Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

i. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 220502 {post•00001}. BackAgain May’22 Srvwgo: But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end. bckvgn 220502 Srvwgo00001

Supreme Court said unconstitutional. I'll go with that
The USSC did not say slaughtering unborn innocent life is unconstitutional - They basically said Confederate white Christian nationalist states do not have to license doctors and medical practices to perform a safe procedure on religious grounds that it might anger the Gods if they allow it in the state.

It has nothing to do with stopping the slaughter of innocent unborn life as a practical matter gas
Roe v Wade would have never been overturned if religious zealots did not push the Republican Party to use the white Christian baby fetus culture war as an attraction for the evangelical vote in order to demonize and dehumanize the Democrats as baby killers for the past fifty years.

The Dem response made her debut last Sunday.

Trump and Dobbs and six Catholics on the USSC are much of the big news of every day that goes by..

This is great place to record it
Roe v. Wade should never have been decided at all.

Finally overruling it took too long. But now it’s a state law matter, not a federal law matter.
Terminating one’s own pregnancy is a Constitutional Right in Ohio on the same terms as Roe V Wade. Dobbs did not declare RVW UNCONSTITUTIONAL - That is impossible to make that argument rationally.
The right of the state to make abortion laws was returned to the States.

What Dobbs did was to overrule Roe v. Wade. That means it is no longer Constitutional law. 👍

So, maybe concentrate on denying things I actually said. And try to make sense about the topics on which you post — for a refreshing change of pace.
Of course you don't know, you think fooledby is making sense when we both know he's just an anti-christian zealot.
I have never accused that idiot of making sense.

He is a religious bigot for sure.

I suspect you have misread or misunderstood what I have posted.
I have never accused that idiot of making sense.

He is a religious bigot for sure.

I suspect you have misread or misunderstood what I have posted.
I suspect you have misread or misunderstood what I posted also. Fooledby has definitely run his course with me on here. He has been reduced to arguing with himself. He is a typical left-wing bigot.

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