First year after Roe v Wade overturned: Abortions reach a 10 year HIGH.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

All I know is abortions are cool as fuck in all blue shitholes…I hope they quadruple next year.
One could also note how overturning RvW did absolutely nothing to curtail abortions.
One could also note how overturning RvW did absolutely nothing to curtail abortions.
That wasn't the goal in most instances. The whole issue was about returning the choice closer to the people in the states. I am pro-life but I would never demand that millions of other Americans be deprived of their own choice in the matter.
That wasn't the goal in most instances. The whole issue was about returning the choice closer to the people in the states. I am pro-life but I would never demand that millions of other Americans be deprived of their own choice in the matter.

Many pretend it is about that.
It sounds like fat, lazy sluts are doing just fine after the SCOTUS decision. :cool:

abortion 74.png
Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

Yeah the only thing the supreme Court did was rid itself of a morals and ethics decision that it had no business making in the first.
place. Life ethics such as they are strictly a local policy jurisdiction. If you ask me even the states shouldn't have statewide policies but leave it up to each county to decide whether or not they will be vested in pro-life or pro-abortion efforts.

The screamers were a large groups of people had grown fat
and happy on government handouts provided by legislation that was founded on the original roe v Wade decision. An entire illegitimate industry was formed around it.
Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

one thing that i have learned about any "conservative" so,lution id that the problems they claim to solve het worse.

the drug war is still the best example of laws having the opposite effect of popularizing the behavior they claim to want to stop, , but at least this one has a silver lining of population control.

congrats to the supreme court for that one.
All I know is abortions are cool as fuck in all blue shitholes…I hope they quadruple next year.
At this pace they might very well go up to 400%. It's really odd considering all of the pregnancy prevention methods that are out there these days to see a proliferation of pregnancies followed by a proliferational abortions. It's almost like some heinously perverse hobby for the people doing it constantly. Then again fetal parts bring a premium price in the research market so maybe it's a money thing.
The same can be said for liberal solutions.
i don't deny that, but we already have drugs and abortion on the table, any specific examples of dem's ignoring simple child psychology?

i'll add that when the oppressed people of latin america hear conservatives talk endlessly about "open borders" some may seek to cross said borders.
Yeah the only thing the supreme Court did was rid itself of a morals and ethics decision that it had no business making in the first.
place. Life ethics such as they are strictly a local policy jurisdiction. If you ask me even the states shouldn't have statewide policies but leave it up to each county to decide whether or not they will be vested in pro-life or pro-abortion efforts.

The screamers were a large groups of people had grown fat
and happy on government handouts provided by legislation that was founded on the original roe v Wade decision. An entire illegitimate industry was formed around it.
Another large contingent of pro-abortionists is older White women who have been manipulated into thinking that overturning Roe v Wade took away their "rights". The abortion data proves otherwise.
Another large contingent of pro-abortionists is older White women who have been manipulated into thinking that overturning Roe v Wade took away their "rights". The abortion data proves otherwise.
have you seen the data on gun confiscation? people are saying that we are taking away those rights but that data proves otherwise as well. (and makes my point that banning anything, from prohibition to abortion, is nothing more than "virtue signaling" and a demonstration that individuals have no rights
Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

An idiotic talking point, of course.

What matters is the number of women denied abortions.

This is low IQ garbage.

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