prayer twice a day. I asked "If you are a Jew and I am a Jew, do I have to say a Christian prayer"? My mother said, "Say the prayer. It can't hurt. "
Almost a hundred people shot in Chicago over the weekend isn't news. What the media focuses on is a couple of Islamic kids attacked by a crazy babe in Florida. Go figure
My mother was a Jew, but religiously secular. That makes me a Jew. I went to public school. We said the Lord's Prayer twice a day. I asked "If you are a Jew and I am a Jew, do I have to say a Christian prayer"? My mother said, "Say the prayer. It can't hurt. "
twice a day? gee. several years ago I noticed that
a friend of mine who told me she was born in Iran---jewish had a keychain with a little charm printed with
"the lord's prayer" in english and hebrew. She was religious----so I asked ---do you know that you are carrying a christian prayer. She looked at it---read it and said---"no it's a jewish prayer" "A very nice lady
gave it to me in Ben Gurion Airport"----It is a nice prayer and very consistent with judaism----after all----historically it was supposedly authored by a jew
Pretty horrible, eh? Actually tried to drown children.
Triggered by a Hijab~
I imagine a few of you think this was ok.

A white Texas woman has been arrested after she allegedly attempted to drown a Palestinian toddler in a community pool after attacking the child's mother with racist abuse.

Elizabeth Wolf, 42, was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child on May 19 by the Euless Police Department.

The accused reportedly approached a hijab-wearing Muslim woman identified as Mrs. H at an apartment complex pool and began making racist comments.
Officials said that Wolf also began demanding to know where Mrs. H's family was from and if the two children in the pool were hers.
After a few minutes, the accused allegedly jumped into the pool and began to pull Mrs. H's six-year-old son and three-year-old daughter to the deeper end.
'Wolf tried to grab (the mother's) six-year-old son but he pulled away from her grasp, which caused a scratch on his finger.
'The mother began helping her son when Wolf grabbed her three-year-old daughter and forced her underwater. The mother was able to pull her daughter from the water.
'Her daughter had been yelling for help and was coughing up water,' Euless police said.
Mrs. H also told CAIR that Wolf had allegedly snatched her hijab off her head and began beating and kicking her, preventing her from reaching her daughter as the suspect held her head under water.

The Euless Police Department later said that Wolf had posted bail out of Tarrant County Jail.

'The bond for the Attempted Capital Murder charge was $25,000. The bond for the Injury to a Child charge was $15,000,' Captain Brenda Alvarado said.
.Wolf is a Jewish woman. The woman whose child Wolfe tried to drown is Palestinian. I wish they'd leave their feuds in the ME.
twice a day? gee. several years ago I noticed that
a friend of mine who told me she was born in Iran---jewish had a keychain with a little charm printed with
"the lord's prayer" in english and hebrew. She was religious----so I asked ---do you know that you are carrying a christian prayer. She looked at it---read it and said---"no it's a jewish prayer" "A very nice lady
gave it to me in Ben Gurion Airport"----It is a nice prayer and very consistent with judaism----after all----historically it was supposedly authored by a jew
Yes. In the morning when we came in and after lunch. We said the Pledge of Allegiance only in the morning.

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